DAVID KRUMHOLTZ Shares a Bummer of a Story With the One and Only ROBERT DE NIRO

DAVID KRUMHOLTZ Shares a Bummer of a Story With the One and Only ROBERT DE NIRO

Inside Of You Clips

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@samlambert7133 - 17.01.2024 12:21

Old man got some ego. Fame shouldn’t matter, you should always treat people the way you wanna be treated.

@michaelbregway1269 - 17.01.2024 02:27

It seems like everyone in the comment section has had celebrity encounters. I'm glad for you, but it seems like waay to many in a single comment section.

@phillip_rogersjr - 16.01.2024 23:45

I own the indie movie he was talking about dvd: You Stupid Man. Milla Jovovich is also in it. Good movie :)

@MrFreeGman - 16.01.2024 22:53

In all fairness to De Niro, this dude kinda looks like he smells like cheetos.

@Kennypowers51 - 16.01.2024 20:45

There are a thousand stories of Deniro being a nad person. No wonder his wife left him despite the money. He is a miserable prick.

@alextorres-limon5548 - 16.01.2024 20:33

Batista said a few years ago that he was so excited when he got cast on Heist because he'd get to work with De Niro. His original role was opposite De Niro and he'd lines with him. But then got it changed where he got another role where there'd be no lines but he'd still be on screen with De Niro. But De Niro's people again said no and that role got taken away.

And then the final role Big Dave was offered had nothing with De Niro. And Big Dave was disappointed and almost pulled out because he was upset with how he got dicked around. But then he quickly changed his mind and took the role they offered out of spite and with the intention of stealing the film with his performance. He ended up loving the project because he got to work with Jeffrey Dean Morgan and become good friends with him.

@getheroutofthetruck - 16.01.2024 15:08

I met Paddington bear outside 32 Windsor Gardens. He was super friendly, and gave me a marmalade sandwich he had under his hat.

@natethegreat7094 - 16.01.2024 05:06

Most overrated and non dimensional actor

@markothwriter - 15.01.2024 00:18

I got to meet Jennifer Love-Hewitt when she was about 20 years old and she was just so gorgeous that I could hardly speak to her. She was just amazing. But she was very nice and smarter than most actresses. Her mom was also quite smart and funny.

I also got to work with James Caan on the show Vegas. He was very cool, but a little bit ADD. He wanted to get out of TV and back to film. And he was much more conservative and pro-American in real life, and only paid lip-service to Hollywood liberals.

@jasonjames6870 - 14.01.2024 21:08

What a coward

@DeadPixel1105 - 14.01.2024 09:45

I don't understand people fawning over celebrities. And when celebrities act shitty, there's this weird phenomenon that people do: they always act intimidated. At the end of the day, a rude celebrity is just an @sshole individual that should be treated as such. Just like the host said at the end of this story. "I hope you fucking fall down those stairs!" is exactly what David should have said to DeNiro in that situation, rather than standing there silent in embarrassment.

@rhinomechanics8423 - 13.01.2024 23:40

lol !!

@cxa24 - 13.01.2024 15:29

I'm no hero and we did not meet.

@balkee42 - 13.01.2024 07:16

Only film actor ive met is James Franco. He was shooting near my hometown. I was standing with a couple friends watching them film and when they broke for lunch James walked right by us and we didnt wanna bother him but he glances over and asks if we wanted to take any photos. Went on to take pics with each of us and chat for a sec. Super nice. Tim Blake Nelson walked by and i yelled Hi Tim. He sorta looked up but didnt say anything but seemed like he was still in character

@jcp1984again - 12.01.2024 23:31

This is not a fair discussion. How can Mr. Krumholtz generalize who's nice and who's not? How can you know if De Niro was having a bad day? He doesn't have a particularly difficult reputation.

@auagstacking4189 - 12.01.2024 08:21

I met Adam Sandler in summer 2019 when I was working as an extra on the set of ‘Hubie Halloween’. He was the most humble, nicest, sincere, and down to earth person. While he was technically my boss in that moment, he made me feel like a fellow human being.

@sirdaveysockrocker - 12.01.2024 00:17

Deniro was in the right, this guy didnt know when to stfu.

@bluesuperman1 - 11.01.2024 21:48

This guy is a great story teller!!

@fastesteddiealive - 11.01.2024 09:15

Met Tony hawk he was cool as could be along w Kobe w a line of 100 people waiting to meet him he was nice as possible but Christian slater was a prick along w Peter Brady or Barry Williams I think whichever Brady he was. Deb from Napoleon dynamite absolute sweetheart, Maggie Seaver Joanna kearns talked w me for an hour cool as hell. Daisy Fuentes asks me if I had a gf right in front of my gf and was cool as hell she hip checked me twice. Weird al is a bish. I volunteered at Elizabeth glazier pediatric aids foundation event a few years n met a bunch of these people n they stayed in the same booth for an hour or so n u got to really chill it was cool. Jerry rice class act. I got a shirt signed by Jerry rice and Kobe Bryant and gave it to my nephew. Prob only thing a those two together. Might be a 1/1 in history.

@allys744 - 11.01.2024 05:13

This wasn’t an unexpected encounter, but a few years ago, I met heather graham. She came to talk at my college; one of my professors at the time was conducting the Interview. Afterwards, I briefly spoke to her for less than a minute before she was rushed off (for some reason) by the president of the college, which was kind of rude of him. But she was super sweet and to this day, she is the only well known person in Hollywood I’ve met. And yes, she is also very pretty in person.

@ducklaser - 10.01.2024 21:36

If you look at a picture of De Niro's kids, his behaviour and the kids' behaviour will all make sense.

@teniola9304 - 10.01.2024 17:53

He's adorable 😍 guy

@Duzykutas - 10.01.2024 06:18

I think he's being an overly sensitive crybaby here. I think Deniro just cringed so hard at his terrible joke that he couldn't be in his presence any longer. I fully empathise with Deniro.

@jeremyfratefrate6450 - 10.01.2024 05:01

I met Jason David Frank before he passed and took his life. I didnt have enough money for his autograph I was about to step out of line he said no and signed it anyway even did a photo. He truly loved his fans he truly was the greatest can't wait for The Legend Of The White Dragon to drop.

@Billy_Marrs - 10.01.2024 02:42

Met my Idol Jon Bernthal one hot afternoon on a random beach in Maui a while back. He was boogie boarding next me with his fam for about 3 hours until I mustered up the courage to say how awesome he is. Jon ended up taking a pic with me despite having to use a small board to cover up the briefs he was wearing lmfao ! Great man off and on camera.

@mikecalhoun4981 - 10.01.2024 00:45

Am I the only one confused as to what went wrong? lol He was laughing one second then couldn't stand you for an elevator ride the next?

@matts7726 - 09.01.2024 22:03

Here's the thing- this guy (although did nothing really "technically" wrong he doesn't however - KNOW the rest of his story, those kids could have hit another button and something terrible happen on another floor, or given the guy one of the worst nights of his life and opens with "let me tell you a funny story" - tells it and all the fear and pain could have re-flooded his brain and at the time he nervously laughs but then later wants to go talk to him about it. Maybe in a bad way maybe not, and goes next to him waiting on the elevator so he could choose his words he'll say on the elevator ride. And this shmuck cracks another joke and it sets him off more and he chooses instead of beating your lilly ass there... He'll take the stairs.

@atrac88 - 09.01.2024 18:13

I was an extra on 90210 and Shannen Doherty was SUPER nice to the extras. While we waited for a scene to start shooting, everyone was walking on eggshells because she had a rep for being not so nice. She engaged us! Very sweet and personable. I watched the terrified looks from my peers quickly dissolve into smiles and ease. And yes, I was terrified too. At first. 😂

@donkeydan5996 - 09.01.2024 16:59

This is fucking hysterical. It’s like a Seinfeld episode 😂

@chrisbrening6499 - 09.01.2024 09:09

Dude is so full of himself he can't just laugh and make small talk on an elevator with someone that looks up to him? What a joke.

@craigroaring - 09.01.2024 02:14

Never say you're a huge fan.

@timothyslaughter476 - 08.01.2024 22:04

I dont have or want autographs but i have people who entertain me!!

@universalsoldier2293 - 08.01.2024 21:38

Not an actor but I met Suzie Orman because she was giving a speech at our show. She was...polite-ish. My GF was shopping at Crate & Barrel a few months ago and apparently she was in the store at the same time as Ashley and Jill Biden. They never met but she says she was within feet of them and didn't even know it until they left and the staff was gushing about how they just waited on the Bidens.

@luciano2876 - 08.01.2024 18:00

Honestly his joke mkaes him sound creepy as hell, specially after telling De Niro he shared an elevator with his kids.

@randyking3057 - 08.01.2024 11:38

Maybe he just got sick of waiting on the elevator. Dang, man

@thebenman40 - 08.01.2024 04:16

I enjoy some of R.D work, what do I/we care what you they are like in real life?

@wesleyshn1 - 08.01.2024 03:50

I met a local celeb onnce (i from South Africa). I met musicianos a lot because I was I the screen printing biz. I had a small business been going for around 16 years when i closed down, but this in week, i was just not good, being f*d over by client's, no staff anymore due to Covid and she showed up to collect her order, and we were just talking outside, in my driveway, like two old friends, she was more worried about my health than anything. She was like f*ch those clients and f*ck all that sh*t. While her son was dealing with the order, also this cool highschool kid, very clever.
Well, i aeays remember her, how she made my day a bit better.

@jminor318 - 08.01.2024 02:43

Robert D. has always been crude and dismissive of people. Nothing New.
He is good at his JOB. Not a GOOD human being.

@user-zf7ig4uu1p - 08.01.2024 00:02

It’s not really a surprise. De Niro is famously not a people person. He’s even famous amongst talk show hosts as a tough guest to interview.

@allhoneyboo - 07.01.2024 23:33

I met Michael Rosenbaum once at a convention in Orlando. I was a nervous, giggling idiot and he was sweet as pie.

@MikeInDubai - 07.01.2024 18:29

I find it weird that an adult man would have a hero and on top of that he’s an actor

@charmedjems - 07.01.2024 08:38

I generally leave celebrities alone when I see them unless it's an event and we're in close proximity. Met Zachary Quinto at an event I was volunteering at and he was super nice and took photos with me and one of the other volunteers. Volunteered many times with Maragaret Collins super nice but I've never talked to her about her work, that's not what we're there for. Judith Light was very nice.

@4Everlast - 07.01.2024 07:26

Not gonna lie, I'd take the stares too, that's how bad the "joke" was.

@guitaoist - 07.01.2024 03:20

Robert is overrated after taxi driver

@kshepard52 - 07.01.2024 02:34

I think a lot of celebrities realize that their fans are why they've succeeded, and a little of being nice goes a long way. Plus, there's no pressure when talking to regular people, so they can relax. Dylan replied to one of my You Tube posts one time and he came across as an absolutely genuine person. Said that it hadn't always been easy for him and thanked me several times for being a fan. It's kinda fun to feel like you're getting a small glimpse past the public facade.

@lamontejohnson9079 - 07.01.2024 02:14

Charlton heston...nothing i expected...so sad...when cameras were off..he was vile...maybe hed been doing it too long...but very very different than i expected

@padme1018 - 07.01.2024 01:13

My favorite celebrity encounter was Matthew Broderick. He was in Guy's and Dolls on Broadway and my father in law was one of the carpenters in charge of the sets. So they played together in the Broadway softball league. My FIL invited my husband and I to come watch them play. At the end of the game, he says he wants to introduce me to Matthew. I said that was ok, I didn't want to bother him in his every day life. Well while we are arguing about it, Matthew walks over and introduces himself. I literally remember nothing after that, my husband said all I did was giggle. But I always thought it was nice of him to come over to us.

@CrowT - 06.01.2024 18:18

Was wasn't DeNiro watching his kids lol? He just allows his toddlers roam around like that and not care where they are?😂

@spookrockcity - 06.01.2024 18:09

Deniro really destroyed his legacy these last few years
