Polearm Movement Comparison [ALL CHARACTERS as of Genshin Impact 2.1]

Polearm Movement Comparison [ALL CHARACTERS as of Genshin Impact 2.1]


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紅魔タマカ(Kurenai ma tamaka)
紅魔タマカ(Kurenai ma tamaka) - 17.09.2023 06:59

could you do front views?

Thewindyfan - 01.11.2022 09:02

omg this is just what I needed for some anim info, tyty

ARC - 27.10.2022 12:11

Raiden , Xiao and moral have the best spear movement

Default - 08.10.2022 16:25

Zhongli looks like he's more like a Catalyst user than polearm

Ri - 15.09.2022 07:51

I like how the all reflect what they are the way they fight.

Xianling: normal person
Rosaria: a rougue bandit
Xiao: efficient demon slayer
Zongli: indomitable God
Hu tao: reckless Shinigami
Ei: dominating Godess

kazuhee kazuhoo kazuha kazuhaha
kazuhee kazuhoo kazuha kazuhaha - 13.09.2022 02:43

this makes me want to have xiao

キャンディス - 03.08.2022 19:11

Please update this one

j cortes
j cortes - 30.07.2022 19:44

Can’t get enough of that spear kick

Kyesel - 04.07.2022 01:20

Raiden looks awkward

armanke13 - 21.06.2022 14:04

I'm Rosaria main currently, I like her sweeping attack, seems her range a bit further than other.. nice to have coz I'm playing on mobile phone with touchscreen 🤔

BugsCODM - 05.04.2022 16:41

wheres thomaaaaa

Hong Lai
Hong Lai - 28.03.2022 14:34

So many wise people in the comments 💀

Sheldon Saidali
Sheldon Saidali - 23.03.2022 19:11

Seems like humans and non humans have diffrent charge attacks, from what i noticed

Gol D Rodger
Gol D Rodger - 14.03.2022 15:27

Ху тао вообще ракета

The One And Only
The One And Only - 09.03.2022 20:32

So time for bad English and small interesting infromation. Ei canon weapon is a naginata (Engulfing Lightning), a traditional weapon in Japan. And naginata often view as Japanese female warrior signature weapon. The core about wielding this weapon is not "stabbing" but to "swing" it, because many believe that "stabbing" require arm's strength (totally not so suitable for women) and "swinging" require you to be flexible (which women naturally good at). Hoyoverse really did their best in showcase the signature of a naginata wielder , holding weapon with two hand all the time and only slash attacks. Simply saying Ei can be fucking elegance and deadly powerful at the same time.

Lnz2 - 04.03.2022 21:25

Thoma after watching this :

michichero - 27.02.2022 19:23

Me encanta como se mueve shogun 😏

Solo the prowler
Solo the prowler - 25.02.2022 15:36

Hu Tao is more on childish

Endeavour - 25.02.2022 14:04

I hate the fact that my 4 favourite characters are polearm users... and I only have 1 of them on the same account :(

ISU ka
ISU ka - 16.02.2022 14:42

Xiao is my fav he's so fast and so satisfying especially his charged attack.

TheQuirrelSquad - 11.02.2022 22:12

Rosaria: polmore
Xiao: j u m p
Raiden: you guys use polearms?
Hutao: spinning simulator
Zhongli: spinney rocc polearm
Xiangling: bear
Yunjin: beidou but geo

HIMMEL AOJ - 06.02.2022 03:10

Actually in Chinese culture, spear (polearm) is considered the most ruthless and powerful weapon for a single martial artist. There's this Chinese saying "枪乃百兵之王"-“Spear is the king of all weaponary”. For an untrained adult, spear can easily make up the gap between him and a well-trained soldier. So if you combine the pole-arm and martial art training, no one beats you in a single combat.
For using a spear, the most proper attack is to prick and pierce your opponents' body, which is exactly what Zhongli does (and he does it all the time)
For using a 薙刀 (Grass-Cutter, Ei's weapon), the most useful attack is to swing it and try to cut opponents' limbs, which is what Ei deos (all the time).
Xiang Ling's attack more combines with the concept of martial-art, which is the most popular strategy among the famous Chinese spear-wielder in history, the same goes for Hu Tao and Xiao.
For non-martial artist, there is also a good way to attack with spear (pole-arm), which is to simply swing it swiftly and hit opponents' body hard. You can see Rosaria's movement is not that natural as martial-artists from Liyue, so she is more using this strategy to attack, and that's why it almost looks like she's fighting with a claymore.
If we ordinary person get to use any pole-arms one day, Rosaria's move list is what we should learn from.

Zac Marken
Zac Marken - 03.02.2022 08:18

meanwhile i'm here trying to figure out who's the best to farm tree's with by comparing the base atk spd and having no luck, if only there was a tier list for base atk speed...there probably is and i just haven't found it.

Jason Swaglord
Jason Swaglord - 31.01.2022 23:54

Rosaria aims much higher with the spear and every slice she does is aimed head-neck-torso. She fights to kill not flourish
Crude but deadly.
Raiden and Rosaria really use the spear differently. The other styles you see that were cultivated in Liyue.

The fatui agent
The fatui agent - 30.01.2022 11:35

where thoma

Ar Jen
Ar Jen - 18.01.2022 14:53

Baal is actually a naginata user rather than polearm..

Venti simp
Venti simp - 11.01.2022 06:31

The guards look at random people swinging their polearm-🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️

Not Exactly
Not Exactly - 04.01.2022 08:34

What I notice about the Inazuma sword users and Baal's burst is how they have the electro symbol when they're about to sheathe their blade and they sheathe it in a way that they put their sword back in the scabbard like how samurais do it.

Grace - 03.01.2022 18:02

Charging attack like drill is SUCK

Dhrithi on Vocals
Dhrithi on Vocals - 02.01.2022 17:37

I fell in love with raidens attack movements when I played her in misty dungeon lmao... idk for me her attacks felt elegant and cunning, it's beautiful I'll definitely pull for her in her future rerun

Zariah - 27.12.2021 23:56

Canonically Xiao is probably the most skilled. I forgot where it was mentioned but it states that he was a master with the pole-arm.

miira.” - 17.12.2021 04:58

I love the polearm gameplay sooo much, I wish there was more characters who used polearms

リフ - 13.12.2021 09:25

from my observation, zhongli has the most solid movements of all. twas hard as a rock. as for raiden, she has the most fluid and swift movements with the largest aoe. if you give a deeper observation to raiden's animation (cz i personally observed her animation down to the hands and fingers). she's graceful, swift and elegant at the same time. raiden is my personal favorite
hu tao is just messing around (that i wanna say pole dancing lmao). i mean just look at how her normal attack goes. she's floating like a butterfly
xiao, always going for the kill of course, so agressive. xiao leaves no side of his body opened, doesn't let his enemies to counterattack from any direction
you can tell that rosaria is a seasoned assassin from her movements. the way she dashes back before charged attack. fun fact, rosaria is the only playable polearm user from mandstadt (considering mondsadters at least the clans sees polearms as commoners' weapon back then)
as for xiangling, she looks so swift and confident. it's clearly some kind of traditional martial art (like damn, and madame ping is her master????)

Coconut Latte
Coconut Latte - 10.12.2021 21:03

I got a five star sky ward pine but none of my built characters are polearm.

PC - 23.11.2021 02:18

I tried for hu toa but I got Thoma.

I don’t have enough fates now

Rip hu toa 🥺😭

Vy Tran
Vy Tran - 15.11.2021 18:04

Unlike liyue character that uses the spear to stab, Raiden only uses slashing moves. Similarly, Kazoo and Ayaka don't stab with their swords like Keqing, etc.

tooth - 30.10.2021 16:44

Personal take: try using the default spear so the speed doesn’t change.

Just Someone
Just Someone - 25.10.2021 14:49

Sorry but baal’s normal attack from the side makes her looks like she’s falling/tripping 💀

Theresa Lam
Theresa Lam - 22.10.2021 16:06

Rosaria is my 1st 4-star for the pull, and always used her in every slot of teams, I don't know about xiao, hu tao, raiden or geo papa cause I don't have them T T, but mostly spear weapon skills r so cool & smooth playing for me

Yugki_ - 17.10.2021 23:09

It's cool that even though they all share the same base poses, each one has a unique identifier depending on the person!

VEN - 17.10.2021 05:33

Zhongli use the kick 😂

Lê Mỹ Kỳ
Lê Mỹ Kỳ - 12.10.2021 15:51

Shogun's movement was so fast 😲

UnethicalRocket - 12.10.2021 00:03

So we can all agree baal>>>>>>>>

Jiyuu - 11.10.2021 12:02

Neil, can you make the swords version?

Just a cute Onigiri
Just a cute Onigiri - 10.10.2021 03:52

Everyone: holds their polearm while attacking
Zhongli: I'm too old for this shit I'll just throw and teleport it around

柴犬みこ - 06.10.2021 09:42


Rafael - 05.10.2021 05:03

The way Zhongli kicks his weapon is just so satisfying, damn.

MAria Goi
MAria Goi - 30.09.2021 11:45

Even tho both zhongli and raiden are polearm user both have different technique and Mastery. Raiden is more to elegant, fast as lightning and her CA with crescent moon is so beautiful too bad when element infusion it disappear but we got slashes of portals because of how quick she moves.

Zhongli on the othet hand is more to on ground yet deadly but not stiff as u can see his CA he move forward to the enemies and normal attack kick his spear and take it again with a precise movement and firm grip. His movement is so fluid, Regal and mesmerising (always hv been since day 1).

Even tho i was sad that raiden is not sword based user since i prefer first 5 archon to wield different weapon i still find Raiden movements amazing as expected as an archon but zhongli is still the best here.

Gamer Gaming
Gamer Gaming - 29.09.2021 11:01

Two guards just enjoying a terrifying and beautiful view
