Installing PrestaShop on Windows 7 using XAMPP - Part 1

Installing PrestaShop on Windows 7 using XAMPP - Part 1


13 лет назад

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@levikovacs - 11.05.2011 06:21

nice but how do u create the database and the tables.....maybe i have to copy the install files for prestashop in the htdocs....? this video makes any sense to u?

@cmtec90 - 11.05.2011 18:24

@levikovacs Sorry for the confusion. What you have to do is create your database first in i.e (phpmyadmin, cPanel, etc.) Then you will link the database using the username and password (if you have one) I used root as the database name. Let me know if this helps.

@tony098uk - 04.06.2011 01:00

Xampp works. Prestashop is in the htdocs folder, I have created a databse in MySQL, I have typed in localhost/prestashop101 and I get object not found. Ive tried localhost/prestashop101, but with no luck. Can anyone please advise?

@cmtec90 - 07.10.2011 02:30

@tony098uk Make sure that XAMPP is running. You also might want to delete all the files and start from scratch. I myself had to start over a couples times to get it to work properly.
