Why the automatic driving test has a lower pass rate in the UK

Why the automatic driving test has a lower pass rate in the UK

Conquer Driving

2 года назад

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George Shaw
George Shaw - 15.11.2023 03:22

I learned to drive manual way back in 1983 but have been driving an automatic for nearly 20yrs, any time i need ro drive a manual now its just so tedious, especially in city/commuter driving, all that pointless gear changing is just annoying and on the motorway with no real need ro change geat again manual is pointless. There really are no practical benefits to a manual.

Phazonviper - 13.11.2023 10:56

If our society gets better with rail transport, say re-nationalising, possibly having it be union run, we might see a much lower proportion of car users as commuters.
This could mean that a lot of people looking to drive automatic may instead have easier access to rail commutes, while also meaning it'd be the petrolheads that make up a plurality or more of car drivers on the road due to the bulk of automatic commuter traffic being reduced.
We may see a change in general motivation for those already learning to drive steer (pun intended) towards enthusiasts that want to have more control of their vehicle, so we may never see automatic make up a majority of driving tests... Assuming rail transport is re-nationalised.

If not, I'll be sad, and while reaching for a tissue on New Year's Day 2037 check on the internet to see, of all things, driving test statistics.

Stavros K.
Stavros K. - 13.11.2023 06:27

Manual is real driving. Automatic is for kids.

Slartibartfast - 12.11.2023 11:55

The best thing I did to improve my driving after I passed my manual driving test was to, 10 years later, do an accelerated access motorbike training course and test on a 500cc bike.
Learning to ride a motorbike and riding one for 3 years made me a much better car driver.

Slartibartfast - 12.11.2023 11:46

You know why the pass rate is consistent don't you?
It's because they have a secret quota for passing and they will fail perfectly safe drivers to keep that pass rate and limit the number of new drivers on the road.

vacantspace333 - 11.11.2023 02:50

As someone that almost completed learning how to drive on a manual. I must say that the manual gearbox is beyond archaic and simply needs to disappear completely. The amount of attention this silly ol' contraption sucks up is mind-numbingly enormous. That same attention can be put to far better use on the road, pedestrians and other motorists instead.

SenorKristobbalVLog - 09.11.2023 13:23

I also think that manual you have to pay attention far more while automatic it is easy to switch off and forget mirrors and the like.

TheXsheeple - 09.11.2023 12:32

Or the DVSA have to meet their quotas ££££££££

Annoying B'stard
Annoying B'stard - 06.11.2023 19:44

Because only the mongs who haven’t got the sense to drive a proper car actually take the automatic test.

Choose Life! Your Life.
Choose Life! Your Life. - 05.11.2023 05:24

Just putting it out there. Immigrants tend to go for automatic over manual for their test

Jeff Knott
Jeff Knott - 05.11.2023 01:54

I'm a manual driver, got in an automatic once, had it on two wheels within 10 minutes of getting in it lol

mb2000 - 04.11.2023 20:02

Something else to consider is what you’re going to be doing with your driving license. If it’s just general commuting etc then fine, manual or automatic doesn’t make a lot of difference. But for me, who has worked in the motor industry for almost 20 years, having an automatic license would have severely hampered me in my work, if I even got the job to begin with as I would have only been able to drive half of the vehicles. As it is with my manual license, I can jump and drive whatever I need to without worrying about whether I’m qualified and therefore insured.

gTAYLOR28 - 02.11.2023 18:14

I chose to learn in an Automatic. I passed first time with 1 minor. Most people i meet nowadays who are starting/looking to start learn i recommend automatic lessons/test & car when they pass.

Kristian Kumpula
Kristian Kumpula - 02.11.2023 16:20

You should be trying to put automatic learners down. Manual is the one true way.

Shannon Smith
Shannon Smith - 31.10.2023 15:15

I've noticed your local to me (recognise the roads ect) I started in a manual as more cars to buy are on offer but 2 years in I wasn't getting far and stressing out with junctions/roundabouts (I am Ausitic) so I got myself an automatic car with the same instructor. Got the car in Feb passed in August the same year 👩🏼‍🔬

Reny Mathew
Reny Mathew - 31.10.2023 11:25

Are there any manual EVs, so automatic is the future. Driven manual for more than 12 years outside UK, but feel in UK automatic is better due too many start stops

Starlight Modding
Starlight Modding - 31.10.2023 00:44

Wow right as the driving footage rolled I knew I recognised that place, turns out I was right as I was driving there only a week ago

Danius Miliunas
Danius Miliunas - 29.10.2023 16:06

In 2040 all cars will be electric thus no gears.

Jugi - 29.10.2023 14:54

everyone should take the test driving a manual because if you can drive a manual you can drive anything.
unless there is obvious health issues like your left foot is amputated or something like that then you can take the automatic obviously

Succulent Orange
Succulent Orange - 28.10.2023 22:47

Automatics are easier to drive than you expect them to be. If you haven't driven one you probably think "I don't even think about the gears" but when you drive auto you realise, actually, you did. However: It's significantly harder to manoeuvres in an automatic. Clutches are far more sensitive. If I'm driving somewhere I've never been, I'll choose auto, but if I have to park there, I'll choose manual.

In terms of Auto being more frequent than manual tests: Not long. Growth is exponential, new cars will be electric only eventually so what's the point of manual? I'd say 2030 is guaranteed, but 2027 is my risky guess.

spiderman01980 - 28.10.2023 12:34

Manual Lorries tests have been outnumbered by automatic tests for some time now. Finding a HGV learning centre that has manual lorries is very difficult, especially articulated. I passed articulated in 2018 and i could not find a centre that had a manual lorry. I have driven for 7 companies and only one of them had a manual gearbox, and that was only on the assessment day, once passed the assessment i was given an automatic.

Macca - 28.10.2023 09:59

I would say generally people driving manual would also be more in tune with what the car is doing would also play into it (at least that what a see in Australia where we only have 20% manual cars)

jort93z - 27.10.2023 20:45

mid thirties i think. Electric cars have no gears and clutch either.

Meh - 27.10.2023 11:50

I don't agree, gear changes accumulate to major faults. Don't have the same problem with an automatic test.

papiezguwniak - 27.10.2023 07:01

Manual should be the only way people learn and pass tests. Filter out the dummies.

harrod harrod
harrod harrod - 26.10.2023 18:18

Bottom line is, we treat the possibility of having a driver's license as a right instead of as a priviledge. Some people just should not be allowed to operate vehicles. The comment section here is testament to that.

nikitawilton123 - 26.10.2023 11:44

I tried manual but because of my disabilities (dyspraxia, dyslexia) I struggle with doing too many things at once. It became dangerous me changing gears and then unable to focus on the roads. It was both mine and my instructors points to go to automatic. I have had loads of lessons around 60 hours. And he now thinks I am ready for my automatic test next week. For me it was never can’t be bothered, or haven’t tried enough in a manual as I had also had loads hours in a manual. It was purely disability related.

Oasics95 - 25.10.2023 16:30

Because the stupidest/most incompetent drivers go for the easier automatic license.

Jez - 25.10.2023 14:59

@ConquerDriving We found that in our area, most of the 'good' driving instructors didn't do weekends or even evenings! Only the mass driving schools tended to do weekends which we found weren't nearly as good at teaching someone who isn't very confident in their driving. I'd be interested to know whether you teach on weekends and if not, do you know how people actually manage to find time during their work week to do driving lessons?

KarlGaff - 25.10.2023 14:35

I never went down the manual route of driving and I wanted to pass as fast as I could. I had a normal amount of lessons and covid ruined everything and put me off doing lessons. I ended up buying my own car and going out on the roads with family and just booked my test and had no further driving lessons & passed first time. I was so happy.

Gregor - 25.10.2023 13:13

Because they can't drive, simple as lol

xXBam BamXx
xXBam BamXx - 25.10.2023 10:18

It's because most people choose automatic for test, and that's why most people fail with automatic.. Those who choose manual, they have an real interest to actually learn..

VB - 25.10.2023 07:38

Simple...any idiot who want to get on the wheels just like that think Automatic is all it takes to drive a car without any issues. A manual driver on the other hand is more likely to know their stuff better given the complexities of working the clutch and gears through their paces.

KGR - 25.10.2023 04:01

70% of automatics are female drivers you forgot to address this.

Liquid - 24.10.2023 23:30

"Noo driving too hard on mah brain" is basically what I'm reading, the lazy plague is spreading

Robert Hencher
Robert Hencher - 24.10.2023 16:05

You are correct it makes no difference whether you take your test in a manual or automatic if you are good competent learner and are ready for your test. No problem the only problem arises after you pass your test in areas like when you go to work for a company where you may have to use a company vehicle. I do not mean your own company car. I mean when you’re using a pool car from a company is a good chance. They won’t be that many automatics in there and if it’s a van there’s a very high probability that it will not be an automatic. I have always said to all of my friends and my kids if you’re able to take your test in a manual do so because it will only work in your benefit in the end

andrew pitman
andrew pitman - 24.10.2023 15:55

I passed my test in February this year, I started with my aunt in law she took me out on her vuaxhall grandland, I really liked the car and driving was alot more fun for me, that gave me alot of confidence to start with a driving instructor and I passed 2nd time round, I have learnt to drive in a manual I to be honest I don't miss changing the gears.

richardcloudbase - 24.10.2023 09:39

Birch Aerodrone ?

GMT Washout
GMT Washout - 24.10.2023 02:13

It shouldn't exist anyway.. Everyone should learn how to drive manual first.

MrGogania - 23.10.2023 18:29

I’ve not driven a manual for at least 10yrs. New cars are all heading auto anyway so not much reason to learn manual anymore.

David Wilkinson
David Wilkinson - 23.10.2023 15:16

My mum passed her test in an automatic in 1989 driving Austin metro

Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem - 23.10.2023 10:39

Must be a UK thing

All we have in US are crossovers and trucks rolling around ...all automatic obviously

Pawnix - 23.10.2023 01:29

I've been driving for ages, but when I started out, I learned to fully work out the gears and clutch within a week of practice on privet property. What took me longer to get used to was the speed and getting to know the car. How fast can I take a corner before the car spins out? Learn to like acceleration from stop to some speed.

Nik Evans
Nik Evans - 22.10.2023 23:22

I was taking manual lessons but had a few unfortunate health problems get in the way, which knocked a few years off learning to drive, when I recovered I passed in automatic because I would rather be driving something than nothing. That was 18 years ago.

Michael Kirat
Michael Kirat - 22.10.2023 16:54

Passed on automatic 1st try

GeweerBeer - 22.10.2023 12:30

Changing gears really isn't the most difficult part of driving manual. Here in The Netherlands for example, stalling a couple times won't fail you your test. (stalling too often will, ofcourse)

Graham Herbert
Graham Herbert - 22.10.2023 01:08

Why would anyone who wasn't a woman, lazy, or disabled, want to drive only an automatic?

Dr. Pepper
Dr. Pepper - 21.10.2023 22:30

I have been driving for ages. In the UK, I had an accident that affected my back and my left knee. I took the manual test three times and I failed (although to be honest, I did not fail because of the manual gear box, it was more because of the examiners). When I took my fourth test, I decided to do automatic, I passed. The type of car had nothing to do with that, it was actually the examiner. Richard from Brentwood driving centre, you are the best examiner. Edit: I am thinking about taking another test in manual because I was not aware that the insurance for automatic cars is a lot higher than it is for manual cars.

i - 21.10.2023 18:54

Because incompetent people who shouldn't be driving are attracted to it as they think it will be easier for their dumb asses.
