Karen Demands I Change My Profile Pic! r⧸EntitledPeople

Karen Demands I Change My Profile Pic! r⧸EntitledPeople

r/mr redder

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@brandonshelp4682 - 30.01.2024 02:35

"I'm an empowered single mom with multiple baby daddies. Why is my life hard?"

@sparkystar5173 - 28.01.2024 03:53

Dude i kept looking down from my game to glare at my phone with every update of “i did it again :(“ like come on dude
I get it, recovery is hard, but theres a lot to be fighting for and if he keeps going he’ll lose everything he’s been wanting to keep
I haven’t gotten through the whole story and it’s making me exasperated

@DragonArbock - 27.01.2024 09:25

Lady has two kids with two different fathers not married to either and wonders why her life is hell. Why tf do people have the babies of one-night-stand flings knowing full well the fathers don't want them??

@DragonArbock - 27.01.2024 08:15

At this point I see no reason why you wouldn't get a prenup in this day and age. Everyone is lazy and don't deserve half of your work.

@myviewmjs3632 - 25.01.2024 20:02

Hey Mr. gambler, you are a loser. Big loser you need to divorce your wife go away get yourself fixed up before you ever get remarried.

@joleenphillips2415 - 25.01.2024 03:06

2nd story- I think the tv show Shameless has corrupted me. When that awful hubby was passed out on the kitchen floor, I was hoping OP would tell his friends to dump him in the back seat of the car, take his wallet from him, head down to Mexico, pin a $20 bill to his chest and leave him there before y'all head back home. He might be able to get back home, but it'll take a lot more time without ID or a lot more cash than $20

@Shankmeyster - 24.01.2024 20:30

That addiction story is INSANE. The fact he kept going back thinking he could win the money back from a casino after losing over $200k.

@jellysquid8077 - 24.01.2024 04:44

Jesus that gambling story was depressing. Addiction is hell, and I wish only the best for those fighting it

@novafiregalaxy204 - 23.01.2024 08:42

Small dogs need more respect. All those small "yappy mean" dogs are only that way because people share that "they are small and harmless" mentality and they push the dogs boundaries. Just because it's small, doesn't mean you can go and shove a camera in its face or harass it all the time until it starts growling and biting. Respect their boundaries, train them and socialize them properly, and you will have a FANTASTIC companion.

@kskidspastor - 23.01.2024 01:46

Wow! Derby Deb needs to learn to be responsible for herself and she needs to lose her license. Glad OP dodged that bullet. He shouldn’t have given her a dime though.

@mikerich3261 - 23.01.2024 01:25

That principal should never have a position of authority in a school setting ever again. I'm glad those kids were taken care of by a mom and cop. Despicable Dr Idiot should have been charged and fired for child endangerment, period. The parents messed up by dropping the kids off so early instead of arranging a babysitter or neighbor or family member or friend to take care of the kids, but the principle jerk actually put the kids in harm's way instead of making sure they were ok himself and having a talk with the parents. That would infuriate me. It DOES infuriate me, and I know nobody in this story. Like a previous story said, common sense may not be universal, but keeping children safe sure as hell is.

@adammartinez8050 - 22.01.2024 19:42

I had a package on my porch that was opened partially looked like someone was peaking. Must have shocked them when they saw a “realistic” bird skull. It was a plastic resin coated foam staff that was meant to look like it was decayed. wish I had a video of how they must have felt and we have many new nosy neighbors with kids. Haven’t had any packages messed with since then tho

@mikerich3261 - 22.01.2024 18:43

The man that said he married his sweet secretary after his wife started treating him like dirt had too many downvotes. He was absolutely right! Nobody should feel forced to stay in a miserable relationship being mistreated. And I am a woman saying this from my husband's account on our tablet. The keys to a healthy relationship are mutual respect and communication. If you treat your husband like crap, you deserve to be left, plain and simple.

@jas6940 - 22.01.2024 17:14

OPs mom
In the first story 🫡

@tenza7545 - 22.01.2024 14:04

I go to casinos a few times a year I never go above what I budgeted usually $200-$400. Rarely I’d leave with a little more than what I went in with. Most of the time I lose it all. Also in my state it’s law to have the state gambling hotline visible at every machine and seat at tables and it’s illegal for dealers to say anything that can be considered talking you into gambling more money. They can get up to a one million dollar fine and have to pay you up to 10x the money you spent there that day.

@tannermarr7474 - 22.01.2024 11:13

(Gambleing story) you know if you just dont go to the casino you will stop losing money lol

@SiegeTF - 22.01.2024 07:28

Dude contracted alcoholism, and OP ... doesn't recognize it, and can only pity herself.
Sounds like two children, not including the kids!

@Deadlock21 - 22.01.2024 05:59

Its always the fk shitt8ng on videogames that makes me so angry. Any addiction is bad. The dides that quit their work or waste any free minute in the gym instead of helping their wife with the kids never get any bad reputation. I work 55- 70 hrs week and in my free time i do all kinds of stuff, as well as video games. They are just a other tool to slack off like reading, knitting or crafting. They are good for memory, cognitive skills, reflexes and strategic thinking. Yet its always "my husband plays video games" -" you should leave him. You need a grown up."

@CorvusAlyse - 21.01.2024 23:59

Wow. For the comment on the story about the single mother, what a way to victim blame. For every person who follows that marriage-children formula, there are ten who end in divorce. This was not the place to speak about your perfect relationship with children, go be narcissistic someplace else.

@geminigenu - 21.01.2024 18:59

The comments about the irresponsible teen mom were so backwards. Wanting the daughter to do better and improve her life with schooling and a job is a bad thing? Did that commenters expect OP to support her daughter and grandson forever??

@sherryluu518 - 21.01.2024 17:08

The first story, the husband is a jerk and I would divorce him so quick. Secondly, has anyone ever made carrot cake from scratch? I have my in laws family recipe for carrot cake. It's my favorite, but oh my goodness. That cake is very laborious. I even made the icing from scratch. Hearing that her husband just smashed it would just make me snap. I'm sure so llmich love and work went behind making that.

@kirstens5801 - 21.01.2024 16:44

Only on Reddit will people who see no problem spending thousands on gaming equipment, legos, and anime collectibles (and asking for $/ gift cards towards them) lose their collective 💩 over someone spending an equivalent amount on jewelry 😂

@killsteel8498 - 21.01.2024 16:20

My dad is a gambling addict too I rarely talk with him but wow not even he would lose so much I also turn to an addict when I play that’s why I always play at the gaming arcade instead that way I only use about 50 or 100 and come back another time so I can save up to get the highest prices

@judymetzger7387 - 21.01.2024 14:34

I would not change anything except my password. And when they can no longer use it say you know what it's 699 a month I'm sure you can afford it goodbye tell your dad you know what you pay for their account. No you don't change it because you know what with people like this you have to sit hard boundaries and tell your dad you know what this is my account and instead of appreciating that I'm sharing they're being ignorant and rude. Why are you backing them up. Why are you not standing up for your daughter and say to these people you know what she doesn't have to let you use her account how about you just be appreciative instead of being demanding.

@nevaehlumiere5418 - 21.01.2024 13:57

I cannot believe the one father gave a 17-year-old daughter access to thousands of dollars, that was set aside for her college. Listening to the story I noticed both he and his wife sound like the wimpiest enabler’s on the planet. “Once she turns 18, she can do with the money what she wants” Dude! No she can’t! That money is for her college. It shouldn’t matter if she’s 8, 18 or 38, she can’t just do whatever the hell she feels like! I agree with the one commentor who said use the rest of the money for whatever college it will pay for. I would not pay for anything beyond that though. If it’s not enough money… Oh well!!!... She had to use the money for that “once in a lifetime” fan club meeting, instead of college! Bad decisions have consequences!

@nevaehlumiere5418 - 21.01.2024 13:40

I was watching videos today, where drunk drivers get arrested. This one sovereign citizen claimed that she didn’t have to follow the rules because she didn’t recognize US law and that she was not a citizen. She also spouted some “law” that she claimed she didn’t have to follow rules. Of course she got arrested for DUI.
Commenters looked up the law numbers she was constantly yelling. It turned out to be some by-law about contract writing. Lol! Someone else pointed out that what she was saying about not recognizing US law etc. was committing treason which is a federal offense. I commented that since she was not a US citizen and didn’t recognize US law… She better not be on ANY federal, state or local social programs. THOSE exist only for recognized citizens of the US.

@alfedosucksatgames5008 - 21.01.2024 12:08

Oh im glad i only ever gambled once, lost $10 dollars, stopped playing. I really wanted to continue but than i remembered my aunt. Who gambled qway her money, used her husbands money, lost her car, ended up being 43 living on her mother's (my grandmas) couch, still gambling away everything because "i can win it back, just one break is all i need" its one hell of an addiction, qnd youre hurting yourself more than you think,

@SaxyT7 - 21.01.2024 10:33

First story….. Mom is right. Listen to Mom.
Change your password, log out of everything and never look back.

@jasondouglas152 - 21.01.2024 09:52

Put all the money you'd gamble and put it into a 18 month cd

@jasondouglas152 - 21.01.2024 09:50

At least gamble football, you have a 50 50 chance to win

@earniemaedeen2703 - 21.01.2024 06:48

The story about the 18 year old mother. She absolutely needs to work or be in school. It seems she is not taking responsibility for herself and the choices she has made. She is 18 not 16.

@GoinBand2 - 21.01.2024 04:53

Found Karen almost immediately! It is a sense of accomplishment when you spot her right away. No pausing needed!

@Urrarg - 21.01.2024 04:48

Peakock story: Why is this even a question? You're being nice and letting someone use something of yours for free. If they complain and act entitled you simply take it away their access because they clearly don't appreciate it or you. That's it. "Should I enable entitled people and let them walk all over me?" should not be some big moral dilemma. The only person with any sense in this story is the mom who says to reset the password. If anyone else has a problem with it let them know they're welcome to get their own account to share with the entitled aunt if they feel so strongly about it.

@oldwoman7047 - 21.01.2024 03:12

2 hr 6 minutes and you read only the yta answers. Entitled kids these days! Single teen mother needs to learn responsibility and quick!!!

@dee_dee_place - 21.01.2024 02:32

OPs & their unmarried Daughters with b*stard kids.
Do what my Parents did.
They told my big Sisters, "We raised our kids, now it's your turn."
They told me, "Get pregnant out of wedlock & you are disowned by the whole family."
Why the heck should Sons & Daughters step up to the plate & be responsible when they know they can get their Parents to clean up their messes for them. Parents, quit being doormats for your kids. And I know your kids using their kids (your grandkids) as leverage is a bitter pill to swallow but you're not doing any of them any good in the long run. Don't Cave To Manipulation &/or Ultimatiums!

@mikeymcchoas3511 - 21.01.2024 01:45

Love how the gambler blames his dad for not letting him manage finances. Dad must have seen his kid coming.

@nevaehlumiere5418 - 21.01.2024 01:40

All these people telling OP that she needs to support her teen daughter who’s a mother and who refuses to get a job. I just laughed myself stupid over the comment that the teens brain is still developing until age 25 and basically they’re still a child… And why on God’s green earth are they becoming a parent if they’re so childlike? I noticed that all the people calling OP horrible for wanting the teen parent to find a job and help support the baby… were all teen parents themselves! (Entitled much?) OP wants her daughter to get a job and help support the baby, which the daughter is saying oh no she needs to be there during the formative years. So after the kid starts school… Well then the daughter will have to stay at home and not work because the child needs help with homework. Then the daughters excuse will be that she has to Remain home in case a teacher needs to talk to her. Then later she Won’t be able to get a job because the daughter is having teen problems and she needs to be home to support her for that. Then of course she won’t be able to work because the now teen granddaughter will become pregnant and need extra help. Oh I left out the 2 extra kids born to the daughter cuz she “needed a break from her child”, went partying and hooked up with random party dudes, becoming pregnant and afterwards couldn’t possibly work! There’s no reason why the daughter couldn’t work an evening shift 4-5 hours at the closest fast food place, while grandma keeps an eye on the baby.

@staylor3483 - 21.01.2024 00:58

Story 2: this story makes me thankful that my husband & I are a Boomer & a GenX.. we both have a work ethic that many young generations just don't seem to have! Dump the mooch & keep your homestead!!

@netherfield2000 - 21.01.2024 00:56

Homestead. OP likes that name....a lot.

@staylor3483 - 21.01.2024 00:55

Change your password & sign out on all devices... Done!!😊

@wendyjones3586 - 20.01.2024 23:36

The man that keeps gambling wants us to feel sorry for him . Oh hell no ... Then trying to blame his "Pops for his stupidity ..? Wow Blame everyone buy himself...

@nevaehlumiere5418 - 20.01.2024 23:29

Do the commenters not pay attention to the stories? The one commentor said “you’re giving your son an inheritance but not the adopted daughter? No… The mother of the grown son is giving the grown son photographs as his inheritance.

@nardopolo7407 - 20.01.2024 23:25

they invited allen because like they said they don't like you. they are only hahah it is just a joke because they pissed there sister off.

@Aspen_wisp1256 - 20.01.2024 23:21

Gambling addiction story: Mommy and daddy did their job, you cant blame them 15+ years later. I’m 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘥 of his wife for atleast leaving him. Her and her daughter deserve a better husband and father. This is why I never have, and never will gamble.

@rainbowunicorn2707 - 20.01.2024 23:04

In the first story did the OPs use of "respectively" in regards to the sons age bother anyone else? I know it's a bit nit picky but it stuck out to me

@rattlecanstudios - 20.01.2024 22:54

To the comment about not having a baby..OP definitely wasn't the jerk.. You didn't have any idea and Sarah is a stupid lying jerk
