Amazon & Underage Girls. (Commentary)

Amazon & Underage Girls. (Commentary)

ASMR Japan

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YUIMETAL DESU - 19.02.2021 17:40

Stfu westerner

Orlando Heriberto
Orlando Heriberto - 25.04.2018 19:48

Candydoll tv DVD XD Video 😎👌

Bubba Loop
Bubba Loop - 13.12.2017 04:25


Diche Bach
Diche Bach - 04.05.2017 06:57

The other issue I anticipate you are well aware of, but don't really mention, is that the age of consent is not a universal human right. In the U.S. alone it ranges from 16 to 18 years of age, and in Mexico it is I believe 14. It is my understanding it is 13 in Japan, though only "with parental consent."

Wee Wee
Wee Wee - 31.08.2015 09:02

Lol.. Some people here are even comparing lolicon to murder.. lol ok.. whatever i guess. Might as well ban violent american movies. Lets make this world a boring world place to live in.

Ban this, ban that..Oh "lets protect the children" lets ban anime! Because its easier and lazier way to take action and i can feel proud, i don't want to take action against real child abuses like forcefully selling them to someone because its takes way too much effort. Fuck these pedos, lets ban young female characters in anime because its against my moral beliefs.

Seriously i'll be very disappointed if Japan decides to ban or heavily restrict their unique anime culture just to cater these puritans.

dacow95 - 04.01.2015 02:56

... It was to my understanding that Amazon would use the previously searched words as a basis to start a new web search

For instance if I were to Google "pens, kitties and fried carnival treats"; than my Amazon would start telling me about cat themed pens or cat themed fried treats

So that gal must have been searching something...

jrcach - 16.12.2014 09:46

You have two screens about the same size! May I ask what resolutions one of them has?

TheBlazingak - 08.12.2014 05:30

Sadly the American media already does what you said they might. They commonly quote no-name bloggers as if they actually know what they're talking about.

SIG442 - 13.11.2014 17:57

What about Babymetal? Two girls are 15 and the 3rd is 16. Does that need to get banned just because they are minors? No! There are just some people who need a good kick in the ass and get ducttapped to a wall or something similar. To many complain about things that are false from the start just to get attention them selfs. Just wrong.

manu W
manu W - 13.11.2014 15:54

1. no more mosaic, japanese salary men are fustrated enough as it is.
2. legalize weed, wtf is kakuseizai anyway?
3. touching the screen to prove your age at conbini is just bullshit!
4. get rid of this royal family.

manu W
manu W - 13.11.2014 15:44

nice t shirt

SekaiJin - 26.10.2014 03:38

In the Tokyo area around where I live, those magazines aren't sealed. Every time I go into Family Mart, I see men over there reading them.

Dialectolysis - 20.10.2014 03:55

I think it's fine to do news stories on blogs/comments etc, providing that it is made very clear to the viewer/reader that the news story is based on such a thing.

Cory in the house
Cory in the house - 19.10.2014 06:42

haha japan you scary

kendraa _______
kendraa _______ - 19.10.2014 00:39

I obviously feel like child pornography shouldn't exist at all! But I also feel like censorship would lead to problems censoring anything in the future. If you're going to be offended by of age porn then maybe you just shouldn't look at it? Hence them wrapping it in packing.

P4L4D1N - 16.10.2014 14:19

i dont think its fair to complain about something you cant even find. For all we know they might instantly removed the products the moment they saw her complaint.

katie marie
katie marie - 16.10.2014 07:17

for the manga issue, there is a genre called "lolicon" . the general concept of lolicon is almost always pornographic and has to do with underage girls. most fans argue its not the age but the cutesy appearance/ their innocence they like. but its the thought that is really sickening, you know like these girls look 5 and watching them being chased by some guy is kinda gross. there is the same thing for boys called "shotacon" what is underage boys; however people tend to ignore this genre.

Silvie Monk
Silvie Monk - 16.10.2014 03:25

I agree with you, Victor. I'm so sick of seeing stories in America about how "weird" Japan is. The last was "Bagel Heads." So 6 people inject silicone into their foreheads, and all of a sudden it's "Japan's latest trend." VICE TV is especially sensationalistic about japan. They did a story on the sex industry like it was weird and unusual, but it was nothing that you couldn't do in ANY big city in the U.S. Drives me nuts.

Xierxu - 16.10.2014 02:20

I think manga porn is ok because it's not a real person that could hurt but for an actual person that line is 18 in the case of the UK 16. LOL

CyricRO - 16.10.2014 00:49

There's nothing wrong with being evil, Viktor.  Embrace it.  Come on, we've all built giant death lasers in our bedrooms as children.  You even have an evil villain name.  "Viktor".  You could be called "Dr.Viktor".  If you were a "good guy" you wouldn't have a goatee.  Simple as that.

decemberclouds - 15.10.2014 21:21

I'm sure someone's already said this, but didn't all those weird things like "Japanese people like eyeball licking" come from someone's blog?

Stephanie Bethany
Stephanie Bethany - 15.10.2014 19:30

Criminal Minds!! Sorry I had to.

Hellene_On_Caffeine - 15.10.2014 15:00

A drawing can't be considered pedophilia. Period.

GalvonDracalamar - 15.10.2014 13:43

I would have to agree about not making news stories from blogs.  I doubt you remember, but you had an older video that suddenly got attention and you had asked why was it suddenly so popular, which was on your weight loss technique eating cream cheese to get you body used to burning fat, and I had responded as to why I at least had searched for it and it was CNN or some such making an actually TV news broadcast about how it was illegal to be fat in Japan now and companies were letting people go because of the insurance costs if you didn't get under a certain waist size.  You had called BS on that and as you own a business there I took your word over theirs.  But with this and someone wanting to interview and make a news story over a blog that no one could verify, it probably explains how that story came to light to begin with.

Kenzo Shibakariki
Kenzo Shibakariki - 15.10.2014 05:08

Newsflash: Gravure modeling is legal in Japan from the age of 9, and it would seem the models in question are from the Ukraine, not the west.   Talk about creating something from nothing...

Dominic N.
Dominic N. - 15.10.2014 05:05

OMG that horse head keeps staring at me...

Kit Ramos
Kit Ramos - 15.10.2014 03:59

Well as for my option on if news outlets should report on blogs, my answer is kinda. I don't mind if that's the inital source but for a big name news outlet to use blogs As the main source for a story, that's not just about blogs is crazy

LiberalViewer - 14.10.2014 22:37

Thanks for investigating this blog post. I saw someone sharing it on Facebook and I wasn't sure if it was accurate. And,

thanks foe the video :-)

ToilsomePhoenix - 14.10.2014 20:05

Like someone said previously, Amazon is made up of thousands of sellers. What would have been more productive would be to find out who the sellers of these books are/were and ousting them instead of amazon. When bullying always go for the little guy. (I'm kidding about the bullying part)

wolverineminer - 14.10.2014 18:51

That might be the case in Nagoya that they seal the porno magazines, but in Kyushu there were many convenient stores without seals or packaging of any sort on them.

Venu G. Joshi
Venu G. Joshi - 14.10.2014 15:45

He wasn't factually incorrect though, because there is child pornography in manga which is legal, apparently.. It is called "Loli" I guess.. It is really disturbing..

jean paul Fiorini
jean paul Fiorini - 14.10.2014 14:55

I don't think censoring is the solution to this kind of stuff. Especially because as you said it's hard to draw the line. I guess what you can do (and everyone can) is just not read the pedopornographic manga in order for it to stay in a sort of niche state as it has always been... Then again I think it's more important to dismantle real pedopornography trafics and movie makers than attacking some random anime/ mangas and other stuff like that. 

TomsChannelNL - 14.10.2014 13:39

You want to stop pedophelia? That is ridiculous, I think you mean pedosexuality. Pedophilia isn't a choice, just like homophilia.

themetalgod66683 - 14.10.2014 13:27

I just checked myself and I could only find at best 3 porns. 2 of them where from the US and one was from Japan. None of it was underage. I went through a shit ton of pages. Unless some of the mangas that come up had it in it but, I don't know because I don't read manga. 

Andrew Higgins
Andrew Higgins - 14.10.2014 11:44

Gotta love mommy bloggers.

Tokyo Jay
Tokyo Jay - 14.10.2014 10:02

Up until yesterday, it was one of the top hits for the word candy. Amazon removed that particular content, thankfully, which is why it does not come up now. And the reporters that were able to do the search, until yesterday, found the exact same results that came up when I typed candy, which is why they contacted me and found it newsworthy. Candy Doll Collection, was the seller. It's not a problem with mis-information. And because of non-professional, unknowns, as you would call me, sometimes finally the word gets out. It is the truth. And it is sad. But, I agree with you that you cannot report everything you read from a blog, as truth. But, sadly, this one is true.

Tommy Crosby
Tommy Crosby - 14.10.2014 09:36

It's hard to say, I don't think that you can tel if blogs are good or bad in general without looking at them piece by piece.
Blogs aren't censured (depending were you live), tinted by network's advertising/stockholders/policies, sensationalism, etc, etc.
But in the same time, they might be even more unrealistic and wrong for the same reasons or just because of unprofessional journalism.

The same adage that applies to Wikipedia should be used here: verify your information first and don't take them for granted.

DeadlyKlown - 14.10.2014 09:32

i think the only way this should become news worthy is if there she has the proof to back it up and multiple people are complaining about the same thing. though i don't doubt she had this happen it doesn't seemed to have happened enough for  a lot of people to complain about it. If that does happen then yes i think it could be news worthy.

skytrot - 14.10.2014 09:18

Really dislike people meddling in the affairs of other countries. First it was mixed bathing and now this. What next? Cosplay? Love hotels? Host/hostess clubs? If so America should just listen to other countries and ban guns. And regardless of what people may think, hentai or manga and anime porn are just that, 2D depictions, not real people. To say that it encourages pedophilia is akin to saying violence in movies and video games encourages people to be violent. I really hope nothing changes and Japan just keeps doing it's own thing. It's time the West just stfu and mind their own business. Honestly, it's stuff like these that makes me understand why some Japanese hate foreigners so much. 

JoeC7711 - 14.10.2014 09:06

I just checked too and got nothing till I typed in sweet candy. haha that had to be what she searched

rivetgunner - 14.10.2014 08:42

Searched Google Images 「candy dvd アイドル」 just now and girls in their bathing suits popped up. No nude images. Is this what she's talking about, Victor?

Yutani Crayven
Yutani Crayven - 14.10.2014 08:37

I think it's the usual low effort/lazy "replace journalism with click bait". 

Mciernx - 14.10.2014 07:56

American "News" was never really a thing anyone should put any worth in, most of there stories are so biased that they can't even figure out what the truth really is
