Pt 3: História de VIRIATO, o primeiro rei de Portugal? Monsanto. Viriathus. AMAZING WATERFALL!

Pt 3: História de VIRIATO, o primeiro rei de Portugal? Monsanto. Viriathus. AMAZING WATERFALL!

Dane and Jillie

3 года назад

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@namibianodetombua - 05.05.2024 22:04

Beautiful your videos.
I just have watched several in a go.
You seem to speak Portuguese well. Your accent of Portuguese towns, names, and words are excellent.

@orlandojoao - 08.06.2023 21:55

Thank you man. What a beautiful video!

@nv2718 - 02.01.2023 11:22

Thanks for the video and God Bless You And Your Family

@hoseA-sy4ld - 12.07.2022 03:25

but they never conquerd the north

@hoseA-sy4ld - 12.07.2022 03:23

oooh sorry ,u know history ,,,but never again ,no spanish .no french ,no enemies we love peace,,but just ukrrania will fight

@hoseA-sy4ld - 12.07.2022 03:19

YES DANE ,just out of curriosity ,check a orden de christo,the start of america.oh the lusitanianos were betrayed ,,by known portuguese names....and yes its amazing natural history

@Sheila_Aleixo - 11.07.2022 10:43

Wow! Thank you 🙏🏼! Viriato our Portuguese Hero 🇵🇹💚💛❤️

@MrKlipstar - 01.03.2022 08:48

Viriato era um pastor Lusitano,que pelo seu valor e bravura foi eleito chefe dos Lusitanos após a morte do chefe anterior na 2 Guerra Lusitana cerca de 150 AC,ao contrário do que se pensa os Lusitanos não eram Celtas,mas Iberos com misturas Fenicias ,Gregas e Cartaginesas.Usavam a falcata como espada (Ibérica) e a randa (Punhal Lusitano),bebiam cerveja e comiam pão de bolota.Crisvam cavalos enquanto as Lusitanas cuidavam da casa e dos campos,eram pagãos politeistas,sendo o principal Deus,o Endovélico.

@MrKlipstar - 01.03.2022 08:27

Não foi um Rei,foi um Chefe Lusitano,nasceu em 180 AC e faleceu assassinado em 139 AC.

@heldercosta515 - 28.02.2022 01:52

A truly remarkable video. Just a little add on to your story. Once the traitors presented themselves to receive their "30 coins", they were received with the iconic sentence, "Roma traditoribus non premiae", in english "Rome does not pay traitors", and killed...The End☠

- 13.10.2021 00:25

Very well said.(about the Roman treacherous ways of winning outside the batlefield...) I am and always was and will be a Proud Lusitanian!Always against Rome, or, for the matter, against any Invader of Our Beautiful Lusitania/Portugal.

- 13.10.2021 00:16

Muito Bem! Adorei! Eu fui Lusitâno em algumas encarnações...e hôje, também o sou, embora me conhêçam como Português(com Muita Honra).

@joserolo8544 - 28.07.2021 00:00

Obrigado por divulgar um pouco da nossa longínqua mas sempre visível história

@universoALC - 18.05.2021 05:50

Very beautiful everything!

@Wolf-FenrirMountains - 28.04.2021 04:50


@MGOLBL60 - 24.03.2021 16:36

Magnífica descrição. Esta é a essência mais profunda do povo português que ainda perdura, Contudo, está tão profundo na nossa memória coletiva, que é necessário recordar para acordarmos de vez e fazermos frente àqueles que estão a amesquinhar e a por em causa a nossa história e a nossa essência com argumentos criados pelos interesses de uns quantos.

@serramcs - 24.03.2021 13:38

Fantástico! Great,!!! Thanks for your beautiful video...

@johnpierce2390 - 24.03.2021 12:41


@jorgeleonardo1957 - 24.03.2021 07:50

I can’t thank you enough for your beautiful videos; rare gems indeed where your love for the land, it’s history and natural beauty is only enhanced by your camera’s eye. Thanks for taking the time to put together these historical vignettes! I came across your channel through one of your videos of Asturias history. My dad was from the village of Llanes, and I have plenty of family and loved ones still there. Unable to visit because of the Covid restrictions, your videos give me a short peak at the beauty of Northern Spain and Portugal. Your kids are so lucky to have parents like you, so well rounded and grounded, with a true love for the land, it’s history and culture. What an amazing upbringing they are having. You would make an exceptional history maestro and many academic institutions would be lucky to have you ! Keep up the exceptional work !!! Your channel should have thousands of followers !! ... easy does it !! ... I am sure you are well in your way ! Many thanks, God bless and all the BEST! Regards from SoFlo!
