The gaming PC days are NUMBERED! - Shadow Tech Facility Tour

The gaming PC days are NUMBERED! - Shadow Tech Facility Tour

Linus Tech Tips

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@user-ob6tn2hl4l - 13.11.2023 20:40

im watching this on a shadow...

@thatdelta - 16.10.2023 17:19

4 years later this sophisticated company gets hacked by some kid with one of the simplest pieces of malware and gives away info of 500k+ customers. Lmfao

@jamesvaughan9166 - 07.10.2023 05:25

A bit of an update on the service, they don't notify you when your service isn't paid, they just delete your service and everything you have on the Shadow.

Service is abysmal, and noone seems to work in their customer service department.

Save your money, look into alternatives, they are cheaper and more reliable.

@voyager_ll - 12.07.2023 00:00

Use it, love it!

@simongore - 28.04.2023 17:08

I recall in the 1970's (I was 10) a network of 'dumb' business terminals in a building with one computer processing them all was called the 'round robin' system. It became obsolete when the number of users exceeded the computers ability to serve them all in a reliable manner. Hence stand alone and faster 'business/personal' desktop PC's has been the norm since. This 'new' server based gaming may work providing the number of users does not greatly exceed the systems ability. If Shadow fails to invest in expanding and improving it's hardware to keep pace with demand then that 1970's failing is guaranteed.

@alexottr9167 - 14.04.2023 18:37

Highlighting that they’re using BGP for routing is on the same level as telling someone you use Electricity to power the server.

@thetechbin401 - 22.03.2023 20:40

We all know how this didn't work out

@ApothercyCold - 07.03.2023 05:24

four years later

@raffia16thblaze10 - 03.03.2023 19:52

all of this assumes you got internet speeds that arent still stuck in the dialup ages.

@MrJakson112 - 03.03.2023 01:25

he should do an update on where this is now

@FernandezEmG - 02.03.2023 21:55

I wonder how this company is doing now (post stadia mortem).

@cdtxyz - 07.12.2022 13:02

"This is a Shadow Ghost blah blah marketing jargon"
That's a Raspberry Pi with a breakout board. I can smell that port layout from a mile away

@ulicqueldromal - 24.11.2022 02:11

Can someone please explain why his computer takes 91 ms to change the color on space click (without the shadow client) ? That seems very long. I mean ping with good connection is 5 ms, where is the rest going.

@dustinkrejci6142 - 20.11.2022 07:30

Can we get a follow-up on this video/company and service?

@wielderXII - 09.11.2022 07:58

I also would like to pay subs for my jeans instead of one time payment upfront. Ummmm yes yes

@kimmyksbro3116 - 08.10.2022 20:00

Steamdeck going strong

@yoyofargo - 03.10.2022 16:33

you can't cheat physics. anyway I'm glad google launched stadia it's a good service and I use it everyd oh wait no i don't.

@HaloMCCBypass - 19.09.2022 03:54

Dont cry

@HaloMCCBypass - 19.09.2022 03:53

This is stupid

@HaloMCCBypass - 19.09.2022 03:53

Worst idea

@georgelabbee6657 - 12.09.2022 22:35

I bought a cheap touch screen laptop with just enough ram to start shadow pc. Never looked back I dont even have to check my specs to see if I can run a game. I know it will run. The only thing I worry about is my internet connection

@iNNeRKaoS - 22.06.2022 02:54

How's this going for them?

@dxctu - 21.06.2022 06:32

Sooo should i quit paying 100$ every 6 months on geforce now? i really like the sound of having a actual desktop, and shadow seems to be really good ive seen.

@chrisallan6069 - 19.05.2022 16:59

Why would I rent a pc when I can buy one and keep access to everything no matter what

@theratlord3230 - 19.05.2022 01:26

"You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy"
- World Economic Forum

@ein_etwas123 - 17.05.2022 22:24

can you mine bitcoin or download a virus?🤣

@ArtDumbster - 30.04.2022 08:13

If they for some reason decide to expand in latinoamerica, I can see this getting a little bit popular. Here the inflation makes building PCs crazily expensive, and something like this could help a lot, not only for gaming, but for people in need of a pc, but without the resources to actually buy one.

@jeremydale4548 - 26.04.2022 02:46

I've used Shadow before, and I found their service to be more really good. Aside from internet issues on my end I have no complaints...Well, excpet when the mouse ursor disappears whenever I touched the screen. THAT was annoying.

@brujo_millonario - 09.04.2022 06:15

Is it really good business in the States to pay monthly for a subscription, instead of buying a powerful computer in lots of installments?

@jmas679 - 24.03.2022 14:12

been using it for 3 months before getting my gaming pc. its absolute dogshit stay away

@shrimpfry880 - 19.03.2022 19:24

"you'll own nothing and be happy"

@AJ-te7jx - 17.03.2022 15:35

Linus is such a sell out shill for any sort of penny this dude will literally do anything. Zero integrity. Sad so many dumb idiots follow him.

@Nate_the_Nobody - 14.03.2022 08:35

Could we get an update on this company four years later?

@volkinaxe - 15.02.2022 09:56

good luck using one for gaming from some were like new zealand i get a ping of 100+ on a good day now try playing a
game on that as well as vr gaming

@thelaughingmanofficial - 14.02.2022 23:49

Uhhh. Howabout "NO Thanks"? I will never play on any "Cloud Pc Gaming Service" I don't care how expensive the hardware gets or if they even make owing Pc hardware illegal, I never will.

@strangecactus7311 - 05.02.2022 22:38

this shit is a scam the audio is shitty don't buy please

@clemboy08 - 19.01.2022 06:43

Linus, any way you can make a 2022 update to this?!? With the crazy prices for computer hardware it would be awesome to see how this performs now on newer more demanding games. Also since they were bought out by one of the biggest cloud computing companies in the world I'd love to see how it performs!

@filippoorologio6777 - 11.01.2022 14:09

so stadia before stadia?

@danielanderson12321 - 23.12.2021 06:42

this didnt age well with shadow costing 2x as much as much

@semih4270 - 22.11.2021 18:24

@linus please continue to cover shadow! I joined up when you posted about them! And they’ve come so far! With some big pros! And cons! 😅

@holdenanderson7741 - 22.10.2021 09:33

Okay everybody before you laugh at the Mac user hear me out: You must’ve heard about the M1 right. If they packed even just entry tier Mac mini’s into their server farm you could probably get your Dark Sky widget back on your android and you could run exclusive iPhone apps on any device. Now the exclusive part sounds a bit much, but just think, you wanna stream Clash Royale right from your TV or maybe a presentation from the lightweight version of Google Drive. You’ve got it

@Atomy111 - 13.10.2021 16:56

Aaaand its gone

@I_Always_Come_Back_1983 - 12.10.2021 06:23


@FartToboggan - 02.10.2021 00:19

That jarjar blanket has serious cum stains I’m sure.

@roknroller6052 - 27.09.2021 06:51

A 1k new-used mixed gaming PC in 5yrs is worth 500, then every 5yrs. The extra for higher end broadband plus the subscription works out 2-4x more, and you won't have a PC

@djcb4190 - 22.09.2021 22:09

I am sorry. Subor Z+ is your maximum.

@VengeanceLN - 26.08.2021 18:20

And bankrupt they go

@aso6437 - 18.08.2021 09:02

As most of the world isn't connected to high speed internet, I retired to the Philippines where internet is questionable, going to need gaming rigs for a long time yet.

@teddy7746 - 19.07.2021 19:33

Is this company still around??
