Caedrel Explains How To Climb As A Top Laner

Caedrel Explains How To Climb As A Top Laner

Caedrel Clips

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Azure Hecate
Azure Hecate - 15.07.2023 17:11

bro ive been hard stuck diamond 2 for fucking win and lose, 1 by 1, rinse and repeat

Clockworkonthewindow - 13.07.2023 19:55

I went on a 6 game loss streak, positive kda winning lane every time. Then i finally feed and stop trying and i get the win. And i just sat there as the realization occured to me that i have 0 impact on the game. Currently stuck in plat

BIO - 21.03.2023 15:04

in high elos as a top you can carry pretty easy because rest of your teams don't get incredibly gapped but you can still gap enemy top so hard. but in low elo you can't do that. if you have a useless jungler and enemy has a jungler that impacts the game, it is a lose no matter how hard you get fed. because in low elo they don't know how to eliminate a better jungler so he takes over the entire bot side. it basically turns into a 1 really fed melee bruiser vs 1 fed healer or tank support with infinite amount of cc, 1 fed ranged ad champion that can hit u 3 times before you can even start to hit him, 1 fed mage or assasin that deals tons of true or penetration damage with a lot of mobility or range, 1 bruiser jungler that keeps you cc'ed or mage jungler that keeps you cc'ed plus one shots you. even if one other lane stomps too you can carry that game very easily. just check your matches as a top laner. im %100 sure that most games you won as a top laner you either had another lane stomping too or you had a better jungler. im %100 sure that you couldn't 1v9 %98 of your games as a top laner even when you were really fed. if you are a top laner and you want to climb from a low elo? pick a champ that you can use to help the other laners even as a top laner or tell your jungler to never come to top. maybe play something that can roam a lot as a top laner. basically don't focus on stomping your lane as hard as you can but try to make sure that your other laners wins their lane. even if you go toe-to-toe with other top laner or even if you get stomped in lane, im sure that you will start to win a lot more of your games as a top laner than you usually did.

Melker Winqvist
Melker Winqvist - 26.04.2022 02:22

Adc soloq feels Kinda The same

João Barros
João Barros - 25.04.2022 20:41

i feel like adc is useless, if your sup or ur lanes are shit, there is nothing u can do, while i feel in top lane u just need to pick jax or irelia and stomp your lane

Goran Djurica
Goran Djurica - 23.04.2022 04:22

Soultion to this . U play the most broken shit u can i personaly chose akali and try to stomp lane if other lanes get ahead u just hope u are better if not lose if better win

Jakob the ginger
Jakob the ginger - 23.04.2022 02:12

i main top so i kinda agree. but you complaining as you go to match history, and i see a 1/9! cracked me up

MoonNeko - 22.04.2022 22:36

You won’t lose lane if you aren’t even in lane!
-Janna top otp probably

wiku - 20.04.2022 23:11

thats why u pick Ornn and just make ur team stronger, than at least u have some impact XD

Vevy Motivation
Vevy Motivation - 20.04.2022 22:56

As a jungle main who played pretty much all lanes i have to say top/adc just sucks to play in soloque

Sean - 19.04.2022 18:41

If the enemy top isn’t down 4 levels and a 100 cs you lose game.

Visions - 19.04.2022 17:26

The strategy is pick Shen and pray your team isn't sprinting it

Light in the dark
Light in the dark - 19.04.2022 14:27

Getting a gap in top lane is useless when you're team is inting.

Thepowerlies - 19.04.2022 12:45

RATIRL was claiming toplane is the best role and dealing with a 10/0 toplaner is impossible

I think dealing with a 10/0 ADC who has a support or a mid/jungle who can easily roam is a lot harder

Thomas Fischhaber
Thomas Fischhaber - 19.04.2022 12:36

It’s so true! Either you gap your opponent by far or you 100% the game. Sometimes not even that is enough..

TI Pilot
TI Pilot - 19.04.2022 10:10

You don't need to be an otp, you just have to pick either brain dead split pushers like Yorick Nasus and Trynd and burger flip every game with a 51% win rate if you don't suck. OR pick wombo combo champs that insta win team fights if you get a 3+ man ult like vlad and ornn. The best way to win in low elo (ok diamond isn't low so lets way in below league-is-my-life elo) is to be able to AoE wipe the enemy team or split to victory.

The Frank
The Frank - 19.04.2022 10:10

This is probably the first time I've seen a jungler finally understood what top lane is

Vegard Kjørberg
Vegard Kjørberg - 19.04.2022 09:41

Meanwhile I challenge him to try out solo queueing as adc in high gold/low plat elo. Do that and he will experience THE one and only true useless role(at least for the elo). Can literally hard gap lane every single time but still have to win coinflip topside. IF you have a bauswannabe going 1/8 in 14 min with 5cs/min hard feeding a irelia/fiora/trynda/jax(you know the typical toplaners with a million gapclosers) it does not matter if you have galeforce and flash up they will run you down no matter what cause nobody gives a shit to peel for you. 90% of the games are get stomped or stomp. The rare occasion where it is not, those are usually the best games there are.

Ge1ber - 19.04.2022 09:37

Same with ADC

Baylithe - 19.04.2022 07:03

People say this and then just sit top doing nothing for the team.

UNKNOWN UNKNOWN - 19.04.2022 06:15

There is a reasom why out of my 100 league friends, 90 of them are junglers and the other 10 are mid laners.

Elckrightvay - 19.04.2022 05:48

How I climb as a top laner now after a 13 loss streak is to play lillia top. There’s just something about unassuming bambi that they don’t realise can haunt them in their dreams

bitsy_05 - 19.04.2022 05:25

Top laner is just either smurf or be smurfed on, theres no in between.

Frandahab - 19.04.2022 04:49

Didnt Zeus get like 1000LP with a 70% wr earlier this year?

Horti Culturalist
Horti Culturalist - 19.04.2022 04:07

Yea pretty much the only games I win are game that I basically win solo

Handyman - 19.04.2022 04:00

Arguebly,top laners more than anyone need a strong mental.Besides for a decent laning phase,its not a very mechanical role like mid,but the mental it takes to play and have a positive winnable outlook of the game is insane

Jens Klutsch
Jens Klutsch - 19.04.2022 03:40

Maybe he's just bad kekw. Top is the best role for climbing LOOOL.

Kimberly Jackson
Kimberly Jackson - 19.04.2022 02:31

You either go hard splitpush or you take something that can interact with the rest of the map while staying safe yourself.
The latter mostly being picks with a global/semi global

Danioel - 19.04.2022 02:15

When u think it cant be worse just think of an adc role in soloq :)))

Joey Przybilla
Joey Przybilla - 19.04.2022 02:13

cant wait till he does adc to challenger... we may never see caedrel again

Midnight - 19.04.2022 01:47

Play Malphite, Q poke while building Frozen Heart first (if enemy team gets screwed by losing attack speed) and then once lane is over you just roam around the map and get ult picks. Ulting mid randomly is insane and is almost always feasible right before a dragon fight. This champ is not balanced but apparently everyone top has an ego and needs to play their edgelord champs that require a lead or skill, which Malphite does not. Can only really lose on Malphite if you are really, really bad or if there's an absurd team gap. We're talking bot jungle mid flame horizon. Even against full magic, Malphite is still really good, since you'll have so much health and magic resist that their archetypes will be powerless against your stats, all the while you're running at them doing decent damage despite being full tank. Don't believe me? Look at random games in any elo where there's a Malphite top jungle or mid. Legit 1v9 unless the player is bad, or the enemy team have way too many stats (massive team gap) which in that case no champ is gonna win unless the pilot is hard smurfing, or if the enemy comp sux past a certain time.

Shen is also a good one for obvious reasons but I favor Malphite higher because Malphite can get picks out of nowhere with ult and also easily escape if you run into a trap by ulting out. Shen ulting across the map is really strong however. He saved me in one of my games today when I made a mistake. However Malphite Q and especially ult are just too good for getting picks, and picks are the #1 way to win when your team is losing, aside from backdooring turrets, inhibs and enemy nexus. Shen has utility with taunt and blocking autos but those aren't going to get you back into the game, unless you get an INSANE taunt or several. If Malphite ults onto an average fed champ in this game (immobile marksman, squishy assassin and mage, immobile top laner) they are certainly dead if there's follow up chain cc and damage, combined with Malphite Q slow making it so that they can't just run away. Look up Malphite Q it's so stupid. Steals their movement speed while slowing them. So stupid lol. Malphite doesn't really have bad matchups either. Basically all top and mid laners he can Q spam against if he has enough mana, and with passive they can't match the Q poke.

Split pushing also kinda nasty

Degen Hours
Degen Hours - 19.04.2022 01:39

Just a long excuse to say that you suck at the game

Urgot the headsman's pride
Urgot the headsman's pride - 19.04.2022 01:37

There is no strategy.Just gap lane as hard as you can so you can try to be a menace in fights or on side. A lot of games are basically 4v4 anyways because one team loses early game and doesn't even wish to try to win before top can participate. Ofc you can still LOSE the game for your team if you int the enemy top and he 1v9s.

Andrew Nguyen
Andrew Nguyen - 19.04.2022 01:15

Why is he playing renekton though >:(

icoachi - 19.04.2022 01:13

Watching this after stomping 2 Games top and meanwhile having 15 deaths on other lanes, feels sad man.

Gibby - 19.04.2022 01:12

Best way to carry as top lane in low elo is to tell your jungle to never come top, camp bot and get every drake but fist their top/jungle on your own

Saybro WT
Saybro WT - 19.04.2022 01:11

Top diamond is support challenger change my mind

Adam - 19.04.2022 01:03

Try adc xD

giannis xalkis
giannis xalkis - 19.04.2022 01:00

Mad cause bad

J L - 19.04.2022 01:00

Top lane is such an interactive and fun lane to play.

Hades Zero
Hades Zero - 19.04.2022 00:50

You pick something with global presence cause toplane is a shitfest and it doesn't matter if you get crushed or you do the crushing. Something like shen, gp to help your team and pray they don't int.

Lam Chris Pham
Lam Chris Pham - 19.04.2022 00:44

What about tfblade

Nocsu - 19.04.2022 00:36

That are some massive amounts of copium, lmao.
