Excel VBA: Create New Worksheet For EACH UNIQUE ITEM in List & Copy Record

Excel VBA: Create New Worksheet For EACH UNIQUE ITEM in List & Copy Record

Chester Tugwell

4 года назад

17,706 Просмотров

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Dozen - 01.10.2023 22:08

Hi sir what if I want that the SHEET NAME will be named based on your Transaction ID. Please advise. Thank you!!

Kandha R
Kandha R - 29.06.2023 16:03

Hi ChesterTugwell....
hope you're doing good..
I have one quetion here. If I run this code it's working completely fine with creating more than one sheet. But if I have only one name in the Data sheet and run macro to create or update. I recieve run time error 1004 - Method "Name of object'_Worksheet Failed and I see new empty sheet created.. Please help me on this case.

Saurabh Srivastava
Saurabh Srivastava - 11.05.2023 13:05

Hey.. nice explanation..can you make a video that how we can do this on different workbooks(not worksheets) in a folder.

Andrew Dale
Andrew Dale - 28.04.2023 19:43

Hello. Is there a download version of your code? I've tried to follow it but with no luck. I've never used VBA before 😂

BrainDiseasee - 05.04.2023 23:36

Question: What if i need to add an additional range from a different worksheet to this? I tried adding new sheet and ranges tot he script but i get an error.

Naveed Yousaf
Naveed Yousaf - 01.02.2023 21:52

Excellently explained 👌

Patrick Opaola
Patrick Opaola - 16.09.2022 17:04

Chester great. It is what I am exactly looking for

Alice Ramos
Alice Ramos - 06.05.2022 00:02

Hey Chester, great video. I'm receiving an error message with the following line " BranchName.Offset(0, -3).Resize(1, 13).Copy Destination:=Worksheets(BranchName.Value).Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0). I'm looking up to information column A. What do I need to change?

Nelson Naves
Nelson Naves - 08.02.2022 03:41

how to duplicate a worksheet with new name in userform¡?

Kurtlan De shong
Kurtlan De shong - 04.02.2022 18:56

I stumbled upon this video that is exactly what i want. I however get an error when i try to run the script on my data set. "Sub-script out of range". It seems as if the script will not run if the data in the column is a number. Any ideas on how to get around this?

Grenemyr - 08.10.2021 17:25

I used this macro on a PC and it worked beautifully for both your original macro and the one I altered to match my data. However, when I copied the same macro into a MacBook, using excel, of course, it bombed out. Is there some code needed to work inside mac?

The error says "Name Already Taken. Try a different one."

Again both versions of code worked perfectly on PC....

Michelle Chow
Michelle Chow - 01.10.2021 18:48

This is what I want!!!! Thank you very much!!!
If Portsmouth has a special character with "\"? How to remove this "\" when creating the new worksheet name? Appreciate if you teach me on this part?

James - 16.08.2021 20:26

Quick question: I’ve got 5 columns labelled “ address” “ location” “ works” “ action” and “ completed”. I’ve managed to successfully follow your code to get a new tab for each unique address. However, I need to make a further edit and I’m struggling. I only want to make a new tab for each unique address if the “completed” column = N
Any ideas on how i can do this ?

James - 02.08.2021 17:01

This is exactly what I was looking for thank you very much !! Really saved me with this

kbillan1 - 31.10.2020 00:26

Thank you, by the way.

kbillan1 - 31.10.2020 00:26

This is a great vid! I have one issue, mind you, this is the first time I've tried writing in VBA. I have a set of data that I am trying to sort by week number. I converted my dates using =weeknum, can't get the sheet to run right at all, even just doing this in your sheet. I got it to work by adding text before the output, ="week "&(weeknum(cell)). This runs, but sorts funny. Week 1, Week 10, 11,12... Week 2.. so the tabs are also all silly. Even putting in a sort macro will return the goofed up numbering. Any suggestions as far as how to do what you've done here but based on week number?

Shalini Reddy
Shalini Reddy - 12.07.2020 14:26

Hello Chester,
I have a sheet of 56 - 60 columns data information in it.
From that sheet I only need 3 column data i.e., Preferred Name, Email Address & Termination Date. The poison of the headers changes each time when we receive the data.
So, I want to create a macro based on the "headers" instead of column number to copy data from the existing sheet to the new work book. Please help me!

Iván Cortinas
Iván Cortinas - 06.07.2020 18:26

Excellent video Chester!! Thank you so much for sharing it. It is very practical.

Shiva M Kathir
Shiva M Kathir - 06.07.2020 15:28

Thank you so much!
