WWI From the Austro-Hungarian Perspective | Animated History

WWI From the Austro-Hungarian Perspective | Animated History

The Armchair Historian

3 года назад

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@gabespiro8902 - 01.02.2024 15:21

Don’t you hate it when you want to go to war but your enemy is acting reasonable and tries to come to an understanding that will make us both happy?

@eggstinater - 18.01.2024 03:02

Can we get a "WW2 from the Hungarian perspective"? Or really any of those nations that would be considered "minor" in the conflict

@manricobianchini5276 - 17.01.2024 02:27

The Austro-Hungarian rulers were ignorant, stupid and unbending.

@maksimovicdushan6740 - 16.01.2024 20:21

Dodjo da vidis svaboo!

@zetijeti - 15.01.2024 20:35

For Hungarians, war wasn't over in 1918, it continued until the middle of 1919

@JetHistorian-vv5ji - 12.01.2024 23:40

Just ask Hitler

@torvaldlangstorm5629 - 23.12.2023 13:36

Man, this is a very nice compilation of videos, but there are so many serious inaccuracies in it that I should write about it here for hours. And that's the problem, it's a nice show and people take what you say here as the complete truth...
And so inaccurate history spreads.

@cia5150 - 16.12.2023 12:30

when bro cant say honvéd

@milosjokovic3387 - 04.12.2023 06:10

Nisi baš dobro predstavio objavu rata i napad Austro-Ugarske na Srbiju. Ja sam iz Srbije, ja znam istoriju, izgleda malo bolje od Vas. Ako se baviš nekom temom, onda je prouči kako treba i budi objektivan. Ja ovde neću da te učim istoriju, ali ne zamlaćuj narod sa ovim glupim prikazom početka Velikog rata!!!

@veljkoivetic1903 - 01.12.2023 21:15

Glory to Princip

@woldoseroldofoldo - 01.12.2023 19:08

Greetings from Austria, Graz, a city where over 168 different languages are spoken and it is one of the savest cities in the world.

@vinaybacchani5304 - 01.12.2023 09:53

But in the European war 6 1914 , when I played with Austria - Hungary , it played a significant role and destroyed Serbia without help , defeated russia and actually played a helping role in Germany , i actually played a real better role than real Austria - Hungary

@preobrahzenskyii8169 - 28.11.2023 22:32

I'm disappointed by how much of this is stereotyping or blatant misinformation.

@preobrahzenskyii8169 - 28.11.2023 22:24

The idea that the horse spooking his horse was the reason it was rejected is historically unfounded. The car demonstration was a disaster, and failed to impress high command. That's why it was rejected.

@genderconfusedwolffromshre8914 - 11.11.2023 02:33

Thank you for this video! Literally everywhere i looked i only heard the negatives of the austro hungarian empire, no one really mentioned the actual successes and strengths before, i think it was a pretty awesome "faction" within ww1

@dansmith4077 - 08.11.2023 23:08

Excellent video

@maxhoffmann6821 - 05.11.2023 09:03

It seems obvious even from this video that Austria-Hungary achieved success in Serbia and against Italy at Caporetto only after Germany stepped in. Looks an awful lot like Italy in Greece and North Africa in WWII.

@user-xe4me8pv3b - 31.10.2023 20:55

It's also include the United States in 1917.

@scottscottsdale7868 - 30.10.2023 08:05

A few months ago I was dining with a Serb about my same age or a bit younger. He had little English but enough. I asked if G Princip was a hero or a villain. He immediately answered HERO. INTERESTING.

@user-ed9xn6nf4d - 30.10.2023 01:28

Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian-Montenegrian . Nope only Serbian . Theat is like you sad English - Canadian- New Zeland - Australian language . If they hate to speak on Serbian then they nead to learn old Slav language .

@slavorad4038 - 28.10.2023 14:30

When are you going to stop to lie to yourself? Why didn't you speak about the Salonica front which was breached by Serbian army in September 1918?
So, if you didn't know, which I highly doubt you didn't, after the breach of the Salonica front by Serbian army, and by reaching the nowadays southern Hungary in October 1918, Austria-Hungary "dissolved" by Hungarians declaring independence from what was destroyed country with just a few brigades routing towards Vienna.

Anyway, the truth is out there, wether you like it or not, Serbian army reached southern Hungary, southern Austria and 20km from Bulgarian capital or Sofia before all of them signed their capitulation!

Cheers from Serbia, the only country that liberated itself for the second time in history after the Turks! 🍹

@adamzieba8364 - 26.10.2023 21:48

South-Eastern Poland is dotted with small cemeteries of fallen Austro-Hungarian soldiers from WW1.
And around my home city of Łódź there are many cemetries with graves of German and Russian soldiers. Combined losses (killed and missing) form the Battle of Łódź in 1914 reached 100 000.
Polish lands before and during WW1 were divided between Russia, Prussia and Habsburg Empire and Polish men were conscripted in all these 3 armies so they often ended up killing each other, sometimes painfully aware of this.

@mestayno - 25.10.2023 10:58

man! after watching this as a Hungarian I can't deny it is painful. You have to be inclusive with the minorities of your country. Also that assassination is very suspicious. Like a well planned provocation to induce a war. I think the empire was destined to fall apart though. With this many nationalities... of course they don't want to be a part of a large empire. Who would not want to be an independent state war or not?

@iamnooneking9149 - 25.10.2023 05:46

Iron order 1919 is better in my opinion but ever since the 10 milita and 2 mechs update I don’t play anymore

@jernejcesar - 25.10.2023 03:31

Austro-Hungarian army was a great example of multi-culturalism and inter-ethnic and inter-faith fraternity. Besides having a plethora of ethnicities side-by-side, they also had multiple faiths, and catered to and acknowledged all. There were Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans... The commanding field marshal on Isonzo front was an ethnic Serb from Croatia. Many Italians and Friulans fought on Austrian side too.

@valevisa8429 - 23.10.2023 16:12

Read the book "Good Soldier Svejk ,by Jaroslav Hasek.It's the best description of the ineptitude of the Austro-Hungarian war machine.

@fatmakaya5669 - 18.10.2023 19:58

If Italy joined Germany and the central power they might if won

@HubertvonRoobin - 18.10.2023 17:00

My great Grandad was a czech from South of Bohemia, he was enlisted to Austro-Hungarian Army in 1915. He fought in the Italian Front.

@verde629 - 17.10.2023 22:22

When did the Hapsburgs lose power of Austria ?

@sirbrad2336 - 16.10.2023 09:23

WWI used to be known as The Great War.

@mikearmstrong8483 - 16.10.2023 03:13

I wouldn't fully agree with the claim that the Austrian navy engaged in shooting at Italians who couldn't shoot back.

1) The Italian navy was quite equal to the Austrian navy by itself, and backed up by the French and British navies. It should have been able to protect their coastline.

2) In those events where the Austrian navy did bombard the Italian coast, they often engaged coastal batteries which could shoot back even if they weren't very effective at it.

3) The Austrians did on occasion fire a warning shot at a town to allow civilians a brief time to seek cover before beginning the real shelling.

@Marechal_Michel_Ney - 14.10.2023 22:13

Nice video

@nicholaswolstencroft9263 - 14.10.2023 06:02

Should be noted that Franz Joseph was very much against war until the assassination. von Hotzenburg had been trying since he was appointed in 1906. Fun fact about him is that he was in love with a married woman who he ended up having an affair with which disgraced him, she never left her husband for him but he was a complacent cuck. He thought the only way to win her love was to go to war and comeback a hero, which some historians think was a large part of his motivation in constantly hammering the table for war.

@sergej23kv - 04.10.2023 05:35

There was no bosnian, montenegrin... That was made up by commies after WWII. And Austria was ready for war much before Sarajevo assassination, they were looking for an excuse.

@onethreeify - 30.09.2023 23:32

Regarding the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, it sounds even worse than 9/11 to have your crown prince be shot by a terrorist

@filipnevzala5272 - 30.09.2023 22:59

My great grandad John fought in Galicia and was captured by the Russians. He escaped the prison camp and eventually succeeded to come back to Croatia (then A-H empire). He developed night blindness because he and his mates would move only by night. When he returned he was sent to Soča battlefield and lived to see the end of the war. After the war he lost three children having only my grandad and his older brother (both later served in Croatian Homeguard during WWII and both survived). Unfortunately John died relatively young after the war because of pneumonia. The story goes that he was a fireman volunteer and some guy put his own barn on fire (probably to get his insurance money) and John was putting the fire out with his squad only to see heavy cold rain putting the fire down and him getting sick. His final words on his death bed were joyful as he was asking the family members if they also could see his deceased three children with angels beside him...

@kobeslaughter4671 - 29.09.2023 11:10

I find it somewhat funny how AHE was not only the cause of WW1 but it could also set the table for ww2 😂

@jonesalex565 - 26.09.2023 08:11

It's a hard topic to find information on. Presumably because "it" doesn't exist anymore. So "it" has no spokesman.

@Wild_Siam - 26.09.2023 05:59

I feel like you portray Austro-Hungarian Empire in a negative way. As a historian you should not be biased even if you prefer the Entente. Also Austro-Hungary was 2nd biggest power on european continent after Germany. So no, they did not just “contribute” to the war effort, they were “ it “ .

@urkelaburkela1381 - 23.09.2023 21:25

Heroic Serbia!

@kumardickshit1530 - 11.09.2023 06:50

Austria is such a joke😂😂😂😂😂

@momcilopucar8749 - 04.09.2023 01:01

Western history rewrtters as it fits WESTERN fake democracies interest like this video does. It had purposely omitted that Austro-Hungary had occupied Serbian land that's today called Bosnia and Herzegovina!!.. Today's new US created puppet regime after US/EU meddling In Yugoslavia internal affairs that break up Yugoslavia into 7 little banana 🍌 Republics. Of course WESTERN'S history rewritters will tell you theirs version of rewritten history..

@lucaorlandi289 - 28.08.2023 21:56

We want a video about the winning of Italy .Battle of Vittorio Veneto 🇮🇹

@The_whales - 27.08.2023 07:24

I feel bad for Austria Hungary, the multi-ethnic community’s, underfunded military, and poor tactics, the entente were pretty much fighting an old man

@lordraydens - 26.08.2023 03:20

do you have wwi from the german perspective?

@smokeydapot - 12.08.2023 23:21

"Undeterred by this sudden display of reason."
The subtle hilarity of the writing here sometimes is impeccable 😂

@garbildabil2259 - 09.08.2023 15:35

My great-great grandfather was a soldier in the Austro-Hungarian army in World War I, after the war he moved to Budapest where he was murdered in the Holocaust.
