LAYOUT UPDATE - Upper Level Progress at Westvaco Mine & Plant -UPRR Evanston Sub - Large HO Layout

LAYOUT UPDATE - Upper Level Progress at Westvaco Mine & Plant -UPRR Evanston Sub - Large HO Layout

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@geomodelrailroader - 21.01.2025 06:43

Wesvaco Mine is taking shape only thing left is ballast because of the drying time of the ballast I hope this is done before the operating session. Once this is complete one area left. It is time to tackle the big gorillas in the room it is time to tackle Echo Pass.

@kylebeck5725 - 21.01.2025 05:58

Ive been a member for 34 months now lol its been great hopefully lots to come along.

@giuseppearditi7963 - 21.01.2025 01:09

Sono molto contento che il tuo lavoro proceda molto bene.ho notato quella curva è veramente eccezionale la zona industriale aspetto il nuovo video grazie

@darenhamill9881 - 20.01.2025 23:50


@benmoreau8404 - 20.01.2025 17:44

Coming right along Daryl looking good! The section where you are planning to paint the back of the backdrop black of course this is just a suggestion i would drop in a thick piece of styrofoam to make a small ridge not so high you can't see across but you know and blend it in, of course might have to cut the blue sky down a little bit but it would look neat.

@TrainGuy044 - 20.01.2025 16:28

I'ts Monday morning and there is an update! I realized this morning(after 3 years of following this channel) that I look forward to these updates more than any TV show! Layout is looking great! It's exciting to see all the progress your making and I really look forward to seeing it complete!

@Fallenhalo88 - 20.01.2025 09:12

Looking good! Are you joining Lombard hobbies at the big e train show again?

@RussellCurtis-db8yn - 20.01.2025 07:34

Looking good Daryl 🇦🇺🇦🇺👍 ,Chiefs v Bills should be a ripper of a game, Rusty from Brisbane, Australia 🇦🇺🇦🇺👍

@readingthebible5413 - 20.01.2025 07:17

What crossing guards are those? I bought an automated crossing guard kit off of eBay and it’s not very good. I’m looking to replace it.

@sharonfieber6458 - 20.01.2025 06:43

Upper level, getting closer to complete. Last segment of lower layout background, enjoy layout built. Enjoyable watching your video updates. Operating session!

@randydobson1863 - 20.01.2025 05:55

Hi Darryl & it's is Randy and i like yours video is Cool & Thanks Darryl & Friends Randy

@bertcresta6685 - 20.01.2025 04:20

As always Darryl, excellent work!! Very, very inspeirational. I visited the rr museum here in San Diego’s Balboa park. The Tehachapi Loop HO layout is something else!!

@mikehumphrey7413 - 20.01.2025 04:13

Looking great, at Westvaco. Mike HO Australia

@cn.trainbuff3352 - 20.01.2025 04:01

Nice update.. what’s the plan for the big building in Westvaco? What does that represent?

@deputydog73 - 20.01.2025 03:44

I see worse dips in prototype rails all the time..

@cstraws - 20.01.2025 03:42

Sorry @AllenCNW441: I hit the wrong thumbs up! I grew up in KC during the tough times. So I'm enjoying this run!!!

@AllenCNW441 - 20.01.2025 03:34

Chiefs win - thanks to the refs “protecting” Mahomes-duh. Guess they allowed the Chiefs defense to block kicks & sack the QB by not calling penalties.
