Minecraft Java Player Plays Bedrock | Is Bedrock Edition Bad?

Minecraft Java Player Plays Bedrock | Is Bedrock Edition Bad?


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Zee - 24.10.2023 23:01

The xbox game bar has been my most useful tool for so many things lol weird to see someone dislike it imo

Doctor Dalek
Doctor Dalek - 24.10.2023 07:21

Mans suffers multiple issues of skill then goes “this game is broken” lmfao

Mario Ježić
Mario Ježić - 22.10.2023 21:37

I am bedrock player and I know so many things babout bedrock edition and in the end your water is not disappeared,Ender dragon is destroyed your water

themostrandompersononyoutube - 22.10.2023 05:41

Please give us sweeping edge minecraft😭

The Mysterious Slime
The Mysterious Slime - 21.10.2023 03:11

I can't even access java edition because it's more than i can afford, anyway bedrock is superior, even microsoft agrees and it's playable everywhere

YaBoi Smiles
YaBoi Smiles - 20.10.2023 23:49

One thing I don't like about pc players; they're so damn picky over everything it's kinda annoying

Rob o
Rob o - 18.10.2023 21:56

The dragon can destroy water fyi

Joseph Fioretti
Joseph Fioretti - 18.10.2023 17:56

The whither fight is also harder

Saftigerkeks - 17.10.2023 21:33

Bedrock and Java will always be like the "raw steak, cooked steak" thing, where someone deadass believes raw steak tastes better than cooked steak, because thats what they have been eating their whole life, but if they would eat cooked steak for like 2 weeks, they would never want to go back.
Thing is they will never eat cooked steak for 2 weeks, cause they are so sure raw steak tastes better.

This is what I always feel when someone, in all seriousness, tries to tell me Bedrock is overall better than Java. As someone who tried both versions for a good amount of time, I would never play Bedrock over Java, and the list of reasons is so enormous, I would grow old trying to finish it.

Guess a bunch of people will forever think raw steak tastes better than cooked steak, but oh well, cant force quality on someone I guess 💀

Patoman - 17.10.2023 15:17

Something I've noticed with people who have problems on bedrock is that they are almost always playing it on pc or xbox. On a ps4 for example I almost never had any problems with minecraft. It was rare that my gale got laggy, I experienced almost no bugs that people speak of(like the player falling through blocks when coming back from the end). The only times when my game had lag was when there were way too many item frames around as the game counts them as entities or something. And even then my game would slow down only when looking at the direction where the item frames were

Shelli Blossom
Shelli Blossom - 14.10.2023 23:31

Is it really an OK to judge a version of a game that was basically ported onto the system it wasn't programed to play on? (It's an actual question I don't know about the stuff like this) i rarely have problems with lagging on my switch when I play bedrock on it. So I thought maybe because the systems doesn't match well that he getting lag?

Rioule Thebeats
Rioule Thebeats - 07.10.2023 08:30

The only thing that triggered me is the fact that yes he's a job of player so he is going to be prone to physically craft any items but seeing him not do that hurts

idk - 02.10.2023 15:18

Ender dragon can destroy blocks in minecraft bedrock

ZebraGames - 02.10.2023 10:01

Is the hunger diffrent in java? Why was he so shocked?

shopsmart57 - 17.09.2023 20:45

My conclusion. Java > Bedcrock

- 13.09.2023 16:06

Almost all the things he sh*t on are his faults. Like water (yes ender dragon destroys water) He didn't even hit the ghast ball that's why it didn't react. Non-smooth movement is his settings

Eclipse - 12.09.2023 19:42

I love when he was failing to crit. lol.

Wonder - 12.09.2023 00:05

I like bedrock because it is more challenging and hard. I like java because of the free mods..

Jeremy Mahoney
Jeremy Mahoney - 11.09.2023 18:41

Food was because of jumping and running all the time.
Combat isn't "broken". They just have a slight difference in combat than you are use too.
Complaining about tool durability only proves Java are just spoiled.
Boats not working for fall damage is another spoil of Java, but Bedrock does similar with horses.
You even missed out on the drowned. Unlike Java, in Bedrock they swim after you.

Basically, some mobs and mechanics are tougher in Bedrock and others in Java. Even the red stone is different. They are made by too different companies. You really shouldn't complain about the differences, but instead embrace them. You will find that Bedrock has some benefits compared to Java, and vice versa.

Jarom Merrell
Jarom Merrell - 11.09.2023 06:09

Bedrock was just hastily put together and even though it is better optimized the bugs and the gameplay make it unplayable for me , and yes i started from xbox 360 edition to bedrock and then java

Lance Pourian
Lance Pourian - 09.09.2023 18:18

holy shit why is this guy finding every chance to complain abt bedrock. “the step sounds are different”. does it matter? just play it’s all the same game if you dont like bedrock go back to java.

POSmart Systems
POSmart Systems - 09.09.2023 07:05

Don't use an axe to fight in minecraft bedrock edition

Rob G
Rob G - 08.09.2023 10:03

It's not as bad as you are making it out to be.

They are different games

Saying scuffed all the time is cringe

Bottled Poe
Bottled Poe - 05.09.2023 23:55

Mobs seem like they spawn less because of the simulation distance, if you set it to 4 or 6 you will see lots of mobs but if you set it to anything above that they turn invisible if you go to far (due to the entity distance that you can’t change) and they stay spawned in which makes there feel like there is less mobs

Bottled Poe
Bottled Poe - 05.09.2023 23:26

Yeahhh bedrock just feels off when you play it, even legacy console was much better. Stuff just feels slower and strange, also turn off screen animations they help the game feel much better

Kevin Stanton
Kevin Stanton - 05.09.2023 17:04

you obviously don't know structure names

p.j. - 05.09.2023 13:09

Bedrock is basically the update to java

KlaasMG - 04.09.2023 22:05

on bedrock you can't take a fish out of the water with a bucket

Shounan and wangnan
Shounan and wangnan - 04.09.2023 17:17

Gold boots don’t work on bedrock

Shounan and wangnan
Shounan and wangnan - 04.09.2023 17:16

And control

Shounan and wangnan
Shounan and wangnan - 04.09.2023 17:15

And its way easier to play

Shounan and wangnan
Shounan and wangnan - 04.09.2023 17:15

i prefer Minecraft bedrock on iPad because you can just change your screen controls to how you like

CheyGall - 04.09.2023 03:13

Why are java players so aggressive and persistent at hating bedrock lmao. We all play minecraft, just a bit differently...

kitcatisms - 03.09.2023 20:21

For those unfamiliar with Bedrock as a whole, a list of pros & cons from someone who plays both

- Coordinates on the screen at all times if you choose, makes it easier to track where you are going. I much prefer this personally to constantly having to pause & press F3.
- You don't need a server to play with friends, so long as they have Bedrock too. One person makes the file, you invite, & tadah playtime with friends for free without hassle.
- Runs easier on your computer, if you play PC.
- Works on multiple platforms, so you can play mobile if you wanted (from what I know anyway, I could be wrong).
- Mobs only spawn at night or thunderstorms, cloudy/rainy weather does not spawn them.
- No cooldown on swings, but note it does less damage to spam than it does to wait the usual cooldown.

- As indicated in the vid, spawn is random & not always 0,0.
- Door trick underwater does not work, drowning happens more.
- Can't place torches while they are in off-hand (at least I haven't figured out how to & assume it's not possible)
- Unless the resource pack/mod is put into the shop, you can't use them. Thankfully my fave is in there :3 (Mizuno's)
- For some stupid reason blocking with the shield is tied to crouch, it makes fighting suck & therefore its the platform I prefer Peaceful on.

The recipe for boats has been fixed from what I can see, should be the same as Java now.

Apudle - 02.09.2023 10:02

Its so Funny hiw He youses a Axe to fight and where He said advansment

The Gaming Fluff Boi
The Gaming Fluff Boi - 02.09.2023 04:58

This a bedrock player that on console for the future of 1.20 to say some of this stuff for this video is outdated bc you don't need a shower for a boat And barrels don't take sticks anymore Plus iron golden to have a damaged texture now but we still don't have the combat update

Update the dragon can brake water blocks

COK Til You Drop
COK Til You Drop - 31.08.2023 10:36

Try hard on BR?

CL Williams
CL Williams - 30.08.2023 02:43

Ur first mistake: drag crafting in bedrock ed. Knowing how to craft ur items is completely optional. Its far easier to use the recipe book to craft things instead. Everytime u open the menu, i worry that u don't know bedrock doesn't pause since u didn't know most of the bedrock only features n bugs. 1 thing that's very different now is the hunger system. It was updated so hunger doesn't go down nearly as fast as it used to. The barrel recipe was also updated but the recipe update makes it more like java which no bedrock player that likes building in survival actually likes. Its more expensive with the planks instead of the sticks. But our boat recipe now matches as well, which is a good recipe change. Cheaper without the shovel. Fellow bedrock players, feel free to add bedrock features u wanna talk about in the replies. I got bored of typing otherwise i'd add more.

Wanted to add: jean deletes water. Its a feature to prevent cheesing (that's the only reason I can think of for y she's able to do that). It's not a glitch. N the fact that u still have the god apple shows u hadn't finished eating by the time she hit u so the effects of the apple didn't have time to take effect. Pretty sure that would've been the exact same in java (i play java most of the time now for modded). As for the bow, if ur used to the bow mechanics in bedrock edition, its can be ur favorite weapon. Its always been my favorite minecraft weapon cuz I dislike close combat. I'm pretty sure bedrock bows received an update around the same time the hunger system did tho.

Sakanade - 30.08.2023 02:12

I played Java as a kid and play on Playstation (Bedrock) now at 18, and I can say with my entire chest. I hate Bedrock, and it IS a different game, so many little differences pile up into an unsatisfying mess.

Miko Dator
Miko Dator - 28.08.2023 13:48

(In my opinion) bedrock and java are equals okay please dont cause a fucking stupid war cuz of a opinion but come on they are literally the same except "some" features but i enjoy both tbh (please dont harass me in replies i saw other comments replies please spare me)

Davrsaberrex - 28.08.2023 12:05

The water dries up in the end... its just normal

Cookiefan - 28.08.2023 09:04

A cool thing with bedrock is if you look at the sun part of the screen dims

SW73(ScrappyWriter73) NAUTTP
SW73(ScrappyWriter73) NAUTTP - 27.08.2023 16:44

Holiday creator features is for addons.

Brendy Straw
Brendy Straw - 27.08.2023 16:43

Kid falls in love with minecreaft for Xbox-kid hears from everyone that minecraft Java is better- Kid doesn't have computer- Kid buys or has parents buy computer to play better minecraft on-Microsoft profits

Bego - 25.08.2023 23:32

Bedrock really is terrible

wrm70 - 24.08.2023 22:50

As someone who’s started as a pocket edition player and now plays Java on pc I like Java better but bedrock has better multiplayer quandary is better for small kids and also bedrock is still great 👍🏻

GPM | John BS
GPM | John BS - 24.08.2023 20:02

Java is way too easy in my opinion. I mean a speed runner literally died twice trying to kill ender dragon in bedrock. There are so many more ways to die in bedrock.

GPM | John BS
GPM | John BS - 24.08.2023 19:47

Skeletons do shoot a lot faster in bedrock. I am a bedrock player and I have struggled a lot with that early game
