More on app-ads.txt & leveraging Firebase Hosting Solution

More on app-ads.txt & leveraging Firebase Hosting Solution

Google AdMob

3 года назад

4,822 Просмотров

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@mounirsdevlog7486 - 07.06.2022 11:59

the most boring girl i have seen in my life. the tutorial can be done in 2 minutes . make things short and efficient .

@RenzMor - 21.05.2022 11:19

F*CK YOU with your ADMOB !!!!!!!!!

@sarkhanosmanov1631 - 08.05.2021 16:01

> in this video we will show you how to host app-ads.txt in Firebase!
> for information about hosting app-ads.txt in Firebase check the link in the description!

@officialultimateadvice - 01.04.2021 18:28

Maybe listen to developers and fix your bullshit invalid traffic that appears randomly on developer's accounts. People using Google Ads to promote their app and then you flag their AdMob account for invalid traffic the traffic that they paid you to send them :D. The devs at Google must be really good at developing such a stupid algorithm.

@ThoharGaming - 28.01.2021 17:58

my admob limit, why?

@MohammadAsif-gm8mk - 20.01.2021 20:46

I have sent 4 times PIN but I didn't received any one, then I opened the PIN Address verification form and filled out all requirements and when on the save then the page shown an error to (refresh the page and try again). Please tell me any solution. Thanks

@MohammadAsif-gm8mk - 20.01.2021 20:40

Hello, can you tell me about PIN Address Verification form error?

@karthikmsd2685 - 15.01.2021 21:10

When admob app going to available in playstore 😢 egarly waiting for it...

@rcy69 - 15.01.2021 07:38

How do I fix an Admob account that only displays 0 reports? while ads appear on my application, but I do not get income on my Admob account.

@rcy69 - 15.01.2021 07:38

How do I fix an Admob account that only displays 0 reports? while ads appear on my application, but I do not get income on my Admob account.

@aminelahrim8142 - 12.01.2021 12:34

Please need Admob Support for. Ads limitations for App have +4m installs pub-1210878416005848

@futureappsmobile2416 - 12.01.2021 08:03

Vocês do google não estão nem ai, para nois desenvolvedores.
