Too Faced | Better Than Chocolate | Review & Tutorial

Too Faced | Better Than Chocolate | Review & Tutorial


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@vytallicaq.6881 - 05.01.2023 13:14

You know, you're supposed to get LESS pretty with age. You're doing it wrong.😂 Dang, you are SUPER beautiful! If I was the guy in charge of picking the supermodels, I'd pick you. The ones who DO pick them are doing it wrong. Those girls do have beautiful faces, but they're missing the subtle little aspects of behavior that complete the TRUE beauty profile. There are subtle little inflections in your facial expressions, and your voice. Like that lilting sound you sometimes make at the end of your sentences. Almost like you're asking a question. I LOVE that.😋 Things like that add a subliminal layer of charm to your overall effect. I don't see that in supermodels. I guess that's why I never spend any time on their social media. Sorry, I know you would rather hear opinions about makeup, but I'm no expert at that. I AM an expert at spotting TRUE beauty. I hope you understand.😋

@vytallicaq.6881 - 09.01.2023 05:59

Great tragedy to triumph story playing out for the Bills today! I hope that inspiration they're feeling carries them all the way through the playoffs. That would be the best thing to lift Damar's spirits, if they win the Super Bowl. I came close to that kind of tragedy too. In 9th grade football practice, I had to tackle a kid who was 50 lbs. heavier than me. I rammed my shoulder into his thigh as hard as I could, hoping to trip him up. But he braced himself by planting his feet at the last second. It felt like I had just slammed into a fire hydrant. The impact was so violent, it temporarily disrupted the electrical signals that control my lungs. I got back to my feet, but my lungs were locked. I couldn't exhale or inhale. I really thought I was about to pass out and die. Very slowly my lungs started to loosen up, and I was able to take short, shallow breaths to avoid losing consciousness. It took a few minutes before I was breathing normally again. By the time I got to college I was big enough. 6'0", 175. But that's only big enough to be a receiver or a pass defender. And at that level, you have to have track star speed to play those positions. I was pretty fast for a white kid, but not track star fast. Our dorms had a touch football league. I was a good pass defender for that level. It's a fun sport... as long as you don't die. 🥵😂

@vytallicaq.6881 - 11.01.2023 22:29

When I see your makeup palette, it gives me a craving for my favorite candy bar. The new giant sized Heath. (7oz.) Those are awesome! 🤤😋 They were always good, but now they break up the toffee into bits. Kinda like a Nestle's Crunch, but with toffee bits instead of Rice Krispies. That distributes the toffee better, without it being an overwhelming amount of it, like the old ones were with that big slab of toffee inside. They have those at Walmart. Mint, almond, and peanut butter M&Ms are hard to resist too! Too bad they're $6 a pound now.🤯 It doesn't seem that long ago when they were just $2 a pound.🙄

@vytallicaq.6881 - 16.01.2023 02:25

Whew, that got a little tense at times, but they got through.😬 Gotta eliminate those giveaways. It's tough to get to the top, even when everything goes right. Go Bills!🤞
