Two couples live as settlers in the West in the 1870s/Pioneer Quest TV Series S01E09

Two couples live as settlers in the West in the 1870s/Pioneer Quest TV Series S01E09

Down The Rabbit Hole

1 год назад

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@janetbrowning9089 - 14.05.2024 12:06

I loved this series...was so touching & emotional...the music at the beginning of each video, was perfect too, even though it brought me to just so fitted this series & all the struggles that people during this time must have endured. I think Frank & Alana really found the most important thing in life...I think they were already close, but this series made them both truly decide to follow their dream of being together, instead of worrying about other things in me, they have learned what it usually takes people a lifetime to figure out!! Blessings to the two of them & I wish them the very best in life, as they follow their hearts together & their own dreams.♥

@kidmarine7329 - 29.02.2024 08:39

I really liked the young couple

@nancy95988 - 31.10.2023 23:17

Best of the Best right here ❤ Thank you 🤗

@nakedluck11 - 07.10.2023 23:33

The older couple should of been booted off the show when they got neighbors to help with homestead work on daily basis. I guess I was not a fan of them.

@WeggieQueen2005 - 20.09.2023 08:27

I just got to watch the show,. Never knew it existed. The young couple have the key to happiness in life. Don't be a slave to 1. work/money and 2. DO NOT GIVE A S&$T WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF YOU OR WHAT YOU'RE DOING. That is the key to happiness...not letting society put you in a box or mock you because you stepped out of that box. Thank you for the upload.

@whitepuppysub - 27.08.2023 02:13

Loved this Show, Wished it went on LONGER thou
