Tristan's MUGEN Special - All Members of Team Neo Thunder Strike (As of March 21, 2022)

Tristan's MUGEN Special - All Members of Team Neo Thunder Strike (As of March 21, 2022)


2 года назад

211 Просмотров

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@ogalaxyhero0154 - 22.03.2022 01:12

That was sure a good demonstration of your team members, congratulations for your 14th anniversary man.
It's really impressive how much you've been doing with the pass of time.
I'm very happy that I was able to know you and I will always be supporting you, keep it up pal ^_^ .

@CaptainVulcan - 22.03.2022 01:52

Wait a sec, Type Lumina Ciel is out?

Also, Happy Anniversary!

@mugenevilryu - 22.03.2022 01:59

It was your return to Mugen, among others, that inspired me to begin making videos again! Congratulations on your 14th anniversary, my man! And to many more.

@Spiral_Buster - 22.03.2022 02:54

Nice team demonstration, I'm glad I was able to be of support to you!

@WatcherofMUGEN - 22.03.2022 08:59

I think I remember seeing you in the past, yet this may the first time we crossed paths.

Hmm... how about a team battle? No, you don't have to fight mine soon.

@UzukiShimamuraMUGEN - 23.03.2022 14:05

Mind if I fight your team? You did one against mine before.

@StavrosSkunk - 24.03.2022 22:38

Happy 14th anniversary, pal. One more year and you will achieve 15 years.
Thinking of you I always recall the better moments, that were happening in the early 2009, when we met each other in the MUGEN community first time.

@b-man9000 - 30.03.2022 21:52

Happy 14th anniversary
