FrSky X9D Taranis - 7 years ago you wanted this radio!

FrSky X9D Taranis - 7 years ago you wanted this radio!

FPV University

2 года назад

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PropabilityFPV - 10.10.2023 19:23

Great video! Say what you want about FrSky, but they were instrumental in helping to grow this hobby. Radios have long been one of the most expensive components in RC, and this really was one of the first reliable, mod-friendly radios for a reasonable price point. No, their own protocols aren't great (or even good really) but there's no denying the quality of the base platform and hardware.

sL1pKn07 SpinFlo
sL1pKn07 SpinFlo - 22.06.2023 01:50

not ACCESS modules XD

Zawaprz - 30.04.2023 20:18

I have even more original than yours.. non plus version, lol.

Lew Scagnetti
Lew Scagnetti - 09.04.2023 23:13

Never realized how outdated this TX was until my buddy just purchased a 1X 14 from Spectrum !! The technology has moved on and I cannot update my X9D any further !! Open TX Customer Support is non existent and this TX is going on the shelf FOREVER !! What a PITA !!

crckdns - 28.03.2023 09:48

I've got the X9D+ and X9E under my desk, while X9D+ is the only I ever used to fly, X9E was just powered on and bound to my octacopter.
now I've ordered the ELRS sender extension, hope to make it work with the X9D+

Norge_Squad - 12.03.2023 17:04

I got my taranis for cristmas in 2017. Still use it til this day.

Steve P
Steve P - 19.02.2023 12:41

I've been very happy with my X9D. In fact I'm only just moving across to a TX16S now in Feb 2023. Very pleased with my new TX16S - except that the side sliders are so much nicer and more ergonomic in the old Taranis!!!

peytuhr - 24.01.2023 23:00

Good vid, miles above the average advertorial to be found here and exploring one of the interesting options you have; Getting a good old Taranis from the days when all was well. With a multiprotocol module in the back you have a very versatile system at modest cost. If you must you can have Access by getting a Taranis 2019. I have a 2014 (legal to use D8 in Eu!) and a 2019 and couldn't think of a reason to change to something else.

Excellent concept and radio, no less.

Dicky Soeliantoro
Dicky Soeliantoro - 03.01.2023 12:02

Still use x9d plus accst. Only changed the gimbal to m9. Put edgetx on it and elrs jr module. I think it's still competing with modern transmitter like radiomaster tx16s. Just lacking on the color lcd screen. But to be honest, X9DP have better switches and pots compared to tx16s.

Oliver Prout
Oliver Prout - 25.11.2022 12:23

Sorry to Rant but ive had two now that have Bricked for no good reason ive never even been able to bind a receiver to it. Maybe its a good radio for some, but lack of quality control makes it a lottery, I

Anurag Priya
Anurag Priya - 18.05.2022 13:06

My X9d+ still working fine since 2017

David Underwood
David Underwood - 21.04.2022 18:36

”Sell you kidney” 😆

John Cuppi
John Cuppi - 21.04.2022 07:50

Yeah - totally agree, this radio really did end up aging extremely well! Recently dusted mine off and upgraded it to EdgeTX.

Rootical55 - 20.04.2022 05:01

Still rocking my X9D+ after 5 years, added a Crossfire module and hall gimbals last year so I should be good for another while I hope.

Crowley - 11.04.2022 16:41

I have been using my x9d+ for so long, hate to give it up but it might be time.

TakeItToTheGround - 11.04.2022 09:19

I dream of an X9D. Still rocking a QX7.

mojobill - 07.04.2022 20:48

Still use mine.

Michael Hojnowski
Michael Hojnowski - 07.04.2022 17:12

My X9D Plus is still my daily flier. I've been on the fence about replacing something that "just works", but since Frsky has gone from ACCST to ACCESS, I need to do something. I'm sort of miffed with Frsky about that, so I'm inclined to switch to another brand, but I haven't decided what looks comparable but more modern.

Guy A
Guy A - 07.04.2022 14:25

Also got the box and also still using it today .. no issues at all.

Beyond Gravity FPV
Beyond Gravity FPV - 07.04.2022 13:58

That's the plus version, I'm still rocking the very first accst version and case is a bit different. Currently using it with namimno oled tx and it just works. I only changed gimbals on it, it's scratched, some flip switches are snapped but it still holds as it did the first day i got it.

Anton Koba
Anton Koba - 07.04.2022 12:08

Hello there and bye, unsubbing...

Сергей Дубинин
Сергей Дубинин - 07.04.2022 11:40

Подскажите пожалуйста, можно ли внедрить в него модуль блютус для снятия телеметрии?

Jens Sichler
Jens Sichler - 07.04.2022 11:11

I still rock the X9D SE. Perfectly good radio. But I replaced the microUSB with a modern USB-C because I could never find a microUSB cable ^^ (small custom PCB. super easy to do).
The original NiMa battery is fine too. Only when I turn up the output power of my CRFS to 250mW or more, the voltage drops too low because of the current.

GigaHurtz - 07.04.2022 08:36

Still flying with mine and a MFD UHF system!

Nick Twinn
Nick Twinn - 07.04.2022 08:26

Still swear by mine . I use the Siyi FM30 module which enables some serious distances.

Magic Smoke mit Lothar
Magic Smoke mit Lothar - 07.04.2022 08:14

i have two of Those Radios with opentx v1.1.02 from 2013 with no Crossfire Support only ppm and xjt

witty fpv
witty fpv - 07.04.2022 04:57

I still have mine from 7 years ago, original battery still going strong. It wigged out for like a week couple years ago. Simple plug into computer and it fixed its self.
Purchased a tango and it died within 6 months so back to the OG I went and not looking back

Ricardo Russ
Ricardo Russ - 07.04.2022 04:19

Excellent video and very good radio I have one and it has the same accessories, good, good, good. Greetings from Chile.

Sebastien Vayrette-Gavard
Sebastien Vayrette-Gavard - 07.04.2022 04:15

"I will not say steel but still" what a joker

ThomasB - 07.04.2022 01:47

What ya talking about, I still use mine! Best radio ever!

Scott Hollister
Scott Hollister - 07.04.2022 00:55

I still have a perfectly working JR 9303. If you could assign switches better, I'd still be using it.

Blaze FPV
Blaze FPV - 07.04.2022 00:54

Nice seeing You taking On The subject. Im on few fb groups, not active lately as my professional doesnt let me too much( I believe we even had some RC trades between the two of us) , but I still own as my only radio the x9d+, modded the gimbals, put in xf module, your words are exactly, maybe I Just fly not enough, but I didnt find a single weak point, that I could use to force myself to get new radio. I would Say even more, these babies will keep the value ( yeah, frsky crapped out on the people, but thats becoming an iconic radio anyway). I still remember a friend selling his kinda used limited edition of the moustache guy, me stuoid not deciding to get it.... Well, the point is, companies make BUSINESS AND MONEY! this radio is like the other side of the coin of todays life where everything is fast, temporary or sold to You as a service... Damn, did I Just sounded like an Old fart?.... Best regards Paweł :)

Scott Abramczyk
Scott Abramczyk - 07.04.2022 00:22

Great video

Vincent Fischer
Vincent Fischer - 06.04.2022 23:56

Still my daily driver (with updated hall gimbals, 6P switch and L:iPo though). I plan to use it until I die

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor - 06.04.2022 23:37

Still using this same X9D+ since 2016. Added hall gimbals and 2s lipo battery. Have tried several other radios but the X9D is still the only one for me.

Dave Webb
Dave Webb - 06.04.2022 22:42

Got my X9D back in 2013 when a small Chinese company with an excellent rf system and a quality radio was distrupting the market and sticking it to 'the man'. How times have changed for Frsky who have now turned into 'the man'. Thankfully we have companies like Radiomaster and open sourced rf systems like elrs to fill this void.

Martin Guttesen
Martin Guttesen - 06.04.2022 22:31

I still have and use the First version (batch b) that came with a 800mha battery,

Gem Squared
Gem Squared - 06.04.2022 21:26

I never changed mine. Still using it. My only concern is the screen plastic(?) scratches so easily. Great radio nonetheless!

Andy Dread
Andy Dread - 06.04.2022 21:23

My X9D+ i got when i started FPV in 2016 still works great along with my Dominator V3s. I'ts unmodified except for a recent migration to EdgeTX. i've moved on to TX16s and SKY04x but I keep them as backup.

Wojciech Antoniewicz
Wojciech Antoniewicz - 06.04.2022 21:22

I also have one. I use with Crossfire and R9M. I like this!

Stefan Näwe
Stefan Näwe - 06.04.2022 21:08

Yes! Still in use with hall effect gimbals, Li-Ion pack, EdgeTX and ExpressLRS. 👍

ViceVersaFPV - 06.04.2022 21:04

I got the X9D plus 2019 and i am super happy with it. Tons of Batterylife. Gimbal tension is at both sides adjustable for each axis.

MC's Creations
MC's Creations - 06.04.2022 20:58

Mine is the Plus SE with the carbon fiber finish... And it still works great. 😊
Not that I would have much option now because of money... But oh well... 😬
Anyway, stay safe there with your family, Pawel! 🖖😊

dudu du76
dudu du76 - 06.04.2022 20:53

Upgraded mine to EdgeTX 2.6 + ELRS, and I'm very happy with it.
I'd love to find a screen replacement mod ( for color and better resolution )

Ivan Ivanov
Ivan Ivanov - 06.04.2022 20:42

Still using mine

EnglishTurbines - 06.04.2022 20:13

Still got mine with a UHF module carbon case, Halls...Daily driver is now my Zorro, I like the size and weight....🤔😳

James Bevan
James Bevan - 06.04.2022 20:07

Still use mine and now updated R9 to ELRS

btbplanevids - 06.04.2022 19:35

Good video! That's actually a later Taranis Plus (it has an 'EU LBT' sticker on the back - that RF firmware didn't come out till 2017). I still use an X9D from 2014 as my main radio, and it's great. It does have a few upgrades - Hall effect gimbals, haptic, an upgraded speaker and a better pack (Eneloop nimh) - and is running the latest version of OpenTX of course. I use it for FPV and LOS flying (quads, fixed-wing, helis ... even a boat!), and have no plans to replace it until I absolutely have to. I prefer to set up new models in Companion on my PC, so although a big colour screen looks cute it's of no practical benefit to me.

Paul Black
Paul Black - 06.04.2022 19:31

Still using mine. Swapped to lipo, and hall effect gimbals a few years ago. Still works, no reason to change it yet. It just works. Opentx makes it infinately configurable which is the real appeal of this package especially 6 years ago. Until it dies, I'll keep using it.

100SteveB - 06.04.2022 19:23

Still love mine, have not felt any need to change it, even after 4 years of use.
