DEEP DIVE: The bizarre case of Natalia Grace

DEEP DIVE: The bizarre case of Natalia Grace

Noor Jasmine

1 год назад

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🌺 Always be true 🌺
🌺 Always be true 🌺 - 19.09.2023 00:25

Dr Phil ain’t stupid that guys like Hercule Poirot 😆

John Jackson
John Jackson - 17.09.2023 19:00

Sociopath's can be really good con artist's and adapt to situations after mishaps. I strongly believe the prior adoptive parents story overall and the story behind Natalia in my opinion doesn't add up. The problem ends where the problem begins whenever something has too many inconsistencies you have to examine the source of origin?

debra Rockhill
debra Rockhill - 17.09.2023 18:37

I watched your show, watched the behavioral panel group assess the video with Dr. Phil....I think I agree with you. Her age is older, adoption agency with birth moms help changed her age so she would be adopted. Teenagers are hard to adopt especially with questionable behaviors. I read some of the comments below. I have worked with mentally ill, raised 3 kids, worked with physically disabled children and adults. Menstrual cycles can start young...I was 10. I have watched 12 y/os give birth (worked labor and delivery). With some illnesses puberty can start early including secondary sexual traits ie pubic hair and breast. Enough about physical....her mental age and emotional behaviors do not match that of a child regardless of how fast she had to grow up. I believe she was a teenager when adopted maybe 12-13 y/o. I was small for my age and my parents would tell people I was younger so I could get into movies cheaper. When asked questions she would say she didn't know or understand what was going on. Even at 8 she would have understood, been afraid, emotional. I believe during Dr. Phil interview she was a woman not 16y/o. She is very self assured because she has found someone to believe her lies and supports those lies. I do believe new family is covering up problems she has caused because they don't want to give up on her or go through what other family went through legally. Somewhere down the line she will hurt someone whether child or adult she has issues that make her dangerous.

L A - 17.09.2023 09:54

You are so ballsy to post Dr. Phil clips lol I love you

FRONT DESK - 15.09.2023 11:59

she was definitely not born in 2003 those are false records from Ukraine in attempt to get her the care she needed. I would say that she was left on her own at age 8 that she truly was already an adult around 22 years old and now she is probably 30 years old is my guestimate looking at all the evidence

FRONT DESK - 15.09.2023 11:04

grown woman... so obvious she has been trying to scam people so they can take care of her forever

Laurie Hall
Laurie Hall - 15.09.2023 04:33

I think your assessment is spot on

sanjasi vi
sanjasi vi - 14.09.2023 13:08

She looks so frightened. This little girl needed care and love

roxy dragon
roxy dragon - 13.09.2023 13:49

My son had public hair when he was 7. How do you call your husband to come in and look at her private parts. Or make a video telling the dad she had a period. These people are sick.

Kenneth Ong Kang Yi
Kenneth Ong Kang Yi - 13.09.2023 11:51

WtF is this made up story

Froggy Legs
Froggy Legs - 11.09.2023 06:10

I think she’s telling the truth.

Heather Maureen
Heather Maureen - 08.09.2023 20:41

This was SUCH a good series, and really sad. For Natalia. Justice was NOT served for her.

Cynthia Rogers
Cynthia Rogers - 07.09.2023 17:23

She was NOT A CHILD...NO WAY!!

dfectedRO - 07.09.2023 04:00

how are those pos "parents" still free to this day? lock them up for the rest of their life ffs.

Joe Momma
Joe Momma - 06.09.2023 06:42

She's a Russian spy .😊

Gee Vee
Gee Vee - 06.09.2023 05:50

You are so pretty 😍

Natalia Evans
Natalia Evans - 04.09.2023 23:16

These parents knew nothing about RAD or even bothered to learn about dwarfism or about common issues in adopted children so instead they got paranoid and went doctor shopping until they found a doctor that agreed with them and that poor girl got no justice. The parents got away with it. Ableism in the court system and she was abused because of her dwarfism.

Toyah King
Toyah King - 04.09.2023 20:38

I just watched the movie, I couldn’t believe this case. The dad is off his rocker! The did that girl dirty and had her tormenting that neighborhood like that. They said they would look outside to see if she was out there before rushing to their cars.

Janet Wood
Janet Wood - 03.09.2023 20:45

There are OFFICIAL IMMIGRATION RECORDS of the EXACT DATE when Natalia entered the USA. If she had been a grown adult as these evil people claim, she would have developed an accent when she learned English. But, she did not, because SHE WAS A BABY!

Sailor Slay
Sailor Slay - 31.08.2023 16:02

The Barnetts are terrible. It never occurred to them that the Ukrainian speaking person reminded her of past abusers and that’s why she was triggered

Sailor Slay
Sailor Slay - 31.08.2023 15:57

You can tell from the pictures that she’s aging and getting older

Sailor Slay
Sailor Slay - 31.08.2023 15:55

Omg i didn’t know about the birth mother.that’s so sad

Sailor Slay
Sailor Slay - 31.08.2023 15:27

You know I hear a lot of this evil speak from adoptive parents. They speak about the child they chose to take in like some demon terrorizing the house. It’s insane

Sailor Slay
Sailor Slay - 31.08.2023 15:22

I remember this. I do not believe the family at all

ya momz
ya momz - 31.08.2023 12:29

She still looks young. I watched a lot of Little Women shows on TLC. And you can still see the age in those ladies and they wear waaaayyyy more makeup.

ya momz
ya momz - 31.08.2023 12:26

If she is really a child. I’m sure she is going to repeat what all she was told or kept hearing about herself.

P La
P La - 31.08.2023 08:56

The Barnett's are absolutely pathetic human beings...
I saw the documentary months ago and its the worst acting I've ever seen! They NEVER gave her a chance. They formed thier opinions and tried to get rid of her. When they found a idiotic doctor to "raise her age" they ran with it to courts and had her re-aged.
Then they abandoned her at an apartment!
She was roughly 10or 11 yrs old! Can you imagine leaving your child alone to make thier own food.. get themselves ready.. go to school.. do their own grocery shopping..?!! Unbelievable 😮😮😮 they both need to be locked up 😢😢😮

P La
P La - 31.08.2023 08:46

Natalia looks so sad in the earlier videos 😢😢

Rozalyn Ussery
Rozalyn Ussery - 31.08.2023 07:01

I’m gonna go with she was born in 03 because her birth mother would know. This poor child, She deserves justice.

Toni Remer
Toni Remer - 30.08.2023 20:43

I’m sorry, but I think this Natalia is full of it. MAYBE she went through SOME form of neglect BEFORE the Barnetts adopted her, but there are red flags.
IF Natalia actually came from Ukraine, where is her accent?? I personally know someone, who has been here in the States for over 20 years, that came from Russia, and they STILL have their Russian accent; so, where is hers?? She speaks perfect English, as IF she was actually born here in the States.
I do know that unscrupulous adoption agencies will “forge” a birth certificate saying that the child had come from some impoverished country, so that they’re adopted more quickly.
Next, the “new” family was way too eager to go on Dr. Phil’s Show. Why? To seek publicity? To garner sympathy? Something doesn’t seem right!
As for Kristine, WTF?? Making your husband and biological children sleep outside!! Noor, you have done another phenomenal video, and we truly do appreciate all the hard work you put in each video!

Susanne Lockwood
Susanne Lockwood - 30.08.2023 00:59

poor girl.. obvs been abused her whole life.. the adoptive mom is evil!! you can tell she is the abusive one.. who makes a disabled child stand against the wall like that.. especially with Natalia's disability. she made her call the police on herself and say she was a danger to people.. also the part where Natalia is reading the bible and says about sinning.. that's obviously what they are constantly telling her.. that she's evil etc.. also her acting sexualised towards people... young children who have been SA'd, act in this way because they believe its normal.. god.. cant even believe people believe this crap.. those adoptive parents are psycho's.. and evil and belong in prison.

Ang roldan
Ang roldan - 29.08.2023 09:08

There are pictures of her right after the Barnett's adopted her where she is missing baby teeth...

tammy taylor
tammy taylor - 27.08.2023 11:59


tammy taylor
tammy taylor - 27.08.2023 11:22


tammy taylor
tammy taylor - 27.08.2023 11:17


Timothy james
Timothy james - 26.08.2023 17:28

Yo?!? Why you got a pic of dat crazy midget on your wall gurl?? Lemme find out your fans onlyin that crazy smut

Nikolas Abdul-Hamid
Nikolas Abdul-Hamid - 26.08.2023 14:08

I think that she is an evil psychopath demon child who came here to murder everyone.

Neith - 23.08.2023 11:23

People acting like the birth certificate could have been faked... ffs guys, Ukraine isn't backwards, they've got laws around birth certs as well. It's not like someone can just fire up a computer and change the numbers when she's born 'just in case'

Gwendolyn - 23.08.2023 05:16

I love how you make yourself remember a name! I do the same thing.

Cortney M
Cortney M - 22.08.2023 22:19

U can tell just by the pictures alome that she was a little girl a baby smh.. . N now shes gotten older duhhhhh. If no one can see that ur just plain crazy.

Kezia E.
Kezia E. - 22.08.2023 00:08

I think she was probably born in 1998-99 not 03 or 89. I also think the barnetts were rightfully skeptical because she was “mature” for a 6 year old so they probably thought the worst and figured we gotta get this girl the hell out of here, but how they went about doing it was wrong.

Vilma Sandoval
Vilma Sandoval - 20.08.2023 21:41

By her biological mother said her date of birth 🤔

Mena - 19.08.2023 01:07

She is an adult. End of.

Valentina Martina
Valentina Martina - 18.08.2023 05:43

Tante bambine sviluppano in tenera età i controlli dall'endocrinologo si iniziano anche a 5 anni. Ti fanno fare una lastra per vedere se l'età corrisponde o si è troppo precoce. Infatti a 7 anni c'è la presenza di un ossivicino e le ossa si avvicinano di più. Poi ci sono esami del sangue poi un dentista. Anche i denti possono determinare un età. Poi quando dissero che le ossa avevano smesso di crescere secondo me è probabile visto che si tratta di una bambina affetta da nanismo che la crescita delle ossa si possa arrestare prima di un'altra persona e a saldarsi. Doveva essere valutata da un esperto in nanismo. Forse sarà stata più grande di 2 o 3 anni chi lo sa ,ma si vede che ha un viso da bimba piccola e nell'intervista come sia cresciuta e stia maturando anche i tratti somatici. È molto triste tutto ciò sia da un lato che dall'altro perché se è vero ciò che dicono i genitori adottivi è inquietante e molto terribile e posso comprendere il volere di volerla allontanare. D'altronde canto se Natalia dice la verità e quindi è piccola è triste pensare a tutto quello che ha subito invece di ricevere amore. Per fortuna quest'altra famiglia si sta prendendo cura di lei e ne parlano bene. Però potrebbe darsi anche che magari a Natalia questa famiglia piace e si comporta bene per non ricevere dinuovo un'altra porta in faccia. Comunque resta un grosso enigma.
Bravissima il tuo video mi è piaciuto molto. Hai raccontato cose che magari non tutti dicono. Ora il titolo nel programma che faranno qui nel mio paese è : "il caso di Natalia, bambina o adulta o probabile omicida ?😢🤔🤔🤔⁉️⁉️

joggers guna jog
joggers guna jog - 17.08.2023 01:23

I don't trust Natalie idk y I just don't

ann czar
ann czar - 16.08.2023 14:46

People who believed the parents are obnixiously gullible and unintelligent. The parents should be sent into psychiatries for life.

Okie-Kan - 16.08.2023 06:53

I think she is the age of her birth certificate. She had a front tooth missing in one of the pictures. She still had her baby teeth. I have heard that the Ukrainian orphanages are terrible, and very corrupt. I have no doubt wherever she was before she was adopted was not nice.

shivi and ttura
shivi and ttura - 14.08.2023 05:53

I’m sorry, but how is a girl that can barely walk going to do all of these things I don’t get that she was physically incapable of doing the things she was accused of
