Tell My Story - Teen Suicide Documentary

Tell My Story - Teen Suicide Documentary

Evil Documentaries

1 год назад

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@TheMindIlluminated - 11.07.2023 19:59

I know everything there is to know about that photographer lady just by looking at her. At least she’s doing good work with these kids. I wish depression was just a phase, but the older I get the worse I feel. It’s never ending. It’s good if she can get to these kids early.

@toddprater14 - 24.10.2023 11:02

Why does this generation say the word “like” like every like 3rd word? That lady’s nephew says some very adult things for a 14 year old.he totally nailed the social media description about instatwit.

@AlanAvis - 29.01.2024 07:24

Try being 45, single, no girlfriend, no children.

@martynilsson4731 - 04.02.2024 01:43

I find it very insensitive to take photographs while traumatized people talk about suicide of loved ones.

@AbigailArroyo-nf9ei - 11.05.2024 17:32

Thank you jason

@deeznuts.9843 - 23.05.2024 23:58

I am so thankful. Jay, that you are using your horrible experience (and a parent's worst nightmare) and turning it into a learning platform for all parents. You certainly have opened my eyes to see what needs to happen to prevent another loss. God bless you and your family!

@sdfjsd - 06.06.2024 11:39

It's so stupid because my sister had to get Instagram for her school volley ball team because that was the only way she could get updates on practices and scheduling and stuff, and now I feel like her self-esteem has gone down. She tells me sometimes that she feels jealous when she sees other people on Instagram do better than her at stuff. This is how stupid the public school system is in the United States!
