100 People Tell Us About Their Worst Breakup | Keep It 100 | Cut

100 People Tell Us About Their Worst Breakup | Keep It 100 | Cut


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goji - 05.11.2023 17:27

That last one was a smart ending. Wholesome and funny!

Jess - 05.11.2023 12:42

Mine was with my ex but him and I are like family ❤

Ishika Shrimali
Ishika Shrimali - 27.10.2023 20:28

Worst break up for an indian is when everything is going great and you're in love and planning to get married but your parents deny and force you to break up with them and you have to choose between them and your family but they love you so much that they take this decision and leave you so you don't end up hurting your family. 💔

D04 G
D04 G - 25.10.2023 19:01

I laid my life out on the table for this man. I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life, I wanted to plan our life together. But he kept intimate videos of him and his exes in his phone and was secretive with them. I couldnt do that to myself and had to end it there. We would tell each other how we loved each other, we made so many memories in 6 months. I wanted to give him the world and it felt like he wanted to do the same but held on to the past tighter than I did. It hurts so much knowing he was my first love. I just hope he reflects on his doings and corrects himself. Ill always love that man, but i have to love myself more.

solo - 23.10.2023 21:22

Wtf why does it takes so long for the context of the video to start i disslike

BigSathiya - 20.10.2023 11:20

i really dont see how people can heal from this, im drained bro and its been 3 years

Chris K.
Chris K. - 18.10.2023 11:54

The worst breakup is the one you postpone for YEARS and then they break up with you lol

Daniel García
Daniel García - 18.10.2023 00:07

“hooow could you leeeave these titiesss” hahaha that got me

Self-Love Sadist
Self-Love Sadist - 17.10.2023 20:52

Not the pissy boy 😭😭

samuel sommar
samuel sommar - 15.10.2023 01:14

I got dumped 4 days ago and I've never felt this kinda pain before. We dated for 6 months, and he was my first love ever. But it turned out that he wasn't in a place where he could handle a relationship, so he broke up with me - me totally blind and so fucking chocked when it ended.

A wasp that's watching you
A wasp that's watching you - 14.10.2023 23:59

Recent break up me and my ex fiancé were together for about 2 years. I stayed true to her stayed loyal to her, I worked as a truck tire tech so when it was my time to be on call I would be busy alot. We needed up fighting about that whatnot come a later week we’re drinking playing video games and I got off because I was getting my ass handed to me and she got mad broke her Tv I gave her three her alcohol and started getting abusive. Called the cops and they separated us she went to a shelter even though I offered to walk the streets and even sleep in my car. After that she just up and left not one word to me. But she got toxic with me alot

TheCoolGuy - 14.10.2023 23:17

"I threw a burrito" I didn't expect that.

DouTrusme - 14.10.2023 05:53

im thankful people are suffering more then me🙏🏾 I hope misery shall forever follow them

Speedyboi4623 - 10.10.2023 07:25

I just want you to know that it does get better. About 4-5 years ago while I was in high school, I met my first true love, and we were together for two years. Over those two years I had a lot of first experiences with her. Watching movies together, cooking together, traveling together, cuddling together, losing our virginity together, things like that. Everything was going great but unfortunately I have ADHD. This led to a lot of arguments and disagreements between me and her. She was also not the nicest human being. My lack of care and attention led to her cheating on me. After she did that we tried to fix the relationship but it lead to more harm then good and lots of toxicity. This ultimately put me into a very dark place and I became depressed. For the first few weeks to months I could not stop thinking of her. I would cry to myself at night and the thought of her not being with me almost made me sick. The feeling of heart break was like torture that no one should go through. When people talk about a broken heart it’s because you can literally physically feel as if your heart has been shot and ripped out of your chest. I had thoughts of ending it at times because I was so mentally consumed by this girl who I thought was my everything. After a few more months went by things started to get a little bit better. I started to enjoy time with my friends and started hitting the gym. Hanging with my friends helped distract me from her, but when I was thinking of her, I was usually at the gym. This led to me gaining some weight and some muscle definition. Nothing crazy, but I definitely looked and felt better. After a full year had gone by, I started to think about her less and less. I ended up buying a motorcycle and getting a tattoo which was something my ex never wanted me to do. This allowed me to find a hobby I really enjoy which was riding. I then started opening up to dating but never took anything seriously and kinda ran around for a bit to have fun and distract myself. Another year goes by of getting into some better shape and a hobby and I met another girl. She saw me on Facebook and she DMd me about my bike and how she wants to get into riding. This lead to us talking and getting to know each other. I was still alittle bit hurt at the time so I wasn’t expecting to get into a relationship. Fast foward another year and I’m now pretty happy with where I’m at. I ended up falling in love with the girl who DMd me and we are now together!She got into riding and we both have motorcycles and ride in the summer. We both communicate well which is very important. We are planning our future together and it’s looking amazing! Soon she will be moving into my apartment and we will both be going to collage/ trade schools to build our careers!

Ultimately what I want anyone who reads all of this to know is that it does get better and that while you may be in a lot of pain right now I promise it does. I was actually in the same position as you a couple years ago. Thinking to myself that I’ll never be the same and I’ll never enjoy life again. Well here I am! And while this story seems very cut and dry obviously I had my ups and downs along the way but ultimately it all works out. Do your best and push through.

Martina XO
Martina XO - 10.10.2023 04:47

lol the girl that just got out of a 5 year relatinonship … me asf

Dion - 10.10.2023 02:17

I love how they mostly react cool with break ups or pretending cool with it for a positive minded.
