How Did Ancient Sparta Really Fall? | The Spartans | Odyssey

How Did Ancient Sparta Really Fall? | The Spartans | Odyssey

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@e.f.3207 - 31.01.2024 20:28

Absolutely FANTASTIC video!! Thank you so very much for putting it together and posting.
Great job! 👍👍👍

@ahmedmahmud4238 - 26.12.2023 19:20

I cant stand that lady Bettany peddling half truths.

@anthonyehrenzweig7697 - 17.12.2023 02:08

I think "Lysander" is pronounced "Lysander".

@MrFifadon1 - 15.12.2023 16:11

Everyone can appreciate a passionate person

@radekrousek4688 - 28.11.2023 08:22

she is soooo HOT😊❤

@NMansetJWard - 13.11.2023 22:38

I have read Thucydides at least two times...excellent commentary...

@user-yg1zj5dz9f - 03.11.2023 17:04

gnostic informant said that constantinople consulted the oracle in 1543 and got shafted

@gordondean2165 - 31.10.2023 02:33

The parallel with 2013 USA is very interesting. A small ruling elite dependent on but despising the subservient masses of disenfranchised slaves is very apparent. Hopefully the "slaves will wake up to this eventually and rebel against their elitist corporate masters.

@freefall9832 - 02.10.2023 03:12

The Spartans were not man enough to reproduce. They weren't men enough to fertilize the Spartan women. The original pretty boy pansy.

@cogitationescaecae1125 - 18.09.2023 07:02

I could invade this brunette like a vicious spartan.

@duckbizniz663 - 17.09.2023 18:32

Bettany did a wonderful job presenting the Spartans. The problem with Spartan society was the strict definition for citizenship and slavery. It requires someone (the Messinians) to be the slaves and do all the hard labor. While Spartan citizen males dedicated themselves to soldiering. After centuries of battle the number of Spartan citizen males declined. With a strict definition of who can be a Spartan citizen the male citizens declined until the loss at Lefktra to the Thebans. The Thebans liberated the Messinian Helots (slaves) and that was the end of the utopian hierarchal structure of the Spartans. There is nothing ideal about Spartan society. It was a utopia if you were on top as a Spartan citizen. Everyone else was on the bottom. I guess that was why the US had to end slavery with its own Civil War. A strict hierarchal society with slavery is not compatible with the ideals of democratic republicanism. I read some of the comments below. It seems a lot of Americans do not know why the American Civil War was fought.

@wrangelinhabitant161 - 25.07.2023 23:02

Greeks were such an extraordinary Nation, totally educated and also horribly gruesome, being Scientist and cruel pagans at the Same time)

@golgumbazguide...4113 - 15.07.2023 09:47

Explore golgumbaz

@Dont_Play_Stupid - 05.07.2023 06:21

intelligent and beautiful too boot love these vids with Bettany

@johnbaker7453 - 04.07.2023 20:18

Nice to watch a historical program like this which uses an attractive female narrator as opposed to the male figure wearing tan safari clothes. She wears feminine clothes, jewelry, even a dress believe it or not. It's quite possible to come across confidant and respected on your subject wearing a dress as this lady does.

@billykof2584 - 02.07.2023 06:25

Ads every 4 minutes is too much

@marcelcicort9671 - 03.06.2023 01:43

AND they failed to make kids since the men loved playing with each other 😮.

@BeyondEcstasy - 31.05.2023 19:42

I want Bettany to shave bald and wear chiton in the dark if you know what I mean

@tanias4877 - 29.05.2023 15:32

Always informative and enjoyable, many thanks 👏👏👏

@paulruprai1274 - 28.05.2023 00:03

The Spartans were idiots get healthy fertile women from slaves and breed them to give you Spartans ..

@christianfrommuslim - 15.05.2023 05:39

QUESTION: There is a hypothesis that the dramatic changes in Athenian philosophy of the 5th century BCE came in consequence of their exposure to the monotheism of the Jews after their diaspora in the 7th century. For example, Socrates disparagement of Greek gods and description of what a true God would be like - views which led to his execution for blasphemy.
Does anyone have data backing up this hypothesis, or more information?

@snazyuploads21 - 01.05.2023 17:01

I'm about 15 minutes in, she does tell a great story, and I will finish the rest. But damn she is so dramatic and snide! Slow down lady, your interpretations is indicative of someone who is not truely rooted in the avatar that is your human body.

@robertcronin6603 - 30.04.2023 15:26

Bettany is an amazing combination of intelligence and beauty - very hot! 🔥🔥🔥

@demonhd8437 - 28.04.2023 19:38

Bettany is the most distracting historian ever

@jaymzgaetz2006 - 23.04.2023 08:13

My goodness...she's a goddess worthy of worship herself.

@tellodoroteo2543 - 23.04.2023 07:38

It can also be argued they fell becouse they turned homosexual.

@SlimSancho428 - 23.04.2023 05:03

Lemme smash bettany!

@jamieedmonds6332 - 22.04.2023 13:19

positive there were never any bones found there at that site where they apparently were thrown off shouldve been hundreds

@dalina25 - 21.04.2023 01:43

Ancient Greece were Albanians 🇦🇱 PROOF ——> Hellene = Yll Hene = Star Moon Albania = Yll Banoj = Star Dwellers Illyrian = Yll Rri Un = I’m a Star Dwellers Pellasgian = Pi Yllis Qe Jan = R From The Stars Olympian = Ylli Mbi Han = Star above Moon Aphrodite = Afer Dita = Near Day / Dawn Athena = Yll Ti E Hena = Star You And Moon Venus Aphrodite = Vjen Afer Dites = Comes before the Day Approaches Juno Junon = Je Non/Ju Non = You Are Mother Parthenon = Part e Jon = Our First Ancestors. Artemis = Ardht e Mi = My Predecessors. Hera = Je Ra = You Have Fallen Heracles = Je Ra Ka Ylli = You fall from the stars Achilles = Ai Qiellis / Ai Ka Ylli = From Sky/Stars Angel Engel Enki = En Qiell = In the Sky Rhea = Reja = Clouds Zeus = Zot = God Triton = Driton = Light Up Cronos = Kronoj = Create
Ares = Aj Rre = He Fights
Demeter = Dimer Ti = You are Winter Hestia = Vjesht Ti Je = You are Autumn Kore Persephone = Korrje Par Se E Bone / Punoj - The First Crops you Make / Work
Hades = Je Dhe = You are Soil/Land/Ground Poseidon = Posedon = Owns / Possessor
Apollo = Ai Pi Ylli = He is from the Star Apollonia = Ai Pi Yllis Une = He from the Stars Me Macedonia = Madhe Dhe Une = Great Land Me Acropolis = Aja ka Ra Pi Ylli= It Fell From the Star
Prometheus = Permi Dheut = Above Earth Ganymede = Qe Jeni Mi dhe = Above Earth U R Fates Moira = Fat Mira = Good Luck Nemesis = Nem e zez = Black Curse Eros Psyche = I Ra Psych - He enchanted her with the Evil Eye Neptune - Ne Jep Ty Ujin = We Give U Water Uranus = Uj Ran = Rain Jupiter = Je Pi Yje Ti = You are from the Stars Mars = Madh = Great Saturn = Zot Erdhen = The Gods Came Mercury = Mi Er Ky Rri = Above the Air You Dwell Hermes = Erdh Mi Er = Came from above the Air Amazon = Jam E Zoja = I’m a goddess Hecate Empusa = Hekja Ti Em Pushtaj = Remove it, It Has Possessed Me Nymphai = Ne Jemi Pi Ujis = We are from the Waters Nysiads = Nusja Ujit = Water Bride Druids = Druit = Wood / Woods Siren = Ze i Rren = The Voice That Lie Dragon = Dreq Jon = They Are Devils Kulshedra = Kuq Je Dreq = Red Dragon Charybdis = Kari Pidhi = Cock - Pussy Vampire = Dhom Pir = Drink with Teeth Daimon = Ndimon = Helpers Scylla = Se ka Sill Ujin = That Has Twirl The Water Echo = Je Zo = You are a Voice Medusa = Madhe Se Je = Great you Are Gorgon = Eger Goj / Eger Qe Jon / Wild Mouth /They are Wild Chiron = Sheron = Cures Agnodice = Aj Shnosh Diken = He Cures Someone Byzantine = Beson Ti/Besojn Ton = You/All Believe Basilica = Bes Yllis qe je = Star Faith you are Ocean = Uj Qe Jan = Water They Are Tricrania = Tri Kry Ni Je = Three Heads one you Trinicria = Tri Ni kry Je = Three but one Head Gemini = Qe jemi Ni = That we are one Legion = Ligji Jon = Our Law Religion = Ri Ligji Jon = Our New Law Troy = Troja Jon = Our Land Priam = Pari Jam = I’m The First Spartans = Spart Tan = Our First Ancesters Sparta = Shpata = Sword Pausanias = Pasunia = Wealth / The Rich Once Leonidas = Ylli Jon I dhes = Our Lord of the Land Bucephalus = Buker pi yllis = Beautiful Horse Monument = Mane Mend = Keep In Mind Museum = Mesojme = We Learn Library = Libra rri = The Books Stay Egyptian Gods Thoth = Zoti = God Seth = Sheh Ty = Sees You Anubis = Jan Pi Yje = We From The Stars Hapi = Ha Pi = Eat Drink Tefnet = Tjep Shnet = Gives You Health Nut = Nat = Night Khonsu = Ky Hona = He Is the Moon Sekhmet = Sheh Kijamet = Sees Doomsday Geb = Qe Jep = He Gives Maat = Mat/Madh = Measure/Great Bastet = Bes Te Ti = Believe in You Osiris = O Siri = Is The Eye Isis = Yllis ZiZ = Black Universe Amun Amon Amin Aman = Ylli Mi Han Tutankhamun = Zot Jan Ka ylli Mi Han = Gods Are From stars above The Moon Pyramide = Pi Yll Ra Mi Dhe = From the stars Fell on Earth YHWH = Je Havaja = You Are Heaven 🙏 TikTok Ancient_Albania — nsbbdcbcin

@TheChosen2030 - 18.04.2023 19:51

Athens was better

@ryanjones7681 - 17.04.2023 20:34

Sparta fell because all the wealth and power was transfered to women after their men died. Creating a gigantic wealth gap and a very unstable political hierarchy

@fileinterrupted1787 - 17.04.2023 07:17

amazing docu

@IamLegend256 - 16.04.2023 21:55

This was an excellent documentary. She gets some things wrong, though and leaves a lot out.

Leuktra was a bad defeat for Sparta, yes. But they had suffered worse defeats in the past. Leuktra showed Greece that Sparta could be defeated. After Leuktra, Epaminandas, the General that defeated Sparta at Leuktra would invade the Peloponnese 3 times in 9 years. It was during these invasions that Sparta was emasculated. After the invasions ended, and Epanminandas' own death at the 2nd Battle of Matinea, in 362 BC, the city of Megalopolis was formed on Sparta's northern border to keep Sparta and spartan activity in check. The city was formed by former spartan helot cities, so they had plenty of reason to hate Sparta.

During Alexander the Great's reign, Agis III, the grandson of Aegilus, revolted against Macedon. He was able to put together an army of 20,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry. They fought Antipater, Alexander's Regent in Macedon, and his Macedonian army of 40,000 men outside of Megalopolis. It was the largest battle on Greek soil since the Battle of Platea. Antipater defeated the Spartans, and in the aftermath, Sparta never recovered. They ended up building a wall around the city of Sparta in 317 BC.

Leuktra knocked Sparta down a peg or two. Epaminandas' invasions of the Peloponnese knocked them several more pegs. Antipater defeating Agis' army at Megalopolis was the knock-out blow.

@juanmaguire6482 - 16.04.2023 16:39

The spartans behaved very similar to the gael and the scandanavians of europe before they became the vikings. The men were fornicating with each other often in front of the women and this was the social and relationship structures and norms this left the women to tend to children and even made them accountable in the wars with the romans, there was a time in history when the scandanavian and gaelic women were the biggest threat to civiliisation at the time which were the greek and roman empires. roman centaurions armed with the latest weapons, armour and training could only last a few weeks in the forrest land of europe before returning home and needing rest, however the women of these tribes fought in this terrain and remained there hunting for their food. the greeks left them but the romans tried to abolish them due to this, as rome grew and more people wore togas and drank wine etc the softer the men became. The greeks told us this the said the women of these tribes would match the men in courage and warfare and their roles in the tribes was purerly child bearing . nero fiddles in make up and a dress while ten miles outside of rome the women of scandanavia and the gael could kill him easy so they tried to eradicate them over this in the end rome was conquered the roman centaurion could not survive the terrains and fight the wars and they knew it.

@sunnindawg - 16.04.2023 08:19


@ghostoftheblueteletubby7790 - 15.04.2023 19:12

Today I learned that I'm an Oracle😎👍

@GOBEF3 - 15.04.2023 04:43

Bravo ❣

@tris4082 - 14.04.2023 01:40

The moral of this story is that if you want your culture to survive, allow immigrants to become equal members of society.

@Major_Pipps - 13.04.2023 16:17

This was phenomenal. Everything was above and beyond. Had to pause the vid to say that...

@Rizon1985 - 12.04.2023 13:23

Jeez Bettany are you teaching me about the fall of Sparta or taking me out to the opera.

@MM-fv1pi - 12.04.2023 10:46

While watching the modern Greece to be such brown filthosexual parasites, its impossible to believe these talltales about ancient Greece.

@jameswright5572 - 12.04.2023 10:19

Short version Alexander finished them off.

@muzikizfun - 11.04.2023 13:57

Easy, their system for maintaining quality was so stringent that it was unsustainable. Quality is important, but so are numbers. You can eventually wear down a smaller force no matter how good they are. Once the Spartan system was put under stress, and numbers were needed, the Quality and devotion to the state declined. This lead to their decline and eventual fall.

@Drathaar01 - 10.04.2023 08:35

Damn. Baby got back!

@Sempronius46 - 09.04.2023 03:00

Sparta fell because the Roman Republic had stronger allies, Rome had far more resources and better Generals, and Sparta was divided it's inner turmoil broke Sparta's power!! The death blow for Sparta, was the death of Cleomenes III and Nabis becoming King, and Titus Quinctius Flamininus, Philopoemen, and the Achaen and Aetolian Leagues!! THESE are the Real reasons Sparta fell....

@michaelh.sanders2388 - 08.04.2023 04:11

Sparta was beaten in a war of maneuver. They clung to the old phalanx system. Conservatives take note.

@raygordonteacheschess5501 - 28.03.2023 05:36

From what I gathered, the Spartan requirements for citizenship were so stringent that they all but depopulated themselves.

@silverz72 - 22.03.2023 22:24

Very smart and sexy woman. I’m a gan

@bretnielsen5502 - 21.03.2023 08:56

So interesting I had to watch it twice.
