Microsoft Flight Simulator - TONS of NEW Info For 2024 - Upcoming Changes and Updates

Microsoft Flight Simulator - TONS of NEW Info For 2024 - Upcoming Changes and Updates


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@buckshot_V - 08.02.2024 16:18

I thought I could understand English. But I guess not.

@mumblecake251 - 08.02.2024 12:32

what's happened to the talking head? :(

@everythingvideos24 - 06.02.2024 17:50

It's going to be a buggy fucking mess like MSFS 2020. 4yrs later full of bugs, freezing, and achievements not unlocking properly "Bush Trips"

@Andrei5656 - 06.02.2024 15:48

They're not stoping work on 2020 for 2024 because they're the same game but with a new name so we have to buy it again.
The 2020 addons work on 2024 because it's the same game and they're just going for the same model as Fifa and Call of Duty.
The world updates will be included in 2024 because... It's the same game.
Same game, new purchaqe, "should've been an update".
I got the premium 130€ version when it came out but given the letdown and how little the extra 60€ over the base game offered me, i'm absolutely sure i won't be spending a single cent on 2024. Some big bugs and issues from release are still in the game, the audacity to ask us to pay again for the same game but with seasons...

@kapnk066 - 06.02.2024 01:50

I fly MSFS in chase, exterior modes only, never from inside the fuselage except to prep aircraft for flight. How does VR function in this user scenario?

@mesillahills - 05.02.2024 20:04

As one who has MSFS with a 4090 and Pimax Crystal, I am new to this. I downloaded my first World Update last week, WU16. And I must say that between the airports and the POI's I was blown away. Gaya and game graphics in general have gone off the charts. I did not even know about PBR textures and developers who specialize in vegetation only. It is no wonder MS is doing these world updates. It may be they are getting this stuff on the cheap as scenery designers try to establish a hold for themselves. I wish they would include a POI only viewer, for VR. It takes a lot of time to get to each one. Also, there is a separate hidden VR settings page under graphics. Until you discover this, VR content is very limited. It is accessed up at the top near "PC". (right arrow) This is going to get you 3D grass too and much more. See my post below and then disregard it. A MS blogger helped me out.

@Axonteer - 05.02.2024 19:25

I want to explore the bahamas in my pyjamas and see all those lamas … wait😮

@dr_jaymz - 05.02.2024 14:48

I haven't run the simulator for 6 months. I fired it up this weekend and after forever updating its running pretty well these days, I thought performance was better than it used to be on my RTX3060ti. Imagine my suprised to find out that whilst I was running it I was also backing up my HDD to a NAS and it still ran so well. Last time I looked I had strange blurs on the panels due to dlss all that looks fixed and works well.

@FlyIslandGuy - 05.02.2024 08:28

That's a shame..watermasking for Bahamas looked amazing before. Especially around Andros island. I was always i awe when flying around there and I've done A LOT of flying in that area.

@virtualunitedpilot4082 - 05.02.2024 06:21

Asobo is a scam, fs20 is a joke. They could have gotten with HIFI for the weather engine, chase plane for the camera But they didn't. Fs20 is still a beta and has added a way for garbage add ons. P3D and Xplane have had everything that fs20 has and more.

@jesseblue1442 - 05.02.2024 06:15

so when is SIM UPDATE 15?

@chrisb2e9 - 04.02.2024 22:39

Why is frozen lake determined by snow depth and not temperature?

@Boscoh_ - 04.02.2024 20:55

I bet the world and city updates remain separate. Doing so likely gives them a lot of freedom to come back and further update those in 2024 which might back-port to 2020 as well. Plus the ability for people to reduce installation size by only loading regions they fly in.

@Keksstar - 04.02.2024 18:09

I hope that they fix the landscape "loading". It really bothers me that the sim is loading parts when you´re directly above it...

@rafaumtgavioli - 04.02.2024 15:25

I play the msfs 2020 in the Xcloud on my Xbox One and its great!, and because my internet connection is good with no data cap I dont feel like buying a Series S/X.

@robainscough - 04.02.2024 09:42

UE5 is the future ... MSFS still relies on the process of mipmapping and you can see the effects (morphing of scenery tiles) in your video, especially around mountains. VR sales have declined significantly, not sure why they are wasting time on it? If they can provide, better cloud rendering, better ground physics, better flight physics, and higher resolution terrain (1024 rather than 256/512), that would go a long way.

@stmarch8359 - 04.02.2024 09:02

where is the ton of infos on fs2024 ????? useless video...

@ElGrecoDaGeek - 03.02.2024 21:04

Pay to update addons? I think not unless "outdated" is well defined because far too many addons have serious issues at release.. Release addons that work at release or don't' expect people to pay for them or, if not leave good reviews.

@COMtnPilot - 03.02.2024 19:57

Anyone know the anticipated release date for MSFS 2024?

@nolimo2593 - 03.02.2024 19:05

I have really lost track of what is going on with this game haha. I'm just enjoying the current version to the fullest. I have never seen such a good looking game, I could play this for 10 years.

@tedtedsen269 - 03.02.2024 17:33

snow and summer green trees and grass look so real and sea plane that doesn't move according to waves but vind please asobo fix it

@lostmoon77 - 03.02.2024 17:05

Is this read AI? Either that or the reader has TERRIBLE English pronunciation!

@timothyj67 - 03.02.2024 16:20

ATC in MSFS2020 has been a hot mess since day 1

@jerrytracey6602 - 03.02.2024 16:06

I have really struggled to download recent Sim and World Updates. My internet speed is very high and all other updates and downloads have been working fine in the hundreds of Mbps, but MSFS downloads are only reaching about 2 Mbps! So frustrating! I have been trying to download the Caribbean World Update for the last few days, and it's just not happening

@Jigsaw407 - 03.02.2024 13:52

I'm still hoping for a snow coverage fix, which is mostly a problem in the summer, not so much during winter. Also, they already said a year ago that they were going to talk with Meteo Blue about the snow coverage data with nothing to show for it. Saying the very same thing one year later ... well ... let's just say I'm not holding my breath on that one. I wish they would just add a Snow On/Off toggle so we can fix what has been left unfixed for years now.

@terrybaker1888 - 03.02.2024 12:16

The latest update bricked my flightsim....
I've moved back to x-plane 11

@helge000 - 03.02.2024 11:35

One of the bigger things missing are the mem allocation improvements in SU15 (backported from the work they did on FS2024): Sébastien said something about 2 orders of magnitude improvements; esp. on longer flights; which has the potential to remove a lot of shutters. Granted, The sim really runs beautifully for me except for the shutters on final.

@jeffreyuprichard3754 - 03.02.2024 09:22

I normally fly VR out of Gatwick Airport or Shoreham Airport with out any problems but since the last couple of updates it's become impossible in both my Q2 and Q3 headsets .But if I go to say Edinburgh or Glasgow everything is fine. In 2d no problems anywhere. What is going on.

@ayuse01 - 03.02.2024 08:53

Did that sim support VR?

@ZockerBudeVR - 03.02.2024 06:30

love this watermasks <3

@adamsrosales6519 - 03.02.2024 04:52

The weirdest part for me is that I load myself up in the northeast somewhere right now and all the trees are green....

@oisiaa - 03.02.2024 04:37

VR is a 100% must-have feature. No VR would be like stepping back 40 years to FS1.

@Nobodyelsehasthishandle - 03.02.2024 03:27

You really need to work on your pronunciations of words. It's mildly infuriating to listen to.

@DanLakeCakeGraphicsDesign - 03.02.2024 03:26

You could add a fully functional ship sim addition to this title and it would be the best out there imo. Get a team together to develop it :)

@ButchNackley - 03.02.2024 03:10

Has there been anything on the issue of controllers disconnecting during flights?

@ProfParzival - 03.02.2024 02:27

I bought FS 2020..the big premium bundle cos I was so stoked they’d made it and wanted to support it. Can’t even remember how to get it though as I’ve never even had a pc that can run it so haven’t done so. One day I’ll be able to experience it maybe :)

@RCmies - 03.02.2024 02:24

Do you have any info on the Dune expansion that was revealed over half a year ago? I'm so excited for that one because it genuinely looked like a cool aircraft to fly in the sim

@ProfParzival - 03.02.2024 02:21

The ant deserves lots more subs, simply for he fact that he has the best YT voice ever!

@Freeway7 - 03.02.2024 01:59

what whre the place you where flying in that video :)

@arcangelkq - 03.02.2024 01:36

Great helpful video as always, sorry but did you say that the products we've bought ie airports and aircraft for 2020 will be compatible with tests 2024 ?

@poopoo547 - 03.02.2024 01:32

Still makes me chuckle how people were complaining about FS2024… when it releases 4 YEARS after the first.

They cry like X-Plane users 😂❤

@tobyward6072 - 03.02.2024 01:23

I just want the Dune expasion/update.

@alyciaification - 03.02.2024 01:22

Thanks bro for your video watermask Guadeloupe, Désirade, les Saintes, island very average, needs to be reviewed

@sadskytristeciel1439 - 03.02.2024 01:22

You know now, that you can remove the white dot. : )
Always super content Mr. Ant.

@oldie-se - 03.02.2024 01:21

Maybe they should put frozen lakes in relation to the average temperature ... we sometimes have a temperature as low as -20°C in northern Sweden in November while there isn't much snow yet.

@dtrjones - 03.02.2024 00:35

Hi Obsidian. I think you misheard the stream regarding the Nassau water masking bug. I clearly heard that Jorg said it should be fixed server side in a few days probably. Of course it could still take a couple of weeks be the inference is that it will be fixed considerably sooner than that.

@imellor711 - 03.02.2024 00:01

I thought Nassau in the Bahamas was looking different some other islands.
