The Worst Pokemon Designs of Every Generation

The Worst Pokemon Designs of Every Generation


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@ChristopherBeytiaFrentzel - 07.02.2024 01:40

Here to problaim myself as an avid palpitoad fan

@Azel_C - 05.02.2024 04:45

The reason why golem looks so out of place is because it's supposed to be a shelmet-karrablast situation. When you trade graveler it gains the face of machoke, and machamp gets the four arms of graveler.

@emilysmite9356 - 02.02.2024 03:47

Truly can't believe this man defends a pair of keys and an ice cream cone -_-

@bananashoplifter3440 - 29.01.2024 16:22

OG Jynx did nothin' wrong

@hellodarkness5644 - 28.01.2024 02:18

This is the first video we're in I've disagreed with the entire assessment. Super biased

@octopodesia3317 - 28.01.2024 00:26

I think I am the only person I've ever met who genuinely likes (and has used) luminion. Sure it's a basic fish....but its a basic fish that glows. I would love to have a tank full of them in my room

@yeojin9642 - 27.01.2024 06:38

i assume that if you hate aromatisse you just hate women idk

@G2Quiznos025 - 24.01.2024 04:22

Can't explain why, but the Skwakabilly Redesign feels like an Ash Pokemon if we saw his journey through Paldea.

@isabellegendron-thibault9076 - 22.01.2024 20:55

Tangela 😊❤

@supersimgaming2724 - 22.01.2024 01:32

why does every pokemon i like have bad designs...

@kathrynwoodruff354 - 21.01.2024 22:02

Did you notice Klang technically has two faces? The bigger gear has a gear for a nose and two dots for eyes and a white mouth frowning. I just kind of weirdly just noticed that in this video.

@javiergomez7912 - 21.01.2024 20:00

Bruxish is a queen

@marcouscous527 - 21.01.2024 14:00

I dont think boltund is a bad design but it is the worst designed pokemon when you consider we already have an electric dog pokemon and there’s absolutely nothing that differentiates in any meaningful way. Not design or lore wise

@utatanepiko7087 - 21.01.2024 12:12

I have a soft spot for Pawmot because mines swept through Grusha's gym both times with Low Sweep (including the Frosmoth) and further proves my point that Gamefreak needs to stop making the ice type gym leader the 7th or 8th gym leader in their games and its really pissing me off
But also, my friend brought in another field type Pokemon in my picnic (it was a Crocalor) and he got a free little Pawmi out of it. We trade him around a couple of times like we have custody of him

@-_Doomisia11_- - 20.01.2024 01:48

What would I do if I had all Pokemon files on ny pc and could do anything with them AND It would affect the games?
Cuetly deletes all Mr.Mime files not caring about my shiny one in Pokemon go

@NecromancyForKids - 19.01.2024 10:37

Nah bro, Tangela looks great. It has all the details it needs without going overboard. As for Tympole, yeah, that is how frogs are. They start as tadpoles then "look like they're between a tadpole and a frog" before becoming a frog. So if you saw that in its design, it is working perfectly. Aromatisse is one of my favorite designs, and I think it's the opposite here were you say it isn't using its personality. I think you just want it to have a different personality than it already does. I think you gave a pass to Pokemon for things that you admonished others for earlier on very flimsy basis, like Pidove getting a pass for just being a cartoon dove because "it has a heart on its chest".

@dsburton - 19.01.2024 00:25

I love Krabby because of its cute proportions, and design and I believe that krabby is more so meant to represent the smaller and simpler creatures in the Pokémon world, while still giving them personality. but I think that may be mainly because of ash’s krabby in the anime. I know it’s just a crab, but it has some personality to me and it’s cute and nostalgic and I’m biased 😂 also PALPITOAD IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE POKÉMON. I LOVE THE WHOLE LINE. I also really like crabominable, his concept is brilliant and well designed to me

@rE41L - 18.01.2024 17:46

Coromon has the best pokemon design and mechanics to.

@lucgoose6656 - 18.01.2024 03:48

I find palpitoad adorable but thank you for defending the ultra beasts! They get way too much hate

@bluecannibaleyes - 17.01.2024 21:57

Honestly, I disagree about Jynx. It actually DOES look like all things it was inspired by. The only reason people hate on it is due to a wild misinterpretation of its design. The western audience wasn’t familiar with what the things it was based on, so they instead erroneously saw it as something it wasn’t and in typical fashion, instantly proceeded to get offended over nothing. The whole ‘controversy’ around it was always retárded.

@pseudorider050 - 17.01.2024 20:41

I can defend Eternatus a little since he's supposedly an alien pokemon and I'd have put Pawmo on here over Pawmot cuz you can easily cut Pawmo and the evo would have been just fine

@lerdog - 16.01.2024 21:27

Flamigo is not just a cartoon flamingo. Its body is literally a boxing glove.

@somethingsomething6171 - 15.01.2024 19:10

In all honesty I love Mr mime. I know it dosent really look like a pokemon and is kinda creepy, but I feel like it would be a really good friend. Like it would paint my nails and help me make flash cards or something.

@allgreatfictions - 15.01.2024 10:35

The main problem I have with Gen 5 is that pretty much the entire dex stands on the shoulders of Gen 1. It's just repetitive designs that are slightly better than the originals, but because of that, none of them are original. I think Bouffalant looks great, but it's just a redesign of Tauros. I think Trubbish and Garbodor, on their own, are great designs, but we already had Grimer and Muk. Yes, Pidove is cute as fuck, but it's literally just grey Pidgey. At least Unfezant hits a very different personality type than Pidgeot.

Sawk and Throh are the Hitmons but worse. Blitzle and Zebstrika are just Electric type Ponyta and Rapidash. There's a Zubat clone, a Geodude clone, and even a Sandshrew/slash clone. You mentioned Palpitoad being kind of crappy design, and look at Poliwhirl. Poliwhirl and Poliwrath are the exact same pokemon, but Poliwhirl lacks the fighting type and angry eyes. Palpitoad is that exact same thing. It adds nothing to its line's story.

Gen 5 is the least original gen for pokemon designs, and that makes it the most offensive gen to me, even though I really like some of the additions.

If they'd added most of those designs across a few generations, I wouldn't have minded, but they specifically set out to reset the series (including the Route 1 reset, etc), and instead of resetting to find the magic again, they just... remade gen 1 with a better story. Both earlier and later generations have some truly original designs. Toucannon, Talonflame, and Corviknight are all really cool regional birds. Hoenn had some of the coolest biodiversity of any region. Galar gave us Appletun. Gen 5 just gave us "Voltorb, but it's a mushroom", and "Magnemite, but it's gears", and "the legendary birds, but it's three of the same guy". There's almost no design in Gen 5 that I look at, no matter how much I love it, without thinking of its counterparts in Gen 1.

@fancykingkirby - 15.01.2024 01:15

Quagsire. Unironically one of my least favorite Pokemon

@Kardfogu - 14.01.2024 11:02

The moment this guy start the entire video with picking up on Pidgey, I felt a strong disturbance in the force. It's going to be one of those guys...
Then I jumped to gen 7 just to see and:
"Ultra Beasts are not badly designed!"
Yeah, guy has no clue about anything. The ultra beasts are the prime example of awful overblown design, things that don't belong to pokemon. They are not pokemon, they are bootleg low quality digimon-wannabes. It's literally taught in art schools how to avoid making art that has way too much senseless exaggeration such as these.

Anyone and I say literally anyone with any basic experience at art can tell ultra beasts are a collection of mistakes and errors, it takes a special kind of charlatan to approve them.

Edit: reading through the comments this charlatan has decided to call every single pokemon he doesn't understand a bad design and the list is basically all pokemon. He just, simply, doesn't get any of them, lacks any sort of knowledge that is a required context or the ability to read Bulbapedia before trying to "roast" some of the best pokemon designs in the game.

@LBerti96 - 12.01.2024 21:36

Kanto doesn’t have bad designs, otherwise this is a solid list with reasonable arguments!

@ReecyReemz - 08.01.2024 00:53

I’m not mad that Ambipom made the list, I’m just glad he got some attention

@annamcdowell4500 - 06.01.2024 19:53

See, I like Crabominable. The issue I have with it is that I don't think it's a good continuation of Crabrawler it feels like there's a third stage missing, but that's possibly because of how the previous crab lines were done without massive changes from the start/end

@RoflCannon6 - 04.01.2024 21:50

I would like to point out that Gen 5 takes up the most amount of time. This is why I believe Gen 5 to have the ugliest Pokemon. You literally had to make an argument to explain why they aren’t ugly. If they truly weren’t hideous, you wouldn’t even need an argument, people would be able to tell just by looking at them.

@andrewhermann9540 - 02.01.2024 22:13

Kling ,klang and klingklang is one of my favorites

@Bluejay-jg6hz - 02.01.2024 20:38

I will always stand by Pawmot should've been the mid evolution it's a good progression from Pawmi to Pawmot to a different third evolution maybe leaning more towards being fierce as it's the first fighting electric type. Nothing about Pawmot screams fighting type at all. Maybe something with more battle capable proportions would've looked nice I don't wanna jump tp Lucario or Zeraora in nature but look at Zeraora and tell me that doesn't look like Fighting Electric.

@saadsheikh836 - 30.12.2023 09:07

I love all Pokémon styles. I don’t ever have any problems with Pokémon designs. Of course some are better than others, but I still love all of them.

@FR3SH180 - 28.12.2023 10:54

slurpuff is awesome

@mrthomas_19218 - 26.12.2023 01:22

im glad others hate the pawmot as much as I do lol

@thephantomwolf1002 - 24.12.2023 09:39

"it looks like a gremlin Neopet"

Me, checking my Neopets with this video playing in the background:

@thexcrafter9775 - 20.12.2023 01:05

people just want sexualized pokemon ngl

@implozia1360 - 20.12.2023 00:28

Unironically I like Aromatisse. I had no idea that they where based on so many ideas besides can can dancer. I can't explain why I like them either. I guess I like that they aren't as overtly and intensely feminine and just slightly more innocent looking in at least it's expression unlike say Hattrene.

@malaven11 - 17.12.2023 20:21

Eternatus is both a digital virus and a virus that affects biological creatures. It can't go away. It is eternal.

@limeknight74 - 16.12.2023 17:09

I actually really like the Pokemon Sawk

@Cornbread33y - 15.12.2023 18:15

I could be wrong and someone let me know if i am. But im surprised i haven't come across a pokemon or even fakemon that has clothes and their excuse is just "they're man-made and thus were all given clothes". It'd work lmao

@jadawellman1562 - 15.12.2023 05:17

this whole time i thought the “eyes” on the side of bellibilts head were the actual eyes and the “nose” was the eyes….

@tiagosilva171 - 14.12.2023 17:55

I would not include generation 1 bc I understand they are basic and look like real animals but thats exactly the reason that Pokémon got so famous, made you feel like they were real and they could not start with 100 random monsters pretending to be keys, sandcastles or tea cups lmao....well except Jynx 💀

@zekrom2359 - 13.12.2023 06:54

how many attempts was it to say bruxish's basis animal? cause how tf are you able to say that in one breath?

@OliviaKawaiiArts - 09.12.2023 20:50

Klang does a face on its bigger gear
