Ukrainian SS Memorials UK

Ukrainian SS Memorials UK

Mark Felton Productions

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Alex Russia
Alex Russia - 15.10.2023 10:14

в укроине фашизьму нэмаэ

MrBuf Milion
MrBuf Milion - 15.10.2023 10:12

Next year Canada will declare Hitler as a hero for fighting Russians 😂

MrBuf Milion
MrBuf Milion - 15.10.2023 10:12

This was not a mistake, this was an attempt towards changing history, we will see more attempts like this. It was no misstake when Canadian parlament invited and celebrated a Nazist to honor Zelensky. The only mistake was that the world found out.

Максим Галушко
Максим Галушко - 15.10.2023 09:45

Hunka to establish ties with Ukraine propagandized Nazism there in a veiled way

Jonhy Walker
Jonhy Walker - 15.10.2023 09:41

Remember, kids: it’s Russians, who are true nazis, not those kind guys from ukraine and canada.

Karabas Barabas
Karabas Barabas - 15.10.2023 09:32

"Civilized" west tries hard to destroy those countries who opposed Hitler the most during WWII. They are Russia and Serbia

JEEP Garage
JEEP Garage - 15.10.2023 08:59

Фашизма нет на украине говорили они... Махая, флагами сс.... Лжецы...

Евгений - 15.10.2023 08:35

Currently the USA, Canada and Europe are providing support to the Ukrainian SS men

Oliver⚡️⚡️ - 15.10.2023 08:02

Proud of my ancestors!
For the victory 🙋🏻🇺🇦

Сергей Сергеев
Сергей Сергеев - 15.10.2023 07:58

Из-за русофобии, культуры отмены и просто ненависти к России Канада поддержит хоть нацистов, хоть самого Сатану - лиш бы это было против русских...

Арсен Валерьевич
Арсен Валерьевич - 15.10.2023 07:31

Известный факт,что по окончании этой страшной войны,очень много нацистов нашло убежище в Канаде.

Zets - 15.10.2023 06:41

Dumfries is getting alot of money from the Scottish and UK governments right now so it's not unusual that a historic building got funding for restoration works at a time when every major conservation area in the entire region is also getting funding for restoration. Turns out selling everything to Germany and Chinese investors who let the properties fall down was a bad idea, go figure.

Alex E
Alex E - 15.10.2023 05:37

Thank you Mark !!! In the world many , many things those are looks extremely weird , in those is hard to believe . It was nice of you saying , that you would not judge Canada for it's the past and the present behavior , but who will ? We all people will !!! I didn't know about the UK , that's crazy ! In Canada there is a province , where only Ukrainians live , children of those who were on Hitler's side . In Ukraine they keep on their flags the same emblems , like it was in Hitler's time .

БАРС / BARS - 15.10.2023 04:31

Anglo-saxons are fighting of the Victory of Nazism in modern Ukraine 😢

memeoverlord 2010
memeoverlord 2010 - 15.10.2023 04:02

I won't be surprised if in 20 years history books will be saying that USA and Nono Germany fought together against invading USSR hordes of bolshevik-mongols.

Commander Reicker
Commander Reicker - 15.10.2023 01:18


David - 15.10.2023 01:16

Thank you. It’s ridiculous it took this Canadian fiasco to for regulation people realize much of the Ukraine military is actually real Nazis.

Roman - 15.10.2023 00:44

It's funny to see how biased you are against Ukraine. Every country had and will have collaborators. How you managed to gather so many naive ladies and gentlemen in your comment section speaks about the quality of your content. I am Ukrainian, and do not deny there have been nazies among my nation, but all Ukrainians know one thing for a fact - there has never been anything worse than communism, which is partially why my fellow countrymen fought on the side of nazies. It's a multi-dimensional world: you want to speak the truth, touch different aspects of the subject. I am glad people like you do not play any role in decisions regarding aid to Ukraine. UK people - we love you!

Calum Henderson
Calum Henderson - 15.10.2023 00:11

The SNP were pro Axis in WW2 I 100% believe the they know what this chapel is about.

K17ASU - 15.10.2023 00:05

Russia explaining that ukraine have nazis for past few years are getting some recognition. Finally!

CYTOTOXIN - 14.10.2023 23:50

Да вы чтоооооо !? Укроационализм в форме третьего рейха? А мы об этом ещё в 2013м году говорили,долго-же до вас доходит,как до жирафов. Без обид,привет из Луганска...)

Joe - 14.10.2023 23:36

The Bolsheviks were part of the Allied forces in WW2. The Bolsheviks were worse than the Nazis. By your reasoning all the nations that fought the Nazis were worse than the Nazis. Remember the HOLODOMOR

Alex Деусексов
Alex Деусексов - 14.10.2023 23:11

Btw, stop refer to soviet army as russian

Alex Деусексов
Alex Деусексов - 14.10.2023 23:08

As ukrainian i would like to see any proof of Hunko participation in war crimes. Unless, you just biased against ukrainians

Hristo Bachvarov
Hristo Bachvarov - 14.10.2023 22:49

We live in ABSURD times where Russo-phobia is fashionable, Nazi war criminals are "War heroes", Nazis are glorified in countries who suffered the most by their deeds, LGBT (or whatever they call themselves) is normal but people trying to defend their values, families and children from that plague are "homophobic" and "bigots", Cancel culture is "progressive", and the list goes on... Keep up the fight Mark, your not alone!!!!

Человек в интернете сказал
Человек в интернете сказал - 14.10.2023 22:07

It's amazing that in times of universal lies, there are still people who boldly tell the truth. Thank you, sir

Alexander Smotrich
Alexander Smotrich - 14.10.2023 21:27

I’m Ukrainian. Let me express to you one very simple thing. It’s going to be a long comment so brace yourself. I’m not denying nor Ukrainian-Nazi collaboration during WW2, nor those atrocities that has took place on behalf of OUN UPA soldiers. But it seems to me that both author of this video and many viewers may perceive this information as a banal chain of cause and effect: Ukrainians are Nazis - Ukraine is a bad country, which in turn looks to me like playing along with Russian narratives that use these facts to discredit modern Ukraine and promote narratives about an allegedly “Nazi Ukraine.”

Now, I would like viewers watching this video to understand the context of the very situation in which the people of Ukraine were at that moment. The territory where Ukrainians lived ethnically for many centuries was divided between the empires of Russia, Poland and the Ottoman Empire. In other words, parts of the territories of modern Ukraine were perceived as colonies with grain, and Ukrainians - as a resource that was exploited not much more tolerantly than slaves.

Anticipating the comments of our Polish friends, it is rightly worth noting that perhaps those Ukrainians who were subordinate to the Polish crown felt the best. However, unfortunately, the Poles, like the titular nations in other empires, often did not perceive Ukrainians as equals, they sought to “polonize” the Ukrainian population, and it was not uncommon to come across the opinion that Ukrainians were Poles spoiled by Russian influence. Ironically, in the Russian Empire, Ukrainians were considered the wrong Russians, corrupted by Polish influence. Things were much worse for Ukrainians in the Russian Empire. However, at the beginning of the twentieth century, as a result of the First World War and the fall of both the Russian and Austro-Hungarian monarchies, Ukrainians as a nation and people got a chance to create their own independent state. For the first time in many hundreds of years. And Ukraine has been proclaimed independent, with support of the Weimar Republic (Germany). Note that for an ordinary Ukrainian at that moment Germany was one of the important centers of power, just as it is today in the European Union. Despite the fact that Ukraine received statehood, it did not last long, and soon most of it was occupied by the newly formed Soviet Union, a new form of the Russian empire from which my people suffered for generations. When the Second World War began, after the division of Poland by Germany and the USSR, Germany attacked its ally, the Soviet Union. Ukraine had a new chance to gain, if not statehood, then at least liberation from the totalitarian regime of the Soviet Union. And in these circumstances, groups of soldiers are formed who cooperate with Germany. It is important to note that for the average Ukrainian of that time, Germany led by Hitler was not much different from the Weimar Republic. It seems to be the same center of power in Europe, with which one can ally with the goal of liberating Ukraine from Soviet occupation, and in the future, perhaps, to gain independence from the empires that in one form or another divided Ukraine among themselves. Today it would be called choosing the lesser of two evils from the point of view of a Ukrainian of that time. Many peoples found themselves in the same situation hundreds of times, whose forces were not enough to defend themselves. All Ukrainian collaborators in the ranks of the German army are people who strived for a country independent from other empires, for their own country. That is why, from the point of view of Ukrainian history, they are fighters for the independence of Ukraine. This is precisely why the Poles are perplexed as to how part of ukrainian society can honor for example Stepan Bandera. From the point of view of some Ukrainians, he fought for our country and its independence. Does this justify the crimes of these Ukrainians against the same Poles? Of course not. Do you think we wouldn’t want the history of Ukraine to be without such black episodes? But we and our ancestors live in a real and sometimes very scary world, where being weak we have to choose a side. And at the same time, many Ukrainians fought in the ranks of the Soviet army against the Germans. And Ukraine is one of the most affected countries from the Second World War in terms of death. Does this make us heroes? No. After all, immediately after the Second World War, the USSR, which was an ally “on the side of good,” became a villain for absolutely objective reasons. And the next time Ukraine will become independent only in 1991. After centuries of literal slavery, repression, hunger and death on all sides, we are trying to build our state, taking into account the lessons of history. But this doesn’t come easy either.

In conclusion. I want to apologize to all those whose ancestors suffered as a result of the actions of the Ukrainians. Although my ancestors were never in the ranks of the German army, on behalf of the Ukrainian people I bring you my sincere condolences. If we could change history, that would be great. But we can't. And all that remains for us is to take into account the mistakes made in the past in order to prevent them in the future. I hope that understanding the history of my country, precisely from the point of view of my country, will help you understand a little better the motivation of some people who lived here in the last century. Love to you all)

Ricky Spanish
Ricky Spanish - 14.10.2023 21:23

Dirty khohlo-nazis

Running Grass
Running Grass - 14.10.2023 21:07

Everyone, russia, usa, europe countries and canada all know after world war 2 , nazis went to south america, america and Ukraine.

Zhang Wei
Zhang Wei - 14.10.2023 20:55

I don’t care if someone was in SS. If they fought the soviets, they’re good people

John Smith
John Smith - 14.10.2023 20:15

Lets be real here, a lot of funding for the globalist leaferof Canada comes from an actual SS veteran himself called george soros

Manuel Carlos Luna
Manuel Carlos Luna - 14.10.2023 20:08

Brah moments brah

Aunt Teefa
Aunt Teefa - 14.10.2023 19:46

It shows you these liberal governments are incompetent and just want to push narratives.

Alexander Andreev
Alexander Andreev - 14.10.2023 19:45

There are no fascists in Ukraine they said🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

CoolRockBassBlock - 14.10.2023 19:23

Thank you very much for such a brave investigation. You are a real journalist who can research historical facts. Unfortunately, external forces bribed the authorities in Ukraine in order to quickly try to destroy Russia through the ideology of ultra-nationalism. But it didn't work out. I would also like to add that Ukrainian prisoners are treated humanely in captivity. Denis Pushilin himself (head of the DPR) offered his phone so that captured soldiers could communicate with relatives.

Romin - 14.10.2023 17:34

My Canadian grandfather whom was a WW2 Liberator of my country the Netherlands would turn in his grave if he saw this.

Jigsore - 14.10.2023 17:21

WW2 was planned by governments around the world. They all know what they're doing, they aren't stupid. We're the stupid ones.

chris fojtik
chris fojtik - 14.10.2023 16:16

If you go further into history during the Iron Age, where the border lies now: between Russia and Ukraine are, there were two sect of Druid and shaman guilds...guess what color these guilds were and what symbol BOTH used to ingrave and write in their artifacts?

One guild would wear blue and the other guild was red and, they BOTH would used the swastika in their artifacts....

Where you find a swastika, you will surely find a druid or shaman from the past.

Alexander Ulyev
Alexander Ulyev - 14.10.2023 15:48

It's not about not knowing. Ukrainian President is Jewish, but it didn't stop him from cheering to Ukrainian Jews mass murderer. They really ally with Nazism.

Евгении Орлов
Евгении Орлов - 14.10.2023 13:41

А помните время, когда Россия начала спецоперацию на Украине 23 февраля,, Россия сразу сказала, с кем она воююет и почему именно с Украиной? Ведь никто не поверил нам, из за марионеточных правительств из Америки, что мы хотим разобратся с фашистами. А в Европе начали сказки рассказывать про то что Путин хочет как бы вернуть Империю 1914 года. А ведь Россия просила всего лишь одного: НЕ МЕШАИТЕ НАМ ЗАКОНЧИТЬ ТО, ЧТО МЫ НЕ ДЕЛАЛИ В 1945.А теперь вся Европа с Америкой во главе спонсирует украинских фашистов. Вот и думаите на чьей стороне правда истории- России, или лживых американцев, которые устраивают воины по всей планете руками своих своих маленьких собачек. Смешно что только теперь у европейцев глаза открываются что Россия оказывается говорила правлу😂

MAKSIM SERGEJEVICH - 14.10.2023 13:21


John OLooney
John OLooney - 14.10.2023 12:24

What about the Nazis in Ukraine still today and many of them, Nato armour is covered is SS and Nazi insignia

Dilshod Mirzaaliev
Dilshod Mirzaaliev - 14.10.2023 12:18

Его надо судить а не аплодировать! Вот вся суть украинской политики!

Notna Rehcuk
Notna Rehcuk - 14.10.2023 12:16

Great video.

chrisbayridge1 - 14.10.2023 11:35

I've seen some of these Waffen SS Badges on display in people's yards and glued to vehicles here in NYC a displayed as a way of supporting Ukraine. I wonder if these people had bothered to look up the significance of the badges on the Internet and I wonder how many of these people know that Ukraine currently has openly neo-nazi military units operating in the war. It seems that the USA installing a puppet leader who is Jewish was carefully planned to give cover to a rising Nazi problem in Eastern Europe. I work with many Polish immigrants here in NYC , who for years have told me, in disgust about the neo-nazis in their neighboring country

ROCKnROLLA - 14.10.2023 11:35

wtf is going with the world

Hi everyone
Hi everyone - 14.10.2023 09:10

The brave journalism

Kelly - 14.10.2023 08:33

There is ONLY 1 organisation that has caused EVERYTHING since 1760’s and they called themselves ILLUMINATI, then came 2 America and formed the COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS
