25 Interesting Facts You Didn't Know About Divinity: Original Sin 2!

25 Interesting Facts You Didn't Know About Divinity: Original Sin 2!


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@ragecounterfit309 - 27.11.2023 15:18

These are primarily tips that are important for new players to know. The death fog thing is cool.

@Akirasip - 16.11.2023 20:15

Deathfog still works on Alexandar in Fort Joy. Nothing was patched out.
Also there was literally zero reason to put in all endings just like that in here. Why? Who does that?

@renewagain6956 - 10.10.2023 22:14

But I DID know these things about DoS2... So, you lied.

@whitejesus983 - 27.09.2023 01:57

Can sell ell the sets to vendor n come back after a level up, all those sets can be "Rebuy" at your current level.

@Antozaar - 20.09.2023 02:24

Fact about teleportation gloves so useless, its deserved dislike.
Here you go

@DoniMusic - 09.08.2023 23:46

Pretty sure you could detaill the 5 different possible endings without spoilers.......

@johndymond4596 - 07.08.2023 20:21


@silverscalederg8632 - 26.07.2023 03:29

My goodness it's insane that I just now folded and decided to play this game. Not too big a fan of the turn based games but holy hell is the thought ad writing more coherent than literally every single other modern "roleplaying game" i ever played. All others are basically "hurr hero slay monster"

@zedbee2736 - 07.07.2023 06:14

I know you're mostly on Smite now, but I do hope that you give Baldur's Gate 3 a bit of a try. It seems to be a pretty good successor to DOS

@CarnivalCrow - 28.05.2023 12:52


@99chmm - 01.02.2023 16:49

im playing this game again after a long break. its just great. the only thing i miss is more fights. sometimes i would love to just do more fights.

@Meese12 - 28.01.2023 21:07

For #8, 2 and 2 isn't the best setup for you're going for a more flexible party that can deal with magic and phys armor. I recommend have 1 party member fully dedicated to each armor type with buffs and utility spells just in case they wont be useful in a fight (because that happens a lot) and have 2 party members that have a magic-phys split set with a stronger emphasis on one or the other. Geomancy has spells that fortify physical armor and effects that get resisted by phys armor, so it's the perfect utility type to slap on a phys carry. Necromancy scales with int despite doing phys damage, so it's great to put on a magic carry.

@StrudelerOfTheTartSociety - 07.01.2023 10:02

Cool video, cool accent!

@breehoyt1426 - 05.01.2023 19:14

These are mostly basic facts, especially the elemental stuff since it's literally one of the biggest parts of the combat, don't know why they were included other than to pad the time on the vid.

@theyruinedyoutubeagain - 04.01.2023 19:18

"Interesting facts" aka I'm just going to randomly give away all the endings including the full cutscenes. What is wrong with your brain, mate?

@laurentiumiu751 - 27.12.2022 14:23

You miss3d on one of Fane's endings:
He can also decide to banish the God King, but to welcome the Eternals.

@onlyeatapples3166 - 11.11.2022 15:49

My tip for lone wolf duo builds kill all the origin npc on the boat than once again on fort joy to recieve extra res scrolls and backpacks.

@eli507 - 10.11.2022 01:29

way to bury the lead on that last one wtf

@skysatan3566 - 05.11.2022 16:58

cringe af

@JTBren - 22.10.2022 19:22

The majority of these tips are rather obvious or easy to come by things.

@YourPalKindred - 19.10.2022 20:40

Resistances worked the same way in Divinity 1. I was playing a tank (named Bob Ross) and managed to get my fire resistance up to around 150% by late game by using a toggle skill for shields (other elements were really high, 70-90%). I later also learned that lava isn't its own element in DOS1, instead, it deals fire damage. And massive amounts of it. I healed from fire damage.

This essentily meant that if there was any lava in a fight, and there relatively often was in late game, I was theoretically invincible. Not only did I have extremely high resistances to everything, but lava would also heal me for around a mere 35,000 HP EVERY TURN

Bob Ross would later go on to single handedly kill the void dragon with a butcher knife. The dragon was only able to deal about 70 or 80 damage per turn when I had everything stacked up. Without resistances, the dragon does 400-550 damage.

Divinity Original Sin 1 was so damn good. Often overlooked in favour of DOS2, unfortunately

@ultraliskbuilder5831 - 18.10.2022 08:17

Additionally champion of the fort allows you to fight in the next arena in a special way (I think you get to skip the preliminaries)

@zeldinethegoblinqueen1832 - 17.10.2022 17:01

You can steal the drudenae plant from the herb salesman on fort joy and replant it and make tons of money selling it😁

@roybenari9472 - 17.10.2022 07:54

This should be called "25 facts you'll probably find out if you play the game"

@cami5173 - 16.10.2022 17:48


@chrzzzzz - 16.10.2022 16:11

This vid isn't interesting facts you don't know, it's mostly a list of standard gameplay elements you learn while playing

@jamesrobertson8546 - 16.10.2022 00:06

"you can use the teleport pyramids to teleport to a pyramid"
thats not an interesting fact and i had, in fact, worked that one out for myself

@FelixUchiha - 14.10.2022 13:49

A thing not many know about is that you can get rid of two source collars in Fort Joy by winning with one character, getting their collar removed and challenging that character in the arena with another character and defeat them so they also become champion and can get their collar removed

@floschamomillae2721 - 14.10.2022 01:16

Half of these "interesting facts that you didn't know" are literally basic game mechanics, for what kind of player this video is made for?

1. It's literally presented to you, there's no way you can miss at least 2 of these
2. How could you possibly not know about this???
3. Ok
4. This is literally basic game mechanic
5. Maybe, it's a quest but ok
6. You're being teached this in the training deck at the begining of the game, HOW can you not know about this?
7. Seriously?
8. This is not entirely true since there's many enemies in the game that have one of the armor types low (mages have low phys, warriors have low magic, etc.). Divinit's combat is pretty balanced in this way and pretty much all magic schools are self sufficient.
9. Ok
10. HOW can you not know that an RPG has different endings?
11. Ok, i guess. It's a craft and you learn recipies from reading books.
12. There's no way you can't not know that this game has runes. BTW runes are not THAT strong, in fact using something like flame rune with purely phys weapon is useless since magic damage you get is miserably low
13. Ok
14. It's just a quest, just explore map ffs
15. Why is this even on the list?
16. Imagine reading when you create a character (also dwarves don't ability to fit in small spaces, what is this made up nonsense lol)
17. It's just a perk, read a description ffs
18. Maybe? Basic game mechanic that you can learn from undeads.
19. Ok
20. Ok
21. Just play the god damn game, how can you possibly not know this?
22. Gawin literally forces you into dialogue with him asking for help, these gloves are part of his quest, how can you not know it if you're playing the game.
23. "fact' number 14 in a nutshell
24. Same as 23 and 14. JUST EXPLORE THE MAP
25. It's just a quest, JUST PLAY THE GAME.

@BrunoHenrique-gi1wd - 12.10.2022 18:50

title should be "25 facts I think are interesting"

@B4SSMUNKY - 11.10.2022 18:10


@xxqqxx2853 - 11.10.2022 17:17

this is basic knowlege

@matthuck378 - 09.10.2022 06:02

Still one of the best CRPGs ever. And probably my personal favorite in the genre.

@rodionstern439 - 09.10.2022 01:33

>Facts You Didn't Know About Divinity: Original Sin 2
>explains basics on surfaces, armor and oh! look! original characters have their own quests!

great game, poor clickbait, shame on you.

@Kieva_Storm - 08.10.2022 18:58

You forgot Lizards can all also breathe fire, which is kind of a nice AoE for creating surfaces and dealing damage to multiple enemies, or blowing shit up.

@ihavegotnoidea - 08.10.2022 12:44

You could grab deathfog by using a sleeping bag before the forced knockdown to grab all three barrels.

@domizerro6754 - 07.10.2022 19:24


@Superjqp - 07.10.2022 03:35

what's that accent and why do my ears hurt!

@vulcan116 - 07.10.2022 02:23

man we play the same games... i have 8000+ hours in smite and 1500+ in dos 2 and 2000+ in dos 1

@kevinspicy1624 - 06.10.2022 17:16

New title : 25 things you already know + endings

@fangliciazillake673 - 06.10.2022 07:34

When I heard lizards can dig without a shovel... i remembered my run where I COULDNT talk, barter or do anything with people because theyre so racist against me and the fact that i also didnt increase my skill to actually be able to do that so my friend was my errand boy XD

@timonpierik3644 - 05.10.2022 23:49

i mean its a good video but except for 2 or 3 these are the most common facts about divinity

@Danny1o1272 - 05.10.2022 15:13

Omg say before like 20 more times, I need it!

@beverlymccracken5394 - 04.10.2022 19:03


@hudok9627 - 02.10.2022 07:00

#19 Game has cap. You can't reach more than 100% of resistance without taking demon or frost king. I try to make fire healing lizzard, but his max resistance was 115%, but fire give you -15% so he doesn't take damage, but not heal...
Anyway, he walk on lava without any problems and that was fun.

@Enigmatic.. - 26.09.2022 00:01

WHAT !?!?. The only thing i got from the Djinn when i asked for power was an electric shock. I tried all the choices.
Power = Electric shock
Wealth = a stolen amulet that he steals disguised as you effectively framing you for the theft.
Knowledge = stupid kids story book
Wish to be able to wipe your enemies from sight = Him blinding you
I got gypped lol.

@gotogi83 - 04.08.2022 17:26

I played two casters that use ice, a tank and a rogue.

@gotogi83 - 04.08.2022 17:25

Don't forget to use stealing the right way. Put all your expensive stuff in a bag then trade the bag for everything the npc has then steal the bag.

@deathdeathington - 02.08.2022 16:27

Undead characters also have the advantage of unlimited lockpicking using their boney fingers!
