Expert Answers Psychedelics Questions From Twitter (ft. Michael Pollan) | Tech Support | WIRED

Expert Answers Psychedelics Questions From Twitter (ft. Michael Pollan) | Tech Support | WIRED


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mike naples
mike naples - 11.09.2023 15:20

Any chance of DMT killing off the wrong ego? Curious about DMT but am concerned if my superego gets wiped I will become a more disgusting person. My wife can barely stand me as it is.

D C - 08.09.2023 16:01

The difference in visuals between DMT, LSD, Psilocybin and the 2C Family are definitely not in your head! Well, they are, but you know, ... also not!

reknirbecurb - 05.09.2023 12:40

First be wealthy and above the law. Next microdose. Then make a video about how awesome you are.

Stargirl - 03.09.2023 03:18

The one bit about giving it to people who have terminal CA, I find it to be such a miss for healthcare. People who are dying to should be given the option to take these substances to ease their anxiety

Rich Dude
Rich Dude - 31.08.2023 05:42

Two weeks ago i attempted suicide. Today i am lemon tekked mushrooms

Alex Perrin
Alex Perrin - 27.08.2023 14:08

The DMT elves remind me of a dream i had one time. One of the most weird and beautiful dreams I've ever had, would be too long to explain but there were floating islands and I landed on one that had a small lake and a population of little elves living on the edge of the lake. They had little stilt houses and they were curious about me, sad that i woke up when i arrived there

7munkee - 26.08.2023 19:45

I prefer mushrooms. There is a bigger body load and not as many visuals, but if you want ego death, that's the way to go.

The Murph
The Murph - 26.08.2023 05:17

I get plenty of geographic shapes on shrooms. God I love them. So fun.

life's a bowl of cherries 🍒
life's a bowl of cherries 🍒 - 26.08.2023 03:46

There's test kits that are also available.

William Sherry
William Sherry - 26.08.2023 00:55

Expert? 😂😂

just a sandwich
just a sandwich - 24.08.2023 23:36

I'm a former meth-abuser and I recently started microdosing and it's not placebo. My brain is the closest it's been to the way it was before it was rewired by stimulant drugs. The damage I have is severe but microdosing helps me function more in life.

mack concar
mack concar - 23.08.2023 19:51

Idk if he's ever done DMT.. the geometric tunnel seem to happen to everyone

Devious Beats
Devious Beats - 23.08.2023 13:49

NIH money isn't applied to psychedelic research because NIH is one of many captured institutions that are in the pocket of big pharmaceutical companies and rely heavily on them for funding. If everyone could treat their depression with 1 or 2 sessions of psilocybin therapy and have it last indefinitely, that's billions of dollars those companies would lose out on since no one would need their (at the least) questionable drugs anymore. Sad but unfortunate reality of the corporatized world we live in: if what's best for the people isn't what's best for profits, then screw the people.

Muhammad Sabir
Muhammad Sabir - 22.08.2023 07:30

So,Niceee I Like&Agree . ❤

hellcat - 21.08.2023 17:46

Thank you for explaining that psychedelics can trigger the onset of mental illnesses like schizophrenia. I get really tired of people trying to convince others to do LSD or even just weed. It can be so dangerous for some people and cause permanent mental health problems. Remember, just because it works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone.

Colorado Day Hiker
Colorado Day Hiker - 20.08.2023 01:31

As an avid user since the early 1970's I can personally say that tripping is not for everyone, and that each users experience is different. No two trips are the same. Myself, I Love to take high does once and awhile, but would not recommend doing it all the time.

Do-not Use
Do-not Use - 18.08.2023 07:22


daria dayle
daria dayle - 17.08.2023 19:02

Psilocybin helped me quit tobacco and vaping nicotine. it completely rewired my brain to not be addicted. I still dealt with some physical withdrawals, but 3 months later i'm 100% clean.

Mark Figueroa
Mark Figueroa - 16.08.2023 21:12

They're not going to allow a cure for the problem they created

No U
No U - 16.08.2023 16:02

The person asking if LSD could be used as an antiseptic on wounds must be real special...

ninapants10 - 14.08.2023 19:11

I had an ego death when I was new to tripping and didn’t know that that could even happen . I was SO young and dropped a heftyy lil tab . I’m not going to describe it but after it happened I did a dive in the web and discovered “ego death” and it was amazing and relieving to see that other people went through it too and that it’s a real experience

Dean Hood
Dean Hood - 14.08.2023 13:37


Treant Trooper
Treant Trooper - 14.08.2023 10:07

Here's something cool, I don't know about blind people, BUT, my uncle is Monochromatically colour blind, and when he took LSD he could see colours, the paintings he made back then are beautiful (EDIT: when I say see colours I don't mean like we do normally, I mean in the same way you see colours on acid, they were entirely a product of his mind but he could SEE them)

Celine Reyes
Celine Reyes - 12.08.2023 02:15

i didn’t know a thing about lsd until i tried it and everything he said i learned after that first time especially taking care of yourself and being with people you trust. he really hit on the nail and he’s right you guys you may confront some realities you don’t want to about your life but it’s okay !! and it will pass … in 8hrs 🤣🤣

Zacheriah Wills
Zacheriah Wills - 08.08.2023 00:44

As someone who knows a guy who was diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and took LSD frequently, he says that it doesn't make the fear go away but brings you to terms with everything. Stay safe

BigRigg - 05.08.2023 02:29

AOC is a first class moron.

spontaneous bootay
spontaneous bootay - 03.08.2023 22:58

Ego death is the idea of the phoenix. You let go of the chains of your past and become like a new person who is free to choose their own path hence why the phoenix imagery is of a bird who dies and comes back to life.

Alex Johannesson
Alex Johannesson - 02.08.2023 03:47

didnt know that mike himself was a junkie

Beaticulous - 31.07.2023 23:41

What if looking through a kaleidoscope connects your vision to another dimension? Guess how likely that is.

Idk Idc
Idk Idc - 30.07.2023 18:34

I have schizophrenia and I’ve taken shrooms before. The dose was mild but I tripped pretty hard after only taking a gram I saw cloud people and everything was vibrant and blissful the second time was a bit more ( a chocolate bar 2 1/2 pieces) and my walls were spiraling the ceiling was alive but I was very confused and couldn’t settle but near the end I was able to relax a bit and it was an overall cool trip idk if maybe having schizophrenia makes you trip harder or not. Although i don’t recommend ever taking psychedelics while in a bad state of mind I have been medicated and have a lot of therapy so I’m high functioning right now

Teddy - 29.07.2023 22:30

i smoke weed every single day and do LSD like twice a year and LSD is deff my fave drug of all time, it makes my empathy become infinite.

GooseGaming - 28.07.2023 23:16

I have seen geometric shapes on mushrooms

Nats Nic Nacs
Nats Nic Nacs - 28.07.2023 00:22

If I have aphantasia can I have visual hallucinations?

Brenton Carter
Brenton Carter - 26.07.2023 17:05

Other dimensions? I hate new age idiots.

moss baby!
moss baby! - 24.07.2023 09:40

Not to make a political comment on a much older video but psychedelics ARE disruptive to society AND THATS NOT A BAD THING! Psychedelics (specifically mushrooms at least) make people feel more connected - to eachother and the earth - in a society where often people are stepped on and the earth is disregarded in the name of capitalistic profit. Our society is the problem. That’s the reason we are ALL facing a mental health crisis. If it’s all of us, it’s not an individual problem

B - 24.07.2023 09:23

Politicians are fighting tooth and nail to make sure hallucinogens stay illegal... why are they so fixated on this? Because they don't want us to think, they want brainless followers

SlamFM - 22.07.2023 16:36

I've only had the chance to do a psychedelic once, mushrooms. But after I did I feel like I've become more in-tune with my emotions and I have a different outlook on the world. I think everyone should try a psychedelic at least one time in their life. I'd like to have an ego death trip at least once too. Of course, AOC never knowing what she's talking about xD

Brian Rigsby
Brian Rigsby - 20.07.2023 21:51

Here’s one: is acid even acid?😊

Brian Rigsby
Brian Rigsby - 20.07.2023 21:35

R psychedelics even legal?

Susan B
Susan B - 18.07.2023 20:28

Grow your own peyote

Sucker of tiddies, Taker of virginitys
Sucker of tiddies, Taker of virginitys - 17.07.2023 00:26

This guy knows so much more then he lets on lmao

skrapz - 16.07.2023 20:53

Do blind people trip on lsd? Im pretty sure both Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder have done acid.

Aspreix - 16.07.2023 11:37

I have a schizo friend and he does shrooms handles it well

Constant Change
Constant Change - 16.07.2023 03:51

Important tools for healing WILL be disrupters to society. Because the mental health issues largely as a result of how we structure society

TransQuotesAI - 12.07.2023 22:50

John Malkovich Teaches You Shrooms!!!! Love It!

MyCOWAVE〰MyCELiUM - 12.07.2023 22:40

Kratom got me off dope🎉
