Ubuntu Unity Desktop Will Live Forever

Ubuntu Unity Desktop Will Live Forever


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killingtime - 26.11.2021 20:31

Your KDE setup is great. :) I started out doing something similar but had the top panel fill the width just like unity, doing so I had to mess around with third party widget(ACtive window control) to get the window titlebar to disappear when windows were maximized. But simply having the top panel aligned to the right solved all my troubles, no need for additional widgets. :)

Great vid!

Chad's Tech Hut
Chad's Tech Hut - 10.09.2021 12:31

I am from the future and unity 7 is not working properly with ubuntu 21.04 hiruste hippo, sad :( but there is a new fork called ubuntu unity, making an entire unity based system that works with newer updates new gtk and new kernel! unity lives!

Jeff L Pearson II
Jeff L Pearson II - 07.05.2018 19:49

I really like Unity and am seriously considering leaving 16.04 on my ACER. On my other computer I have switched from Mate to XFCE :-)

Lazar Bankovic
Lazar Bankovic - 04.06.2017 04:20

I think they will find a way to make even gnome shitty.

AvidSonicFan - 24.05.2017 02:41

The only reason I'm sad about Unity going is because of the part of the HUD that allows you to search up menu commands in applications in which you did not have to search through menu after menu of the command you want. But now that I have just seen similar functionality in GNOME's upcoming global menu or "Plotinus", that instantly became my new incentive to get an Ubuntu computer after they switch back to GNOME and not before!

fallingintime - 08.05.2017 04:37

gnome is rock stable. lacks features and decent defaults. kinda looks ugly

kde has great aesthetics, smooth animations great customizations great apps. slightly less stable.

unity has some decent features but cannot be compared between the others.

pseudopetrus - 03.05.2017 14:22

Linux is all about choice. I hardly comment on any Linux channel save Quids, because this channel is so informative. But I am tired of the nasty posts that come from the Linux community. It is OK to criticize for the purpose of suggesting improvements or pointing out problems. But this hateful stuff is not impressive, nor productive. I am thankful for Canonical's work on Unity and respect their decision to move on. We have lots of choice and the ability to modify to a great degree, and I think the mark of a mature Linux user is finding the distro that is most suited to your preferences without disrespecting other options or another persons choice. I get a lot of work done on with my chosen distro, it is far superior to Windows for me. It is not perfect, but I am grateful for all the hard work the team has put into it and with a little work of my own, I get to where I need to be. No need for harsh words! Thanks Quids, you have really helped me over the years with your educational tutorials and keeping us up to date!

Daniel Coffman
Daniel Coffman - 02.05.2017 06:59

I love Gnome better than Unity

SuperPepperMint - 01.05.2017 15:39

Unity is a horrible desktop!

dv8tion242 - 30.04.2017 11:57

My biggest gripe about Cinnamon is the poor "Privacy" config in System Settings. You get is a minimal entry about previously accessed files. Cinnamon isn't the lightest DE's, but overall has the least amount of necessary tweaks and crashes which KDE enjoys so much; the dumbing down of Gnome; and the ageing of other DE which make walkers and wheelchairs necessary to look modern.

Sylver Shadow
Sylver Shadow - 30.04.2017 07:17

It would've been nice if KDE's dashboard can be smaller (like Windows 10's Start menu).

Name Removed
Name Removed - 30.04.2017 05:01

Frankly No. A look-alike with a Mate popup menu with a dock of most used apps/programs is better.
Ubuntu Mate is a good idea; if it is good Linux Mint Mate the world is improved.

Do not get me wrong, I desired Ubuntu to succeed in the tablet zone. There is too little choice IMO.

Spüdley - 30.04.2017 05:01

The main thing I don't like about Plasma is that you can't mass import wallpapers, unless I'm missing something.

MisterJar - 30.04.2017 04:56

For me I do enjoy using unity desktop, but I like gnome and cinnamon desktop better.
And I just can warp my head around KDE

Russ Hansen
Russ Hansen - 30.04.2017 02:15

good info, thank you Quids

Andrew - 30.04.2017 02:12

Unity was a fucking disaster Ubuntu should never have moved away from the standard left bottom menu.

TheLotw - 30.04.2017 01:53

But KDE is a resource hog and can add hours onto a 3d render in blender or video editing.

Reggie Reginato
Reggie Reginato - 30.04.2017 01:52

I thought Gnome was the most popular desktop, not KDE... Not that I don't mind - I'm a long time KDE user.

DarkZek - 30.04.2017 01:36

I would love to make my unity desktop in KDE but it gets glitchy with vertical task bars

TheDarkWayne - 30.04.2017 01:32

Wow, comprehensive and detailed information regarding the unity topic. Thank you!

The Ignorant Philosopher
The Ignorant Philosopher - 30.04.2017 01:04

I must say that I much support Ubuntus decision. It is important for the big distributions to collectively focus on as small a number of desktop interfaces as possible, in my opinion at least, and while I don't actually like KDE, it is probably a good idea for small number to include KDE and Gnome exclusively, more or less.
Don't get me wrong, while I currently use gnome, because I've been too lazy to do anything about it, I much prefer environments such as xfce or lxqt, or standalone window managers such as Openbox or JWM, but in the interest of the greater good, so to speak, benefitting the community as a whole and making the platform more desirable for newcomers, I do believe it is important to focus the resources instead of spreading them around.

Daniel Olsson
Daniel Olsson - 30.04.2017 01:01

i'm happy with the i3wm that i have been using for years :)

Blaž - 30.04.2017 01:00

Great overview! Let's see how GNOME Shell changes in the next few years as new users get their hands on it.

Tom Ormiston
Tom Ormiston - 30.04.2017 00:56

I had the "pleasure" of using windows 10 desktop today.... for the love of all that is holy...by gads... what a pile of steaming ##*# ! I appreciate KDE and Linux desktops soooooo much more ! I'd recommend all Linux fans dabble into 'the dark side' now and again just to remain yourself why you pity your W10 friends ! ;) honestly Windows desktop just overwhelms the user with popups, sudo-important 'tips', adverts disguised as apps etc.... thanks Linux devs :)

Znicz - 30.04.2017 00:49

Hope that development on shell and gtk will speed up now. KDE always had this "unstable" feel to me, and cinnamon and mate are just... retarded :P Best move for Ubuntu could be to switch to some tiling WM insted of Gnome hehe :P
