How To Get A Woman To Want YOU Over Text (Copy This EXACTLY)

How To Get A Woman To Want YOU Over Text (Copy This EXACTLY)

Marni Your Personal Wing Girl

9 месяцев назад

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@caesarsigala - 22.11.2023 22:01

More women need to be like you Marni. Where's the real women?

@1matim - 22.11.2023 23:42

thanks, good video

@george_k_carmichael - 23.11.2023 01:08

I've only just discovered your channel and gotta say, "I love your tips!!" I use your tips to be more attractive to my wife.

As a couple of 15+ years (8 years married) your tips have reignited the "us" in our busy family dynamic. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

@thePersonGuise - 23.11.2023 01:28

Hey Babe, let's meet up and drink like a camel, then I'll subscribe to your channel!

@winnie3963 - 23.11.2023 07:54

If you still listening to all this sermons. You are in for a long thing.

@TheBalls55 - 23.11.2023 15:14

Marni is the most manipulative chick of all

@Nareshb_97 - 24.11.2023 06:22

2 min silence for thos guys who watches her videos😂

@Nareshb_97 - 24.11.2023 06:22

Marni is a big scam artist

@Tron2002 - 24.11.2023 13:08

Woooo!! Really? Are you sitting on the bed or sitting in a chair. Are you wearing a skirt with no undies!? I want to sit on the floor facing on you. I'm hungry!!

@RobustArid379 - 24.11.2023 19:22

Women are too strip club or high hair to call on the phone

@Extrabrains - 26.11.2023 15:39

Jokes have always been a way to girls heart. You'd be surprised how the plain funny man outsmarts the good looking moody one.

@randyhudson8755 - 26.11.2023 18:13

I am invisible, your advice is useless

@speedster390 - 28.11.2023 11:31


@ede4345 - 29.11.2023 00:25

So pretty much play games, thanks for your advice . Sad that we have came to a point where men have to play childish games to have a woman like us.

@mauricewilliams9749 - 01.12.2023 14:21

It would be so nice to have an actual deep and open conversation with a woman of your caliber

@akashmohan999 - 04.12.2023 17:05

What is this girl? A jew?

@chrismackay8314 - 06.12.2023 00:45

Appreciate you and your content.

@JohnDoe-fi8kc - 09.12.2023 15:13

So men aren't supposed to do like women and write a book report

@GodsFistFighter - 22.12.2023 00:06

Still ❤ you marni

@scottmescudi3423 - 24.12.2023 15:01

One of the biggest reasons men don’t want to date western women anymore, too much BS and mind games.

@jesusisgoat8656 - 10.01.2024 23:35

I always heard a man with soft hands is unattractive. My lady loves my hands. The softer they are, the better the caress. U say how do you have such soft hands when you work so hard, I say I wear gloves when I work. 😅

@Quazzga - 18.01.2024 05:48

I give up. Women these days are just too much work, and I'm old enough to know that it wasn't always this way. I'm really tired of all the mind games and bullshit they put you through for a few hours of pleasure. Women have way too much power these days, and need to be put in their place. WWIII and the ensuing chaos and starvation will do that. Then, all these "I'm much too good for you" bitches will be forced to prostitute themselves in order to survive, as happened in Europe after WWII.

@TravisAndrews-lb1kk - 05.02.2024 04:56

I havent text a women becsuse i havent got a girl number yet

@CaseySaibo - 21.02.2024 06:14

How can I make a move if the two of us live in different continents?

@tonizeljeznik7335 - 26.02.2024 19:59

Is there a way where I can reach out to you for few advices? Thank you.

@samur4ijack - 03.03.2024 13:29

Yeah but once I get 2 busy I won't need her

@OttoBKilt-hu4iu - 25.03.2024 03:01

“Be too busy to act needy”

I’m a guy 32 who grew up awkward with low self esteem, but (apparently) quite attractive to women. Even the women I thought were out of my league.
I’m actually only on this video because one of the “popular” pretty girls from high school art class recently found me on FB and gave me her number. We’ve only been talking for a few days and it seems to be going well. But I dont want to blow it, so I’ll take all the help I can get! Haha
She was the gorgeous senior with all the friends and I was an awkward junior who thought she’d never even notice me. It’s a strange feeling. I’m obviously glad, but also expecting to get ghosted…

@dylanpetrin9584 - 31.03.2024 05:07

I like a girl and I think she likes me but unfortunately she’s friends with my brothers ex and when they were together they told her to stay away from me which f*cked everything up now I believe he’s trying to get with her or already has I’m still investigating lol I wanna just message her but 1 don’t know if she’s single and 2 idk if she is talking to my brother it’s really getting on my nerves and I don’t know what to do… not the first time he’s tried getting with a girl I like I absolutely despise people like that

@smitty54017 - 04.04.2024 18:31

Any woman worth having doesn’t care about your skin.

@jimkuehn6473 - 07.04.2024 05:25

Marnie. I need direct help. I’ve watched so many videos, however none are applying. I’m a confident man and text playful messages, but she’s not responding well. However she is responding. So please help

@vektacular - 16.04.2024 16:48

Stop the texting game ….pick up phone, call the number, never leave a message….leave it from there on.

@brucefoley1658 - 18.04.2024 23:06

What does it mean if I already made a move and tried to kiss her ? She says not yet, so I'm stuck in the friend zone

@cnvi08 - 27.04.2024 01:11

Marni your cleavage is too distracting can you please put those away. Thx.

@VladislavBabbitt - 02.06.2024 16:50

I only use text to set up a meeting in person.

@francois-xaviermenage4531 - 07.06.2024 18:47

Women sound too much immature 😢..

@pastrami00 - 12.06.2024 23:07

When a woman gives tips, you can tell she has no idea what it's like to be a man. It's a constant tight-rope walk. "Be too busy" Are you kidding me? She's got 300 people messaging her. She won't even notice if you're too busy.

@gangsteam4776 - 21.06.2024 21:24

Thank you really!

@mikemcgrath2297 - 17.07.2024 12:14

Thank you Beautiful Marni ❤️
Texting is damn "Minefield"
When you first meet a woman!!
Love you !!

@blnk-qx8yu - 25.07.2024 18:35

yeah i got number 3ed another guy and her ex infact

@TeW33zy - 09.08.2024 21:58

Fellas, if you ask her out and she doesn’t and didn’t give an alternate time or day don’t panic but don’t ever ask again, let her bring it up. She not ready yet this lady didn’t speak on it but I did. Do not ask again it’s needy. Give her space let her court u let her say I want to see you then boom set a hangout not a date. Dates have to much pressure and feels like an interview. Instead take her somewhere where you and her can create memories like painting at the park or something she likes and u like. Dates are overrated instead hangout with no expectation.

@TeW33zy - 09.08.2024 22:05

I rather hangout with someone I’m attracted to and create memories and do something fun with no pressure than go on a date with her and she feels pressured to date and it’s awkward. The conversations are awkward. Both are on pens and needles and it ends with no second date. Instead, get to know her first for weeks or a month and learn her behaviors, her pattern, where she hangs, if she likes to paint etc and when u hangout take her somewhere she likes to do like if she likes to paint say hey let’s go painting and your a natural so I want you to teach me how you paint. She will say OMG really because you doing something she likes to do and your showing interest in her hobbies as well. Woman prefer this over a boring date that has no sentimental value. Dates come when both have those feelings toward each other now the date will feel authentic. A date is expressing your feelings for her through a romantic night out.

@Theunbelievabletruth489 - 14.08.2024 04:16

Stop trying to sale shit Marni thts y I hate watchin ur vids dam jus talk/teach

@jamesingram2551 - 17.08.2024 04:22

Habit 1 is wrong af. I don't play with women in text mainly when I'm not super interested many men are willing to be a clown for her don't you be one

@AVISIONMUSICTV - 24.08.2024 12:56

Why do we have to be childlike with women. What's up with all this playful sh$t🤣

@JustNotToday-n8h - 02.09.2024 07:10

