Good Advice For Students & Graphic Designers 2023

Good Advice For Students & Graphic Designers 2023

Will Paterson

1 год назад

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Will Paterson
Will Paterson - 29.03.2023 16:28

Thank you to everyone who gave advice! I hope this video is motivational to you all :)

Ntinos_ Karras
Ntinos_ Karras - 05.11.2023 18:09

It's a real comfort watching and hearing about design, big and casual things within it. You always give me a boost when it comes to creating and and not just giving up on it even though I have to do. Kudos to you, my friend!!

Daniel Grove Photo
Daniel Grove Photo - 17.10.2023 16:37

I hate "vibe" too! And "mood" while I'm at it! What is a vibe or a mood? Anything you want... means nothing. Great stuff here.

Petite Pixie Graphic Design
Petite Pixie Graphic Design - 04.10.2023 18:26

Hi Will,

This is a great video. I also follow you on Instagram. Great tips and advice!

kim vesna
kim vesna - 20.09.2023 16:27

Good presentation

Alexandra KV
Alexandra KV - 14.09.2023 02:37

Hi Will! Thank you for the video, it's really helpful! Any advise for those who are not getting a degree, but learning on their own?

Rana fadi
Rana fadi - 08.09.2023 02:26

I have done Mphill in graphic designer

Brutha Bear
Brutha Bear - 06.09.2023 18:30

I start a trade school for graphic design on the 21 of September 🥲🙃🙃

Olivia Demetriou
Olivia Demetriou - 05.09.2023 13:15

Hi everyone! I'm a creative looking to get into graphic design, just starting to collect some research so all advice is welcome... I'm 26 so I'm not going back to uni (I studied art & design at uni years ago and got a foundation diploma... so I dont have a degree but my studies are relevant)... I've learnt lots of software/design skills from coding to photoshop to interior design to literally eveything artsy ... what advice or help could you give me as someone whos looking to start a new career in graphic design ... all advice is welcome no matter how random or strange it sounds, thanks!!!!! its appreciated <3

xxminixkittyxx - 21.08.2023 05:02

Hi, I'm very embarrassed to ask this, but how do you present yourself after... taking a break from the field for so long.
You see, I graduated with a B. A (as a graphic designer) in 2019: around the time the pandemic hit. My professors weren't really the most friendly... it was a very competitive work environment: if your work didn't measure up, you were kicked out. Half of my class was kicked out: I was part of the lucky half... but I didn't feel worthy. Those years drained me: I lost my confidence altogether... I was afraid to search for a job, but then COVID... my family hit tough times.

Basically, I have a college grad portfolio... I missed... all those years toiling away at a dead-end part-time job. I"m ashamed of myself...I don't know, I have so much to do. I feel ashamed; I'm afraid people questioning me on my lack of ability, or why it took me so long to get out into the field. How am I supposed to show credibility when I'm nothing more than a sleeper designer that's just waking from a nap. I just feel so overwhelmed... there are so many things I need to relearn. I just don't know how to take the first step and I feel frozen.

Rafael Morales III
Rafael Morales III - 20.08.2023 20:40

University was never established to turn you into something. It's simply there to facilitate both student & teacher with information and a physical network that also obsesses over the same subject(s)/discipline you desire. However, the spark to create, the drive for work, and the hours of devotion to your craft must already be in the person before they sign up.

Rafael Morales III
Rafael Morales III - 20.08.2023 20:30

So true on different levels. When I was in design school, my mentor told me this same advice: never stagnate, don't live in a vacuum, always seek out criticism and leave the ego at home.

Tomasz Chmielewski
Tomasz Chmielewski - 09.08.2023 17:15

How come this only has 50k views after 4 months?! I've watched almost all of Will's videos and this is by far one of the most valuable ones. Thanks for putting this content up for free, Will & Your Team ❤

Btw, as an affiliate manager by trade, I'm impressed with how you place sponsored content in your videos. Top notch!

HeroicChaz - 28.07.2023 20:19

I did a ba in design in 2014 I struggled what to do next after and still struggle I give up in the end because it’s hard to get started specially on your own and no mentor or anyone around you for a bit of support just got stuck 😢

✨kii✨ - 22.07.2023 03:32

I´m considering enrolling in a graphic design program at my local UNI.. I liked art class at school and I find it amazing what graphic designers do, and all there is to it, but I´ve never owned a tablet/ WACOM drawing tablet, so I don´t really know how it will work out. I´m still unsure as everything depends on some issues at my workplace..

Does anyone have some advise? Will they teach me what there is to know, or do they expect me to be familiar with all this already? :(

ChaossCorps - 09.07.2023 03:41

Zimri had the best advice. But for real great video as always. Very helpful! We all make mistakes. It's whether you learn from them or not that makes you smart.

krup ladani
krup ladani - 25.06.2023 20:24

I am a graphic designer, so now I want to start my freelance work, what should I do for that?

Júlia Sousa
Júlia Sousa - 17.06.2023 04:11

I’m new here and I have to say that I already love you’re videos and you gained a new subscriber! Keep going with the great content, it is inspiring me a lot and giving me the confidence I needed to follow the graphic design field! 🙌🏻😍

Farahzafar - 30.05.2023 04:56

That was really helpful 😊

KESSIENA ALOKO - 27.04.2023 16:21

Thanks for collaborating to serve this great piece

Bikes RPG
Bikes RPG - 26.04.2023 05:25

The moment I learned that you know "Made By James" - a big smile shows up on my face! You guys turn logo design "a pain in the @ss" to something that I can start enjoy working on. It usually takes me longer than the client can afford cuz I keep finding things to tune and adjust.
