How To Use Image Overlays In Ecamm Live

How To Use Image Overlays In Ecamm Live

Adrian Salisbury Training

3 года назад

4,219 Просмотров

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@crosswks - 05.12.2022 15:19

Hello, I have a video of a basketball game and I wanted to place an image of the players card at different times in the video. Is there a way to time when an image appears in the scene or is this something that you would do manually.

@vincentdowd - 02.09.2022 23:35

I just renewed with Ecamm and filled 2 folders with overlays and they disappeared as did the folder two times, they won't stay on my file and now I have to take the time to do it aging for 3rd time, appreciate help please

@godfatherofcinema - 15.04.2022 18:44

Very helpful, clearly explained tutorial. Thanks.

@slipthetrap - 05.03.2022 20:29

Both your videos and Ecamm are cool and helpful, thank you. But I do miss the ability, like in OBS, to bring in an image then do a "Transform" and "Fit to screen" ... which worked perfect for most images/screenshots. I hope Ecamm can provide such a function in the future, as dragging/pulling is a bit fussy and most images just don't fit the screen. ☮️

@SwiftySanders - 07.02.2022 05:53

Can you add a border to an image?
