Hinduism Explained Logically

Hinduism Explained Logically

Krishna in West Germany

4 года назад

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sonu rajbhandari
sonu rajbhandari - 02.11.2023 19:18

Krishna is only a small fraction of Hinduism. If you are taking the path of Krishna or ram then you are just following their path which is a small fraction of Hinduism. Don't take it negatively but it's called a cult following. Now let's come back to Krishna where female gods exist. In Hinduism the most powerful god is lord Shiva. To understand hare Krishna where female gods exist look for shiva Shakti half shiva & half Parvati. So in Hinduism God can be male & female both. According to the rig Veda there is 33 gods or supreme power. And Krishna & ram name don't exist in rig Veda coz both of them are incantation of Vishnu. So if you are worshipping Vishnu you are worshipping all his incantation too.

Vyshakh P
Vyshakh P - 02.11.2023 12:18

Hinduism = physics 🔥🧡

Locator Amam
Locator Amam - 02.11.2023 04:44

Ok lets answer your questions, what is hinduism answer- worship of idols, how old, just because your religion is hundreds of years old it is still idolatry , the vedas not important . language do you understand Hebrew or Spanish . how many gods or idol in Hinduism thousands. reincarnation at what part in your life you were not a human only human can be reincarnated do you see animals worshiping God do animals know right and wrong.karma as humans we should all seek to do good, environmental protection don't breath. vegetarians what you eat have notting to do with GOD and salvation, because it is not what goes into your mouth that defiles a man but what comes out of his mouth, now if you would like to know about GOD read the bible start with John 14 -6 and Philippians 2 - 10 - 11 for JESUS is the only true GOD .

Jaswinder Jassal
Jaswinder Jassal - 01.11.2023 23:49

very beautiful explain ❤️

r - 31.10.2023 15:37

Hare krishna

Demigod (Mahesh Ramachandran)
Demigod (Mahesh Ramachandran) - 30.10.2023 21:37

Worship god shiva.

Har har mahadev.

Ezz3t - 30.10.2023 18:45

man speaking slower than the sloth from zootopia

epsilonpegasi2 - 30.10.2023 16:44

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are essentially the same in many aspects. Their prophetic stories, the message, the moral right wrong. The oneness of GOD etc. Hinduism is very different than the 3, but enjoys strong support in India. There are a few things that are controversial in Hinduism - their extremist Mob mentality, their drinking of Cow Piss, and their persecution of all 3 religions noted above.

Xmart Tricks
Xmart Tricks - 30.10.2023 14:50

some one asked what source do You belive in or do you practice it accordingly

Fr0sty - 30.10.2023 12:43

It's ganga not gangiezzzzzzz

Sakinah768 - 30.10.2023 12:42

Oke but what is Hinduism? Who is God, in the bagavhat Gita Krishan says there is One GOD. But in the Veda's god Agni and other Gods are mentioned? So what is the religion. You explained so much, but not clearly about GOD? Can someone explain.

K P - 30.10.2023 12:28

How do you logically explain the story of Shiv's Penis and the Worship of His Penis.....especially to your daughters, mothers, sisters or to any Intelligent person ?

Vee Bee
Vee Bee - 30.10.2023 08:21

Hinduism is too complex for Simple one-book, one-God religions to fathom..... Even Atheism is a accepted way in Hinduism.....

Vee Bee
Vee Bee - 30.10.2023 08:07

The origin of Hindu dharma is not in any book. Vedas are the oldest available compilation of knowledge in Hindu dharma. There is no originator of Hindu dharma. It is the way of life and starts with humanity whenever it started in Bharat (India). No original date, no original person, no original book....

Ananda Wijesinghe
Ananda Wijesinghe - 30.10.2023 03:33

Buddhism and Hinduism share many, but not all, concepts; most importantly those of karma and reincarnation determined by the universal Dharmic law of cause and effect.

This is not surprising, because the Lord Buddha was born into a Hindu society that had already existed for millenia !

Jay Anand
Jay Anand - 30.10.2023 01:35

Hinduism not a religion but its a way of living with love, tolerance, humanly and in peace. Everyone should follow Hinduism to bring peace.

Aixa Reina
Aixa Reina - 29.10.2023 18:16

Isn’t the word Hinduism a name given by the Europeans ???

Mr.Kiran98 - 29.10.2023 12:31

And also Namaste means we giving respect to god who lives in you
Because god is everywhere
Because he creats everything and if everything is created by god then every part that he creats is god
That's why we worship everything. nature, animals, etc.
Sanatan 🚩
