How To Write Music - Scoring Step By Step

How To Write Music - Scoring Step By Step

Guy Michelmore

4 года назад

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Mundomagico 77
Mundomagico 77 - 28.10.2023 15:50

Oh my goodness wow! 😂 I have started so many pieces of music and been unable to finish them getting exhausted mentally after part one/intro. This is fascinating to watch the process of Guy writing. He just keeps moving! My brain has so many meltdowns it’s frustrating. This has taught me that knowing your library of sounds, how to do things technically and music are like a holy trinity. I think I just need more hours put into it. Will definitely consider the course! Thanks Guy 🙏🏻 You must be unlocking so much talent in the world ❤

Vladimir Horunzhy
Vladimir Horunzhy - 05.09.2023 00:06

Complete nonsense!

johnathan del rio
johnathan del rio - 02.09.2023 05:00

Great work!

soup time
soup time - 26.08.2023 09:59


Zohar Kiaav
Zohar Kiaav - 21.08.2023 11:04

I love this. I haven't yet scored for anything but the music I create and release follows this flow therefore a lot of my music is "cinematic".
Thank you for your brilliant content which inspires me to keep creating and I want to point out how much I admire your playful attitude 🎉😊

Sammy - 19.07.2023 14:44

Can you demonstrate how to create a realistic portamento with a string sound? Really beautiful music in this…I like the high violins in this and the bass piano chords against the right hand notes are so Lush! ❤

Sammy - 19.07.2023 14:25

Haha..the bassoon! My sis won the semifinals of the BBC young Musician of the year on her bassoon on in the year Freddy kempf won with his Rachmaninov…who said the bassoon wasn’t anything more than just an orchestral instrument…love the bassoon!! It’s just such a beautiful instrument!

ArnoldVeeman - 28.06.2023 09:10

Personal fun fact. Whenever I tried to give a first draft of an orchestral score to a filmmaker as an option the first thing I mostly hear is: "Beautiful, but there is too much movement, too many notes, it's too John Williams - skilled and pretty but . . . "
And there goes all the work and love into a grind away your darlings moment 😂🎉😂🎉

Anton Johansson
Anton Johansson - 11.06.2023 08:15

Amazing video from a real songwriter who have a funny personality.

MGH - 06.06.2023 16:12


CatFish107 - 27.04.2023 02:39

click click click whinge click click click click. How the hell did this end up autoplaying?

masbass1011 - 22.03.2023 19:30

wow i didn't hear anything horrible when you said "that was horrible".

Vincent L.
Vincent L. - 28.02.2023 13:42

If I recall correctly , you wrote theme tunes for the BBC and are the son of Cliff Michelmore?

Salvatore Rinaldo
Salvatore Rinaldo - 12.02.2023 00:12

Wow that was powerful!

Symphonichrome - 07.02.2023 03:06

Guy - thank you for this video. I had a question - when you are playing a triad on the violins, is that basically having the string section all playing a triple stop?

Don Romeo
Don Romeo - 30.01.2023 03:58

The presentation and showing the process as it happens are pretty good. Much better than the music actually... maybe you can get away with more when its in the background to a film or episode. It seems pretty much every score composer is prone to cheese, even James Newton Howard himself. What Im most aware of when composing myself is avoiding as much as I can that has been done a lot before, and maintaining tension, while still having somewhere to go next.

Alan Cooper
Alan Cooper - 30.01.2023 02:20

Musical genius, enough said!

Ryan D
Ryan D - 23.01.2023 04:30

Wow i love this man
