Session 3: The Objective in Corporate Finance - Reality

Session 3: The Objective in Corporate Finance - Reality

Aswath Damodaran

10 лет назад

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@dakitoalemu605 - 19.02.2015 22:54

Nice presentation and am happy for watch this video. But I do have one technical question that I want to get your clarification. If we substitute or use firms value instead of stock price in order to measure wealth maximization, how can we measure firms value? I guess the former literatures used stock price to evaluate wealth maximization since it's easy to find the value of stock in the market.  

@AswathDamodaranonValuation - 18.04.2015 14:34

Firm value is debt plus equity. In common parlance, it is usually measured with enterprise value. You could reframe the objective as maximizing enterprise value.

@SandeepAsok - 28.09.2015 20:32

You are my savior professor.

@emikojung - 28.10.2015 03:07

I am incredibly thankful for this. Watching the rest of your lesson before my final!!! :')

@jordanrobinson7617 - 21.12.2015 20:47

I understand why it's pointless to increase market share for the sake of increasing market share, but what about earnings or revenue?

@SannedoTheGr8 - 13.05.2017 05:36

great effort! thanks for sharing..

@njabulov.hadebe9102 - 09.02.2018 17:04

I love how nice and clean and straightforward these videos are!!!!

@rodrigoml5721 - 25.06.2020 21:00

Thank you for sharing so good content.

@AlexVoxel - 23.11.2020 15:44

Very clear ideas, lesson and point, thank you!

@northpenguin8202 - 01.07.2021 03:38

Thank you sir. thank you so much. I am really thankful for your work.

@mattster6119 - 29.07.2021 03:05

Fantastic teacher!

@marcoantoniomedrano886 - 02.09.2021 03:08

Really I enjoy these classes. In the MBA I took a course in CFM. Many questions and doubts on running a company were clarified in this course. Many situations that I have lived as consultant in many companies seems to fix to many of the descriptions of these clases. Personally I have foun very useful and I have found answer to many questions with the perspective of the Professor Damodaran and his book.

@mudibluz2006 - 11.10.2021 01:25

Can someone explain to me why the answer is D for question 5 of the post class test? I would assume that in a illiquid poorly functioning emergent market you should focus on revenue growth since the company is being held up by bond/lender. That would allow the company to survive current market conditions. To max shareholder wealth in a rocky market would be like swimming against the tide.

@Xopher30 - 14.07.2023 18:12

Answer: Nope. In fact, Disney will adapt a radical cult-like ideology.

@feamatar - 29.07.2023 01:03

It is astounding to listen to these words of wisdom in 2023 while knowing that Iger will stay for another 3 years and much of the current malady of Disney is his making.

@hi-xk1wd - 11.05.2024 02:45

What does he mean by market-based decision?

@pacifiquebusiness - 28.05.2024 14:17


@mogeconomics - 29.11.2024 16:12

Very glad to have discovered your lessons from years ago. They're straight to the point, empirical and very enlightening. I hope to complete the 36 sessions.
