Terrible Virgin Mobile Tech Support Service

Terrible Virgin Mobile Tech Support Service

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3 года назад

30 Просмотров

I have been having issues with my LG Velvet ever since I switched from Rogers to Virgin Mobile. I always used to be able to send and receive MMS messages while my mobile data was on, regardless of if I was connected to WiFi or not.

Fast forward to the last 7 months. My mobile data is always on. However, if my LG Velvet with Virgin Mobile connects to WiFi, I am no longer able to send of receive MMS. I am connected to the Virgin Mobile APN. Well, today I decided to call Tech support.

The first gentleman tried to mansplain I can't use WiFi to send a MMS, I have to have mobile data on. Thanks, Sherlock. I told him I wanted someone in Tech Support.

Judy comes on the line and tries to tell me the same. I then said to Judy, why is it that I have had like 5+ other smartphones with Rogers where I was able to send/receive MMS even if my phone had connected to WiFi, but ONLY since September with VM I have had to turn off WiFi???

Thank you for the absolutely mindblowing customer service, Virgin Mobile.
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