Andre von Houck: Fidget: Let's rethink UI development with Nim (NimConf 2020)

Andre von Houck: Fidget: Let's rethink UI development with Nim (NimConf 2020)

Nim Programming Language

4 года назад

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@bobweiram6321 - 26.05.2023 03:35

This guy has me sold! Finally, someone who gets it. The vast majority of GUI libraries suck badly. Unfortunately, there's a good reason for it.

First, there are major layout differences. On a MacOS dialog box, for instance, the "OK' button is always to the right and "Cancel" is on the left, whereas on Windows they buttons are swapped. The user will either account for it with a separate layout, or ignore it. There are tons of other differences, including how MacOS uses a single menubar for all windows while Windows has a menubar for each one.

Second, there are differences in geometries. Using absolute coordinates and dimensions will not work, since the aspect ratios and dpi varies across platforms. In the demo, Fidget happened to pick neat simple layouts, but the majority of UIs are considerably more complex.

Fidget is bold and interesting, but its design is based on some naive assumptions. Google's flutter solved these issues by bypassing the native UI drawing and rerendering it to look as accurate as possible.

@DavidKonsumer - 10.04.2023 23:41

You are really onto something good. Great work!

@a0um - 09.12.2022 02:17

I had a look at Kivy, a Python cross platform GUI framework with good support (AFAIR) for games. I think this is a very compelling alternative.

@TechnologyBudda - 02.09.2022 05:49

Nim is underrated only because languages like Rust have a cult following. Case in point, Rust libraries are almost all rewrites of existing things claimed to be done better.

@AndreaTelatin - 23.11.2021 13:31

There's a lot of potential here for Nim! Wow!

@thegeniusfool - 11.11.2021 11:49

You deserve to breathe a little, since you have created a great tool.

@SianaGearz - 14.10.2021 19:11

Basing the main UI library of an ecosystem (programming language or a bigger software piece) on a proprietary SAAS editor that can become inaccessible at any moment - go bankrupt, go offline due to a technical fault, price itself out of availability - seems exceptionally short sighted.

@leocrapart6521 - 07.09.2021 14:51

Amazing !

@josiasaurel7376 - 16.06.2021 03:33

This thing is just brillant and cool. Great!

@chinpokomon_ - 09.04.2021 00:51

your passion for is strikes me so hard. GJ, but please do sleep sometimes

@overloadEnding - 09.02.2021 02:29

Congrats, you re-invented RAD programming from 90' 🤣

@ArielIvanRuizMateos - 02.01.2021 21:30

this is just perfect! good work! and keep going please!

@thysultan - 31.12.2020 16:31

I like that it ships a draw to html canvas option. nice

@digitalspecter - 10.12.2020 23:10

Walled garden used to have quite a different meaning.. I don't think I've ever heard Linux described as such =)

@slier81 - 08.12.2020 12:51

ui programming is literally a complete disaster

@nourabdou4118 - 28.11.2020 03:48


@robertbrandner - 25.11.2020 11:35

I hope this will all work out as you want it to. Everyone wants a simple UI framework but over time and more and more feature requests, they all tend to become more and more complex.

@BentRasmussen - 08.11.2020 05:05

Awesome presentstion and library. :-)

@tedlava - 06.11.2020 05:37

Looks like Figma is only on Windows and Mac though. What about Linux users?

@jakubzika6367 - 01.11.2020 08:28

I am trying NIM after some time with Clojure(script) + re-frame and this seems like a great project to start with, thanks.

@tigerstallion - 15.10.2020 20:26

am i correct its $45/mo per person to use Figma with Plugins/Fidget? this would be a lot cooler with open source.

@iLLt0m - 04.10.2020 05:53

I climaxed

@douglascrowder - 02.09.2020 01:58

I can't wait to try this tonight!

@senthilramalingam9500 - 29.08.2020 07:06

Wow...It will change the UX/UI world...

@sascha7345 - 18.08.2020 10:47

Awesome Project!

@matthiasschuster9505 - 09.07.2020 18:04

So, since Figma is closed source, I rely on closed source software? QML already offers an editor very comparable to Figma, just open source and it already exports QML code, for years.

@matthiasschuster9505 - 09.07.2020 17:50

Qt? Qml? What is about them?

@TB-tv2zf - 06.07.2020 12:03

This is fantastic, keep it up

@pkphilips2 - 03.07.2020 15:51

Andre, thank you for the presentation. Also, love your energy and passion for this. One thought though - is there a possibility of developing this such that there is a concept of components which can draw itself, which can have event handlers which can be overridden etc? A possible use case for this: Say, you have a dropdown control with a "ondropdown" event which can be overridden to fetch the list at runtime based on the entry in another field.

@dnameisbondjamesbond - 25.06.2020 19:33

Hell yeah!

@ChrisWatson1993 - 25.06.2020 09:40

This is the most beautiful thing I've seen all year

@leonlysak4927 - 25.06.2020 09:25

Holy shit this is good

@sdm6117 - 23.06.2020 02:51

Nice work!

@MichalKottman - 21.06.2020 21:24

"Dear ImGui" says hi! 🙂

@elliotwaite - 21.06.2020 06:04

Brilliant! I've been looking for something like this. The best cross-platform solution I've found so far is Flutter, but it has always felt clunky. This seems like it could offer many of the benefits that Flutter does, but be way more fun to use. I love the minimalistic imperative style. Also, making it easy to use Figma for design seems like a really smart idea. I really think you're onto something here. Looking forward to future developments.

@nnsmile - 21.06.2020 01:12

Nice job!
