Everything Is Person To Person: Homosexuality

Everything Is Person To Person: Homosexuality


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@gandalfwiz20007 - 06.11.2022 15:54

Homosexuals don't bother me, but when it has come to a level where you see gay everyway, in every modern movie and also parades and gay people going to schools to promote LGBT movement. That bothers me...

@JubulusPrime - 30.09.2022 03:04

I think its because straight people are trying to erase lgbt people from history and nature so much that it gets in the way of science too, Straight people do not allow research on homosexuality because it does not intrest them

@overfoxy - 14.12.2020 01:44

Yeah, I'm homoshrecksual

@bogdanbogdanovich140 - 02.12.2020 19:18

even if there is no scientific research on this we can theorize, normally, homosexual people produce female sex pheromones (proteins which get released into the surroundings) which could be caused by a mutation. However in that case why don't all people no matter their preference get attracted to them. That is most likely because those aren't exactly the ones found originally in females, maybe it's mutated and you require a different receptor which also has to be mutated, however this still doesn't explain why so many people are homosexuals as in theory the odds of such an exact mutation happening are low. It would be great for people to be incentivized to conduct such studies however they are normally just canceled as religious bigots.

@notjustiny.6750 - 24.07.2020 21:04

I like how you are saying The Homosexuals like we are a nation united lol

@kalebmaxwell5725 - 05.05.2020 07:17

The boner backflip is one reason to be homosexual

@basedloto1060 - 01.05.2020 07:24

you say near the end of the video that someone's preferences dont affect anyone else but at the start you say that homosexuality affects others.

@zelda8055 - 24.02.2020 10:57

Big brain

@billyeggshells9292 - 23.01.2020 03:19

I thought coming into this I MAY be shocked by Barry’s beliefs but he mixes open mindedness with objectivity so well and it really made me happy that Barry was the person I thought he was

@bosephinterton95 - 20.01.2020 03:17

these videos are so gay

@prime_vettel965 - 25.10.2019 12:27

There are so many things in this video that could be taken out of context

@thestandardtechnique - 19.07.2019 08:04

what if pewdiepie said "that's gay" instead of the n word

@theteddyshow9072 - 14.07.2019 09:34

You have the right dea and this is coming from someone who is part of the LGBT community I hate people who are easily offended by this stuff

@jefkalefka1503 - 25.06.2019 10:36

It is determined at birth. It evolved because siblings of gay people tend to have more children than siblings of straight people

@whisper_wild7527 - 20.04.2019 14:00

echo echo

@cheese790 - 04.03.2019 04:46

For me being pan most of the time gender isn't a problem (unless some identify like a fake gender such as mogai or what ever the fuck it is) (like what the fuck is star boy)

@intellectualowl5786 - 21.02.2019 06:02

everything you said in this video should be obvious but, some people do unfortunitely half to be todt these thinks. what a shitty world we live in.

@Happy_Teddy24 - 03.02.2019 14:16

I'm a homosexual.

@Happy_Teddy24 - 03.02.2019 14:16

I'm a homosexuality.

@Amber-si7kx - 13.01.2019 21:25

homosexuality is the same mental ideology as being straight, people are born straight, bi, asexual, and trans.
The thing you said about "Why would I want to be homosexual" is a very under educated question, people don't chose to have the sexual orientation they have, they are born with it.
There is stuff to base this on, as straights are... guess what... BORN STRAIGHT! WOW!
Wanna figure it out? Study heterosexuality, why are you straight? You're born that way because you want to have pleasure in your life.
Its not that hard. Jesus.

@spoi525 - 10.01.2019 02:26

you know... two years when i first saw this video, I found it highly informative, I still do so that sentence implies the wrong thing. Anyways, this video gave the most information on this topic than anything else, thanks bulletbarry, you info definitely helped when i came out to my dad

@neatanarchy9713 - 28.12.2018 10:00

Game theory's video on what gender tf2's Pyro's gender touches on homosexuality and how it occurs.

@neatanarchy9713 - 28.12.2018 09:52

Oh yay another video to relate to...

@dylanlul - 29.11.2018 04:12

i remember when there was only 2 genders

@clawmaster7753 - 28.11.2018 14:48

I share the same thought btw, i want to know and understand it.

@yopedip8444 - 01.11.2018 15:38

man, jerks that make fun of other people sure are "gay"

@daddystalin4458 - 15.10.2018 07:44

I like other men
- BulletBarry

@ryancreations1734 - 15.10.2018 05:51

Barry, I love this Idea, as Im not homosexual, But i am Athiest and I do feel the pressure of shitty/scummy people saying "Convert to Christianity." and "There's no harm in believeing!" Its REALLY ignorant and I personally HATE it. (and watch this, some idiot is going to try to convert me in a yt messgage or comment).

@massineben7198 - 13.10.2018 16:30

1st one to reply is triple gya.

@horsescary - 12.10.2018 01:00

"hindering progress because it could hurt our feelings" no it's hindering progress because of years of abuse to gay people in an attempt to "treat them"

@danielkeem6042 - 08.10.2018 02:23

I think it's morally, ethically, and biologically wrong, but I don't think it should be illegal.

@dragonwithak6051 - 04.10.2018 19:26

I actually like that theory of fixing the over population it could be probable gg barry

@eclipsegt9821 - 04.10.2018 00:23

Thank you

People don't recognize that just because you are different doesn't mean you are wrong or bad. Thank you for trying to educate the masses

@jan.mmmmmmm - 03.10.2018 23:47

yeah but us straight folk dont like it when those gay hippies from antifa BLM sjw's buzzfeed etc shove it in our faces.

@cookie0329 - 28.09.2018 23:05

i'm pretty gay and i just think it's fine for me, i don't really care that i am or why

@Crimsonterminator100 - 24.09.2018 14:56

If it is evolution that would be a very dumb thing for the species

@k3m0st41 - 23.09.2018 20:53

Im bi because I love someone because of the person not there gender,skin,or religion I wasn't born this way but I became this way

@lalaluv093 - 22.09.2018 23:33

When ever people say "your a (insert anything straight), how can talk about homosexuality/talk about homosexuality. My first thought is " Because you have a brain? "

@massineben7198 - 04.09.2018 03:23

I am a male, but I want a homosexual friend. They just become best friends in 1 day, while I need a life-time with a hetro-sexual to open my secrets to them.

@massineben7198 - 04.09.2018 03:19

I will tell you one thing if you don't like a non hetrosexual.

@thomaskelly4855 - 24.08.2018 16:34

If loveing barry is gay i dont want to be straight

@mariusspadasinul - 13.08.2018 01:19

Im bi and my family is extremly religius and they said that they would kill there son if he was gay and yeah it will suck when i will tell them that Im bi
