Top 10 Over Powered Player Pets in World of Warcraft

Top 10 Over Powered Player Pets in World of Warcraft


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Clarke - 13.08.2023 04:08

The spirit beast in sholozar basin, believe the first one ever in the game, I spent SOOOOOO long hunting for it. Still have it, to this day.

Stevan Serdar
Stevan Serdar - 23.06.2023 14:15

18% leech is better than spirit's heal.

Stevan Serdar
Stevan Serdar - 23.06.2023 14:10

Clefthooves are best 10% armor and 20% healing!

Paneth - 24.05.2023 07:23

"In PvP you could just stick a gorilla on a spell caster" I mean, if a big ass gorilla came charging at me to monkey stomp my butt into the ground I probably would consider anything I was doing 'interrupted' lol

Hunter - 26.04.2023 19:44

So I have Thai spotted cat, and he’s like see through. Not the spirit beast, but idk like he’s be constantly stealthed, but he’s not. If I stealth him he becomes hard to see. And I can’t remember where I got him from. Anyone know where this pet can be? He’s white and spotted. Older model. And is see through.

Fuzzy Face
Fuzzy Face - 17.04.2023 16:21

In Mists of Pandaria, pet abilities didn't have shared CDs. You could have multiple Spirit Mend pets. You could cast it with one pet, dismiss that one and then swap to the next pet and repeat. Essentially changing the 30 second CD to 6 seconds if you didn't mind that all you were doing was casting Dismiss Pet.

Neutralis - 16.02.2023 04:16

I am a BM Hunter. I always bring a Spirit Beast into raids knowing it's going to come in handy in situaltions like if the healer can't keep up. Every little bit helps.

Elys D
Elys D - 11.02.2023 21:58

Rhino at the flags was the best hunter pet in PVP till they killed the fun. Before that was cat in stealth when it had a stun.

Karcist Vahlae
Karcist Vahlae - 03.02.2023 19:55

Why is Sporebat not in the 1st place?

wamporeycidulgb - 01.02.2023 23:25

Okay, I just drank a beer, but I love you!

Taylor Aldridge
Taylor Aldridge - 19.11.2022 20:56

I played a dk in wrath. The number of times i pissed off my guildies popping army on dragons 😂 specifically caverns of time

Neurotik51 - 17.11.2022 17:16

Killing a pet in arena is definitely not a noob thing to do, especially during Wrath. If you can manage to take out an important pet it can shift the tempo of the match completely. Good healers would keep the pets alive best they could.

Lakillika - 25.09.2022 18:15

I believe BM Hunter's Spirit Beasts spirit mend was nerfed by 90% not 2/3rds.

Jason Larson
Jason Larson - 17.07.2022 00:29

seems like they just ruin the classses

Kevin Stewart Hagström
Kevin Stewart Hagström - 23.04.2022 01:16

It really seems to be many sneaky things that can happen with taming & dismissing pets. reminds me of the stories when they spread the plauge in vanilla by dismissing diseased pets and summoning them in populated areas, or my rare cat that from wotlk that had an odd thing that it would just die randomly by itself a minute or so after getting tamed. (probably had to do with it's spawn & despawn timers remaining even when it became a pet).

Adrienne Ladd
Adrienne Ladd - 21.04.2022 07:00

The Disgusting Oozeling seems like it should have been on this list

Kyle B
Kyle B - 15.04.2022 22:15

I've had two crazy pet glitches.
My pet had some glitched Wild Growth in Cata that was ticking for over 1 million healing a second. Same pet also ended up keeping all buffs from Madness of Deathwing fight outside of the instance.

Shawn Colson
Shawn Colson - 11.04.2022 04:26

You forgot the all time over powered pets in WoW history...any pet that was dismissed while it had the corrupted blood disease from fighting Hakkar 🙂

Perry2186 - 07.04.2022 01:36

cata hunter pet design was the best system

Austin Arnold
Austin Arnold - 07.04.2022 01:11

With the departure of madseason its good to see someone picking up the torch. Ive been loving youre videos

Samira Peri
Samira Peri - 01.04.2022 00:41

Yauj wasn't a noticeable bug? 🤔

Nate Mitchell
Nate Mitchell - 23.03.2022 09:26

Stampede on release doesn't hold a candle to AotD?? I have vids of me taking on a group of people 5v1 no problem Spirit mend with 4 or 5 ticks running would fully heal you every tick throw in a core hound for lust and lynx rush it was shitting on people xD had the lilly pad and the half flask item from rares around this time and fondly remember being a juggernaut and huge groups of alliance trying to hunt me and a few friends down got glad with a 3 dps team around this time some of my best memories on wow

Greldek - 15.03.2022 09:34

warlock's imp with the debuff from blackwing lair i think it was. get debuff on imp, banish it, resummon at the bank, and kill everyone with the bomb.

TheOmegaAlfa - 27.02.2022 13:03

I’ve had different list on my mind:
- AV wolves faster than epic mounts
- Duskwood wolf doing shadow damage
- cool spirit wolf that could be tamed only in group, haste, drums, heroism because it spawned only for seconds.

Some Guy
Some Guy - 19.02.2022 18:46

I'm sorry, but I have to be clear about this... are you/is he saying "hitting like trunks?"

DHxJarsyl - 17.02.2022 14:28

I never knew about the bad manners bug. That is actually a really funny feature, just a dude running around killing folks with disposable monkeys.

Brandon Aguirre
Brandon Aguirre - 04.02.2022 18:27

Bro what was that fps

Florea Ciprian
Florea Ciprian - 01.02.2022 14:56

Worth to note with monkeys is that Blizzard also added a feature that when you tame a pet it will scale with your level, putting it at 5 levels under you. So hunters were just dissmissing their monkeys to summon the next one faster, thus loosing their pet. Because of this they were legit staying on the isle with monkeys continuosly taming them in between arena queues

Bug Museum Jay
Bug Museum Jay - 25.01.2022 08:20

"...before they ran out of monkeys to abandon." That's so sad but also hilarious.

scott cisek
scott cisek - 18.01.2022 23:42

Still think it’s bullshit Blood DK’s don’t have access to army of the dead anymore

Sagitario - 17.01.2022 00:51

Shamans history in a nutshell: "and it got nerfed."

Tucher97 - 16.01.2022 15:03

Honestly, I feel that hunters need some dedicated PVP pets, like pets that are great for PVP. Though I once mained a hunter, I never once cared about PVP and because of the limited stable slots, I kept one pet that was a praire wolf. Though it was cool to see that Legion added account bound books that allowed hunters to tame the likes of dragons and hybrid animals, though I would like to have that just not in legion. I would like to play as a wind serpent tamer just again not Legion.
Some of these pets sound great for PVE, though I am gonna stop before wanting the desire to gush on how to rework it more so. Like for the rhino sure it has the stampede but what if it looses half health it they stampede one person and on the minimap, the animal gets highlighted.
Though I maybe wrong but for a long while there was a short time when pet training was still a thing, certain categories of pets could learn something special.

Bbonno - 03.01.2022 03:01

While hardly this broken, King Bangladesh was possibly the first overpowered pet😜

Aaron Wheeler
Aaron Wheeler - 29.12.2021 07:21

I remember watching a vid from the LK beta where somebody tamed one of the big silithids, maybe Yauj, and when they summoned it, it hadn't scaled down at all, so it was like Godzilla stomping around Dalaran clipping through buildings and lagging everybody to death.

Akredi - 25.12.2021 14:17

About army of the dead during WotLK, the only class/spec which didn't care was the protection paladin, it was my main and I laughed each time a dk used that. I remember once three frost dk at once attacked me in Warsong with lich form, three army of the dead and their ghouls, ended up killing them easily due to the auto-crit of holy spells on undead and holy stun aoe, got out of that fight with 85% hp left and still being able to use Lay on Hands and Divine Shield, but protection paladin was quite op in itself during WotLK ...

☯Zen☯ - 15.12.2021 14:52

Druids have typhoon. So you can cloak has the cat and just blast everyone off a cliff, it's what I use to do

Mimsy Crush
Mimsy Crush - 09.12.2021 15:52

i miss the old stampede was good fun times

M Caspers
M Caspers - 06.12.2021 20:52

Forget to talk about Broken tooth..with attack speed 1.0.Casters hated that Pet.

Pandaren Death Knight
Pandaren Death Knight - 05.12.2021 08:16

You still can't cast army in arena 😭

Primordial Decay
Primordial Decay - 04.12.2021 02:43

I miss the original army of the dead and shadow of death passive Too many crybabies complained about dks being too op so we get shafted. Its just disappointing.

MRESHKA LOL - 02.12.2021 11:31


Quchi - 30.11.2021 03:05

In WOTLK, spirit beasts didn't have the Spirit Mend ability yet, I think it was spirit strike similar to a Boomkin's moonstrike.

RekeBear - 29.11.2021 07:49

My Hunter tamed a pet called Quillen, back in Pandaria. It had a most unique ability to RESURRECT a Dead Player back to life. XD

Johan Halvarsson
Johan Halvarsson - 11.11.2021 11:28

I guess you never saw the rextroy video of the pet that didn't get the levelcrunch when everyone else did?

Lu Simmons
Lu Simmons - 09.11.2021 07:16

Lol. Ok no 3 was just absurd.

5 pets, for 20 seconds, with all 5 pet abilities. And the devs actually implemented that abomination of a talent lol. BS. They knew damn well what they were doing ha.

Mist was retarded. Everyone was everything at once lol.

Dragon_fan - 07.11.2021 09:28

Im surprised no mention of vanilla bugged lupos dealing only shadow damage which ignores armor so it hit like a truck it was fun on vanilla p servers as a BM hunter pop beastial wrath and it hit for 900s at level 40

Malik Aruvan
Malik Aruvan - 01.11.2021 01:47

U forgot the realy Most OP pet. The invisible pet u couldnt target or Hit. Beginning in cata, Same area AS Crossroads but in the south. U could let explode a beast through a Quest and when u tame IT right, u Had a Ring of fire AS pet which could solo everything

PintSnob - 31.10.2021 16:02

The blind that monkeys had was so op in pvp. I remember running WG/AV as horde and ruining people with my monkey with a fez. GTs GTs

DragonflyenAmber - 29.10.2021 21:10

I miss the special abilities my pets had, Blizz really killed the uniqueness of the classes with all their tinkering

Cobra - 26.10.2021 12:45

Bro killing off a bm hunters pet or locks pets is huge In pvp
