Battle of Shiloh (1862) - American Civil War DOCUMENTARY

Battle of Shiloh (1862) - American Civil War DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

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@hagamapama - 08.12.2023 02:06

three things
1: As a million angry Civil War nerds have no doubt informed you, the commander in charge of the Confederate forces was Albery Sidney JOHNSTON. As in Johnston with a T. You said Johnson throughout the video. AS Johnston gets the full name treatment because of Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston, also a notable Confederate leader.

2: If you look at the topography around Shilon, Albert Sidney Johnston's original plan was unworkable. The west bank of the Tennessee at that point was a series if minor ridges and escarpments, all heavily wooded, and the rifer was defended by the timberclad warships. There is no actual way Confederate troops were getting over the Dill Branch to Pittsburgh Landingwithout carrying the fight in the center. The original plan was a pipe dream, especially after the South failed to carry the sunken road quickly enough

3: There is no way to bypass the sunken road as you suggest. The terrain doesn't allow for it either in the east or in the wes. The good ground to carry offensives past the Hamburg-Purde road was all in the center. In the west was swampland, and in the east was the west bank of the Tennessee, which I already mentioned wwas completely unsuitable for attack.

That, and there were enough federal forces pinned down between Prentiss and WHL Wallace to mount a strong counterattack into the rear of Confederate forces, and leaving enough troops in the area to deter a breakout attempt would have taken too much strength from the offensive. Carrying the Hornet's Nest was the right decision. Prentiss and his men put up one hell of a fight but that's not Beauregard's fault. What Prentiss accomplished is one of the finer bits of evidence we have that in war you can do the right thing and have it blow up in your fae anyway.

@nicholasr.652 - 06.11.2023 16:49

Can I just say @kingsandGenerals thanks you have the best content a man could ask for 🥲

@SDNickyRocks - 05.11.2023 10:20

Thanks for sharing. Captain Ward Hurlburt (Corporal at the time of this battle) is my great great grandpa.

@michaelbates1640 - 28.10.2023 23:31

You need to put more real images in your video. Painted maps and video game soldiers doesn't do justice to actual era.

@sundermk3 - 09.08.2023 20:02

My Boy Scout Troop back in the day used to take an annual trip Shiloh, Tennessee to hike. We always went in February because of the four-day weekend we would have. Every year we went it seem to rain or snow or some kind of wet weather. I could imagine going through a thunderstorm in 1860's gear and clothing. Certain spots out there are more eerie than others.

Definitely want to go back to the area as an adult now and hike there again!!

@greenkoopa - 12.06.2023 19:49

Omg guys...that's not even CLOSE to where Murfreesboro is located 😢
It's a 30 minute drive southeast from Nashville and the location of the Battle of Stones River

@robertrafford6068 - 06.06.2023 22:43

Do you have one for Vicksburg?

@scottaznavourian3720 - 03.06.2023 15:44

Grant was removed from command due to bogus charges of being drunk leveled against him by healla k...who was telling washington Grant was drunk while telling Grant that those in Washington had it in for him. He was motivated purely by jealousy...eventually Lincoln grew tired of the accusations and told Hallock to present evidence to support his accusations and heal lack reversed course .

@jessicaavery1080 - 24.05.2023 03:36

I actually visited Shiloh as a kid. My main memory is catching tadpoles in Bloody Pond, and how surreal it all was. It was such a beautiful day and area, but knowing what happened a little over 100 years ago...

@ghostress2001 - 19.03.2023 17:10

Funny noone in the world call the civil war civil. It's the secession war in the most European languages

@reggieorabuena6242 - 12.03.2023 14:03

Excellent info.

@KLETwave - 15.02.2023 01:55

Watching this video I'm constantly asking myself: What do these white mother*ckers think has given them the right to fight these wars on Indian land? They call it the world's first democracy, I call it colonialism, slavery, genocide. The root of all evil

@SwissChez - 24.12.2022 17:06

I actually live near shiloh 8 l live in jackson

@MikeIsCannonFodder - 10.12.2022 04:46

I enjoyed this 4 years later! It was kind of surreal for US Civil War information to be talked about in kilometers and numbers shown on screen with a period as the 1000's separator. It's all in line with how this channel does videos, it just really stood out because of the topic.

@jabalimousa1576 - 29.10.2022 14:43


@paulceglinski7172 - 24.10.2022 16:01

K&G, you guys need to do more on The American Civil War or The War of Northern Aggression as it's known in these parts. Cheers from Tennessee.

@Ettrick8 - 13.10.2022 15:03

Well Nobody came out of this well

@watcherofthewest8597 - 23.09.2022 04:07

K and G is a great channel, but it is amazing how many things they get wrong about American history

@ravendon - 24.08.2022 18:12

Wish there was a civil war playlist.

@jefflebowski2604 - 03.08.2022 01:44

British are hard to take onmatters of battle - way too arrogant

@taylorreynolds2339 - 25.07.2022 06:51

Man a lot of the cities marked were way off.

@community1949 - 19.07.2022 20:12

I had a great grandfather who fought in that battle - he was wounded, went home, got married, had children, and here I am the great grand daughter.

@egully6755 - 19.07.2022 15:47

Anyone else weirded out by how far north Memphis is on this map? Memphis is much closer to the border of Mississippi than this map indicates

@cumunist2120 - 29.04.2022 17:21

Seeing that army that was marching down the wrong road get pulled back was painful

@cumunist2120 - 29.04.2022 17:16

I was going to comment to turn down the volume on the gunfire because it drowns out his voice but this was 3 years ago

@dylanc.784 - 20.04.2022 20:47

Anyone know the music used?

@vikingzbeardgaming5282 - 10.04.2022 18:04

I can't believe you did some American Civil War episodes and I didn't know. Binge watching starts now lol. You should do a whole series on the entire war. I would watch at least twice

@bethbartlett5692 - 11.03.2022 20:29

I live in West Tennessee, not far from Shiloh. Its a beautiful area and remains a reminder of the failure to seek Harmony through Communications.

I support the Union in my thoughts Then and Now. 🇺🇸

@RB01.10 - 23.02.2022 02:11

Sad how it took such horrific bloodshed to end slavery

@santiagoellobo9518 - 21.02.2022 20:29

Can you do one about the battle of 5 de Mayo, it’s very interesting.

@jaredenem - 19.02.2022 05:26

did those 3d renders come from a game or a game mod?

@johndunkelburg9495 - 17.02.2022 06:44

Do a video about Grant’s Vicksburg campaign.

@davegreene2031 - 09.02.2022 22:21

To just think the war was started over president lincoln lieing the war was about taxes period but what goes around comes around and it did . PS can't we all just get along probably not God bless Dixie

@jamesweikel2594 - 26.01.2022 01:20

So many battles of the civil war id love to see covered

@Kysr3tard - 21.01.2022 15:54

why dont u do more of the civil war plz ?

@davidmiddlebrooks4191 - 17.01.2022 23:53

With no fast up to date
Update communication
Telegraph doesn't compare to phones or
Computers in speed of
Fast in speed of info.
I feel like Calvery. Large And Small horseback riders to relay
Messages was a powerful feat in itself.

@fallout76arizona15 - 02.01.2022 02:19

Thank you for posting this video

@Grehmdel - 01.01.2022 01:15

Are the graphics a Total War Mod?

@OneDayAtATime365 - 09.12.2021 11:01

Since childhood into my 30's. The specific spot that continually emitted an eerie aura every time I visited. Is the Bloody Pond. 👻

@stonewalljackson5692 - 30.11.2021 11:55

Ah yes, Ulysses S. Grant, the most overrated general of the American Civil War that Northerners cling onto as being some brilliant tactician.

The fact is that it doesn't take a lot of brains to throw hordes of men at enemy lines.

@thomasbrown8468 - 13.11.2021 23:03

I live on second creek that runs into the Tennessee river in Alabama

@thomasbrown8468 - 13.11.2021 22:58

I’ve been to Shiloh three times very old haunting feeling. Very sad

@elmogreen107 - 05.11.2021 00:53

Playing a PC game called Ultimate General: Civil War and playing as the Union im about to take part in the the battle of Shiloh. So what better way to learn of it then through Kings and Generals?

@shilohplayz3607 - 02.11.2021 21:40

Dude my name is Shiloh

@092199xo - 01.11.2021 22:30

Your map has a ‘Harrisburg’ Virginia - it is ‘Harrisonburg’. Great video otherwise

@vintagebikes4215 - 31.10.2021 18:22

I'm sorry...poorly made video

@markandrewsotoy7103 - 26.10.2021 02:26

Do you have a full video of the 3 kingdoms of korea???

@charlesjohnson6777 - 17.10.2021 00:33

Can you please do more civil war battles thanks

@charlesjohnson6777 - 17.10.2021 00:32

I love kings and generals
