Facebook Ads For Music Artists | Live Shows / Tours

Facebook Ads For Music Artists | Live Shows / Tours

Andrew Southworth

2 года назад

9,245 Просмотров

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Daniel Raymxnd
Daniel Raymxnd - 06.10.2023 19:12

How do you advertise live shows now that its all changed and you can't do what you do in this video?

Big Bad Wolf
Big Bad Wolf - 27.08.2023 03:03

I did a $10,000 event campaign man all i can say facebook is absolutely greddy. It was a mess.
They will eat till they cant eat no more.

David Ashley Trent
David Ashley Trent - 11.08.2023 20:54

Super helpful! How do you decide between portrait and landscape ads for this particular strategy. Thanks in advance.

yoyo boho
yoyo boho - 07.08.2023 09:07

Hey can you do an updates one, the setings have changes in 2023 couldn't find the things you were clicking on.. it's all different and harder to follow

BALLAsTvDotCom - 03.08.2023 09:51

Just sold out a show because of you 🎉

Rachel Mintz
Rachel Mintz - 24.07.2023 22:36


Thiago Ribeiro
Thiago Ribeiro - 10.07.2023 05:29

Question is, has anybody had any success with these kinds of Ads? (ie having actual people come to the gig?!)

if so it’d be nice to compare the Ads results w the the actual number of people that showed up the day of

BALLAsTvDotCom - 09.07.2023 21:46

Hey I’m in Boston too

Remi B.
Remi B. - 01.03.2023 01:21

Hey Andrew! I have a client who believes we need to submit a form for permission/certification for concert ticket ads - is this true? I’ve searched far and wide for an answer and haven’t come across anything that mentions the need to get permission/certification.

Crappy Products
Crappy Products - 27.02.2023 04:11

Hi Andrew, isn't it better instead of Engagement to just do Traffic directly to the buy Tickets Link? This way it will be less drops from people going to the event page and then also clicking on the link.
Also, from your experience and assuming it's $100, would it be better to spend those $100 one week before the event or $50 two weeks before? I have noticed from my experience that most tickets only get bought on the week of the event. Thoughts?

Nimojah Ministries
Nimojah Ministries - 11.02.2023 01:12


ILL ANATOMY - 25.11.2022 12:57

Andrew! Are engagments simular enough to the cost per conversion that i can predict the amount spent to get enough people through the door to meet my needed profit? I guess what im asking is can you get the cost per engagment as low as $0.30? Thanks

ILL ANATOMY - 25.11.2022 11:57

This is too good to be true. Right? Hear me out for a second. If a successful conversion to spotify costs 0.33€ then the same could go for an engagement, right? Or am i wrong? Because that would mean $30 will get 90 engagements. Wich sounds good to me considering there's a door split between 3 bands with a $10.00 cover charge on every show next tour. That would mean my $30 ad pulled in $900 for the three performing acts and $300 for my band. Do this consecutively for 90 days and you get big fuckin profit, especially if you coupled this method with a few single releases prior to the tour.

Phillip-Michael Scales
Phillip-Michael Scales - 24.10.2022 23:40

What's a good estimated amount of clicks per day for a targeted show?

Paul Weber
Paul Weber - 27.09.2022 23:52

This is great! Couldn't find this kind of thing last time I looked. If I make a live clips video for the ad, how long roughly should I aim for?

Tribe Mark
Tribe Mark - 04.08.2022 13:04

Hey Andre this is great. What if you don't see the invite button on your event?

prod. bobby oddsock
prod. bobby oddsock - 17.07.2022 19:55

you're the man Andrew!!

The Old North
The Old North - 29.06.2022 22:59

You just used my city (Cambridge) and birthday (June 24) as examples in this video...I'll take that as a sign! Got a local gig to promote next week, thanks for the tips!

Leg Puppy
Leg Puppy - 29.06.2022 19:21

great vid, very helpful, I'll be trying this out next week. We've been running sponsored / boosted posts which never really work.

kynde92 - 08.06.2022 19:46

Hi Andrew!
I've been watching your content and created Facebook campaigns s you advised, but the numbers for me are not adding up.
I get thousands of clicks, but get 2-5 streams!
I'm trying to figure out what is happening, but haven't come across what is going on.
I tried with different links too, so that it would send them to a landing page, and also tried directly to Spotify.
I've tried different countries to target.
Has this happened to you?
