10 Combat tips in Elite Dangerous

10 Combat tips in Elite Dangerous


3 года назад

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Ezio Wayne
Ezio Wayne - 16.03.2023 22:12

You suck at explaining

Leaf - 26.09.2022 12:17

this channel sucks good god

Micah Jones
Micah Jones - 12.06.2022 07:11

I run an eagle maxed for manouverability and two rail guns. Guess im weird. Im also only rank competent so whatever

nFa peng
nFa peng - 09.04.2022 08:27

Im new to this game, but im surprised they don't got viable small ships. Or 1 that you can buy thats totally outrageous. Like i said im a new player, but I im hoping by the time i get totally tired of the game. They still have some kind of newer content coming out. Cause i really like this game, just traveling around I enjoy on top of everything else.

Screwtxpe - 01.02.2022 16:43

Appreciate the Videos Yamiks..im about to try combat for ths first time shotrly..ive shyed away from but cant be the space han solo without it lol. Cheers bro

Michael Myers
Michael Myers - 26.01.2022 22:56

I would lay on my stomach and let this man take me from behind!

Mr. H
Mr. H - 04.01.2022 19:30

About as helpful as a kick in the bollocks. And my god could your voice be any more annoying?

CreeperDude0509 - 02.01.2022 18:29

Ehh, point defenses can help eat missiles
Unless they are packhounds

BRANSONTAYS - 21.11.2021 01:41

Killing cyclops in a sidewinder. Your a god.😁😁😁😁

IHateLootboxes - 19.11.2021 20:44

11 - You can ram to death any npc spaceship without starting a fight;)
One/Two "shooting" small ship pirates
* Just be sure to have bigger ship than the enemy

Raven quinn
Raven quinn - 11.11.2021 12:44

"if you run capacity builds youre limited to energy efficient weapons"
me in my fdl laughing maniacally with 4 railguns of pain and a plasma accelerator of doom while my temp spikes 180


dd pp
dd pp - 10.08.2021 13:01

Thanks for the broke back tips

K4IMAN - 15.06.2021 02:40

As an Eagle fan I am deeply sad that small ships aren't really viable against big ones in this game..... those 3 pathetic class 1 hardpoint slots........

T. W.
T. W. - 14.06.2021 12:04

Combat is not rewarding financially?! Take a T10, slightly engineered for long range lasers. Take a SLF with a decent pilot. Put some cargo on your T10. Park it in a low resource extraction site after loading up on wing massacre missions from the surrounding systems. Be AFK and have your T10 earn hundreds of millions in a single night. There's probably no other method to rake in space cash at a rate like this.

Andy Davies
Andy Davies - 06.06.2021 05:39

assassination missions pay ok now and they are valid for just under a day - i usually stack 20 at a time

Keln - 26.05.2021 14:20

G600m team
It's a discontinued series.

SeanyKrabs - 10.05.2021 07:31

I've been fighting the same ship for 30 minutes. It takes forever to get it's shield down, and I barely do any damage to it

The Man On The Mountain
The Man On The Mountain - 27.04.2021 21:29

What does "meta" mean?. Please help.

paul spencer
paul spencer - 27.04.2021 13:09

The biggest tip I learned recently is if someone uses stuff to cause you too loose gimble lock, just unlock the target and shoot them like fixed guns :)

Marcel Piskor
Marcel Piskor - 21.04.2021 16:48

Idk, i sometimes get like 4million mission for one kill without a need to even interact with the hub acces terminal so there are missions where you can make nice profit

Protoka - 21.03.2021 09:34

Hey now, Assassination missions are great to roleplay as a bounty hunter.

IronArrow - 13.03.2021 11:03

Now that I know your face, it can't be the same...

Ryan Phillips
Ryan Phillips - 13.03.2021 08:53

Love the humor, you crack me up, thanks for the tips, I'm piped up for Shields 😁

Daniele Liprandi
Daniele Liprandi - 12.03.2021 17:42


Juliano T.
Juliano T. - 10.03.2021 07:50

My first battle consisted of me getting pelted with rockets in a mining python

swapertxking - 09.03.2021 02:04

11. Kill warrant scanner! If you go bounty hunting in a wing and you want everyone to make maximum money, sniffing a target with the KWS will work for all wing members. You get full bounty for the system your in plus any additional bounties on that target. It’s exceptional cash when you meander a resource extraction site hazardous for an hour and sniff the wanted pirates before gunning them down. You can make millions of creds in a single jaunt against medium and large ships...

Dalkra99 - 03.03.2021 13:17

You say not to do assassination missions but I’ve had two that I have done that led to sub contracts worth at least 1.5 mil and more. I know it’s not a lot but for me just starting off that’s a decent amount of cash.

Wickermind - 22.02.2021 16:24

"If you pick anything that is not a Fer-de-Lance or a Cutter-"

But what about the vul-

Flying Scorpion
Flying Scorpion - 21.02.2021 08:52

This was probably one of the most helpful videos for me. After reading the comments I am surprised how nitpicky the commentors are. Anyway thanks for this vid!

Flying Scorpion
Flying Scorpion - 21.02.2021 07:17

The cutter is a PVP meta ship? I didn't know that.

NightOwl Games
NightOwl Games - 12.02.2021 04:35

i tried assasination missions in my bounty corvette it handles high res and hazardous sites pretty well so i was confident i could do assasination missions i tried it and got my ass handed to me, pulled the bounty outta supercruise then i realized he wasnt alone there was 4 ships i got messed up BIG TIME cost me 30 million to get my ship back.... never again! i NEED a wing for that crazy to think i risked all that money to try earn a million for the job NOT worth it!

Youda008 - 03.02.2021 23:00

I'm having a dilema about a button bindings. Does it make sense to shoot only primary or only secondary weapon separately, or you always just shoot all together?

Viktor Gavorn
Viktor Gavorn - 02.02.2021 19:49

I do enjoy using loadouts and engineering to make useless ships useable. The asp scout is... the hardest yet. But I REALLY wanna get my hands on a cobra mk4... lol probably never will tho...

Eevee Nation Gaming!
Eevee Nation Gaming! - 26.01.2021 10:05

And suddenly Combat is how we make money now

Jerry Barnette
Jerry Barnette - 23.01.2021 21:06

This game just isn’t fun everyone using the same ship and build

1zanneth - 23.01.2021 00:19

i coulda swore the passives for pips was something like 40% extra damage reduction to shields and 40% extra damage from weapons with 4 points, did this get changed at some point long ago or did i missread something 3 years ago?

Gorkdork - 17.01.2021 00:58

well the first tip didn't age well. Assassination missions pay decent money, that 1h window is mostly gone, your targets will often come to you. Only issue is if you take like 10 of them, you might find yourself fighting a lot of targets at the same time as they are going for you. And kills count towards pirate massacres missions. Also they boosted bounties rewards recently.

Wrathfuljim - 15.01.2021 09:48

You are making little sense with the shield segment....high effective shield is what you need in PVE, the more value one point of your shield has the better. Good luck recharging 8k shield with shield cell banks and regen.

Neil Hart
Neil Hart - 15.01.2021 07:01

Krait Mk II, five frag cannons, double shot upgrade. You can one shot most small and medium ships that are below elite. And big ships you can stick to so they don't stand a chance. Only requires 0-1 pips to weapons and save the rest for shields and engines. It's a res site murder machine.

Joe Dollar Biden
Joe Dollar Biden - 12.01.2021 00:39

Oh well assassination, massacre, obliteration, mayhem and carnage missions are fixed
The solo carnage pays about same with wing missions and massacre can pay up to 25 million credits for Annihilation of around 20 pirates. (which actually be done quicker than I thought, plus you can chose to interdict any of the random pirate ships, it spawns various of targets.)

Atlantean Wizard
Atlantean Wizard - 19.12.2020 14:37

Thanks for the tips Yamiks. I still suck at combat though.

FreeFrag.UK - 17.12.2020 02:02

Personally I've always felt as though Elite's greatest weakness (beyond unfinished mechanics and lack of depth in various errors) has always been the ships and their lack of identity. More often than not there is little reason to run a ship which doesn't fall within the "multirole" category in each of the three size classes as fighters/combat ships rarely hold any meaningful advantage in combat over multirole ships. If anything selecting a dedicated combat ship severely restricts your gameplay options, unless of course you own multiple ships. Admittedly the same could be said when picking a hauler/freighter too when drawing comparisons to multirole vessels.

While I accept Elite for what it is, I've always held the opinion that Frontier really need to re-work ships and armaments. Personally I look at the Viper Mk IV and can't help but see a variant of the Viper intended to perform torpedo or bombing runs against larger ships but this simply isn't viable/an option. I don't know, maybe I just miss games such as Freespace 2 too much and the way ship roles were handled there.

Irvin Palacio
Irvin Palacio - 15.12.2020 18:34

Devs have gone and boosted the rewards for killin folks.

Red Pill Productions Canada
Red Pill Productions Canada - 15.12.2020 02:30

A trustworthy horse, ahem, source, you have never steered me wrong, except for that one time.....

vahnn0 - 09.12.2020 17:59

Maybe it's just due to my location (S E C R E T), but Assassinations can be worth it now. My base is a station that will often give me up to 8 or 10 assassination missions, all located in 2 nearby systems (all 3 systems are one jump from one another), and always killing 2 different factions of pirates, with each faction located in one system. I usually find that if I avoid scanning for the target signal source and just fly in a big circle at the jump-in point in a system, I'll get interdicted by one of my targets. And at least half the time, another target will jump in to help my current target. Along with the cops, who will help me kill them both. One time, a third target jumped in!

Even without that miracle happening to make my job(s) easier, finding 3-5 targets in a single system and killing them usually takes a few minutes each. Then jump to the next system and repeat. Within 20 or 30 minutes, I have anywhere from 10 to 40 million in mission payouts, all collected at my base system. The bounties aren't worth turning in after each set of mission, but after a couple of hours of killing targets (in ALD space), I'll have accrued an additional 10-25 million in bounties, although I have to travel to two systems to turn them in (although one of my target systems has an Interstellar Factors contact where I can sell the other system's bounties, but that's at a 25% penalty.)

I'm not saying assassination missions rival other forms of income, but it can be pretty close to bounty hunting, and it's certainly a nice change of pace from just cycling targets endlessly and melting them in a RES for hours.

I also get plenty of elite wing assassination missions, which I'm fully capable of soloing in my Corvette, but I've never been interdicted by a wing target, and the target is almost always in a wing of 3-4, with a second wing of 3-4 ships nearby, and they always all seem to attack at once. Still soloable for 4-10 million payout, but usually requiring me to either dock for rearm/repair, or wait a long time for shields to fully regen before taking on the next target.

Random Gal
Random Gal - 06.12.2020 05:53

Huh, I’ve been running an iEagle with duel engineered multi cannons as well as a beam laser that has an infinite firing time when weapons have full pips to weapons. I’ve had no problems fighting AI ships of any size.

Just Last Name
Just Last Name - 04.12.2020 15:27

Good thing combat payouts just got a huge buff!!!

Warpain - 03.12.2020 16:17

Elite needs more action in combat, adding some capital ship to fight, alien ship, pirate station destroing etc...

salinda nandasena
salinda nandasena - 03.12.2020 01:49

That landing tip was the best of it all. 😂🔥
