Baldur's Gate 3 Builds: Barbarian Class Build Guide

Baldur's Gate 3 Builds: Barbarian Class Build Guide


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Ruben - 13.09.2023 14:05

barbarian dwarf 🤣

Raf Exinate
Raf Exinate - 07.09.2023 19:52

Please update the barbarian class guide.

Luc Boot
Luc Boot - 27.07.2023 00:37

If you go wild heart berserker, you should get the greater weapon feat at level 4. That way you'll still be able use your bonus action for another attack in a lot of cases.

Mipemies - 25.07.2023 12:34

Can berserker barbarians throw large targets? I assume not, but if i cast enlarge on him then he should be able to right?

Rayne - 12.01.2023 00:34

And where's the goliath?

Rayne - 12.01.2023 00:32

Is it possible to make my barbarian a little more...BUFF?

Avanti Gio
Avanti Gio - 27.12.2022 17:34

Half-elf, Wood, best naked barb.

Robin Blücher
Robin Blücher - 13.08.2022 13:55

i wonder if wisdom isn't a better stat than dexterity on a barbarian,
you're gonna have a ton of health and enemies will do most likely half damage anyways so i don't see the point, might aswell pick any other stat than dex.

one of the dangers of playing any melée class is becoming charmed or feared, etc.
but by bumping up your wisdom you're increasing your wisdom saving throw aswell as other really useful traits like animal handling, perception, insight, medicine and especially survival which is pretty much what you would think a barbarian would be pretty good at, and plenty of them are useful out of combat.

now looking at dex, sure you get armor class but as mentioned before do you need it? otherwise what dex will give you is better stealth, slight of hand and acrobatics, stealth could be handy, but is that really a barbarians M.O? acrobatics could be useful sure, but i don't think of barbarians as the backflipping characters.

there could be some reasoning for charisma as you are a pretty imposing figure and intimidation would fit pretty well, and well, charisma works pretty well as an out of combat stat when dealing with people.

as for intelligence, it could make for an interesting stat pick and it does have plenty of out of combat useful choices.

as for dodging things you do have danger sense which gives advantage on dex saves already.
but if you really just want to be able to tank better i guess going with dex isn't the worst, it's just what are you gonna do outside of combat?

Mister Nobody
Mister Nobody - 19.07.2022 00:49

LOL that wormy soy boy in the pic.

Battle Dolly
Battle Dolly - 18.07.2022 15:35

Everburn Blade is one of the best 2 handers right now.

topgamer101 - 11.07.2022 22:46

Can't say I agree with trying to put on medium armor onto a Barb with the current subclasses in the game. If you want to run the risk of using up more of your rage casts in a single fight, by all means, your game and all. I'll stick to being the way a tank melee slugger should be and keep my one rage rolling for as long as possible.

Doonkey Korng
Doonkey Korng - 19.04.2022 19:35

Here’s hoping in the full release we get BODY customization.

Arrietty Arrieta
Arrietty Arrieta - 14.04.2022 22:12

I made a half wood elf wild heart barbarian, with the nature's snare quarterstaff. I thought the idea of a druid gone mad would be a good story.

Jason Shuler
Jason Shuler - 09.04.2022 02:53

The only problem that I see atm is that your strength isnt added to the damage of your weapon, which has always been a thing. A barbarian hitting anything should never do 1-2 damage unless there is some DR.

Marcus A
Marcus A - 16.03.2022 23:31

This seems like a class for a second or third playthrough (IMO), glad they're coming out with more stuff though.

William McNeil
William McNeil - 16.03.2022 03:40

rage gives you a +2 to damage, wow lame. in D&D you get +2 strength and +4 strength at lvl 8. +2 damage is garbage

William McNeil
William McNeil - 16.03.2022 03:23

is there a road map for baldurs gate 3 ?

Chandler Jensen
Chandler Jensen - 04.03.2022 12:49

No self respecting Barbarian wears armor! The more scars the better.

Josue Munoz
Josue Munoz - 25.02.2022 23:23

im glad tehy finally added a class that can truly use a 2 handed weapon, i know people were making builds with rangers but... this class was built for it and rangers were not.

G M - 25.02.2022 12:02

get the cambion's sword on the nautiloid for max damage

Alice Harleen
Alice Harleen - 25.02.2022 00:10

I uninstalled BG3 literally the day before they announced patch 7 lmao. So this is the first time I'm seeing the new and improved UI and I can say I'm a fan from design alone. I'm sure I'll reinstall it later and see how it is to play but it definitely looks better and more organized.

mmarsh1972 - 24.02.2022 16:31

Hmmm...looks tempting. I am planning on a Paladin but this might be good on a second play through...

Soham Kar
Soham Kar - 24.02.2022 13:34

I have not been impressed with unarmored defense, although nothing can be done. Barbarian is kind of glass canon class. It should be used as that nothing more.

MrLokostrike - 24.02.2022 05:15

In the written guide you mention the 'Haste Helm' and the 'Speed Lightfeet', however there is no information on where they can be acquired and they aren't in the equipment section of the wiki.

Benjamin Sweet
Benjamin Sweet - 23.02.2022 22:10

DEX Barbarian - 1/2 Drow (for dark vision), 16 Dex, 16 Con, 14 Str (rest as you will), Rapier/Shield combo, always throw the Spear from the Tomb of the Watcher 1st (if it hits then cool, misses...ADV on next attack) to open combat (can't Rage until DMG given or taken). At 4th level take Wizard Initiate Feat and select Mage Armor, Cantrips as you will.

Now, with your CON and DEX at +3 each, Shield (min of +2) and Mage Armor your unarmored Barbarian has a minimum of a 21 AC. More if you get the brand and use the Shield of the Absolute (23 at that point). Also I think a Shield of Faith spell would add yet another 2 to that so grab the 2-H Sword of Justice and leave the Fire Sword at home (haven't tried that one, build). Could also do this if you want to play a wee Halfling Barbarian. Could you OP more for damage? Sure, but it's fun throwing daggers like a circus performer (finesse) and never getting hit and even when you do you have massive HP and 1/2 damage (if Raging). Add the Adamantium Helmet from GF and enjoy!

Nachyo Money
Nachyo Money - 23.02.2022 21:40

I started to make a barbarian but just couldn't yet, due to the fact that you can't edit your character's appearance to look buff yet. Having a skinny bean pole beta male barbarian just doesn't make sense to me lol.

NyJoanzy - 22.02.2022 20:30

Tiefling is a close second racial choice.
You basically trade stats for fire resistance and the ability to get threw conversations by yelling at little.

It may not seem worth it, but it's a Larian game and things are on fire a lot more than normal.

William - 22.02.2022 17:25

Elkheart feels like Bull Rush from DOS II

Jordan Arellano
Jordan Arellano - 22.02.2022 13:38

What about the everburn great sword? That thing is BROKEN but I love it

FailureXD - 22.02.2022 06:12


Iconodule - 21.02.2022 23:08

I actually chose half-wood elf for character backstory reasons, but I’m pleased it’s “officially” a good choice, lol

slyfer60 - 21.02.2022 18:41

Oh, so wildheart is just totem warrior. Got it

Rolltide_ - 21.02.2022 18:05

Where is the very heavy greataxe located in the blighted village? I haven't found it and there is nothing on the wiki about it

Samuel Sun
Samuel Sun - 21.02.2022 11:08

Larian needs to add a weight slider... im not playing a barbarian with a fucking scrawny ass human or anything... hopefully larian listens to the fans.. man.. cus idont want to be stuck picking a dwarf just to play a barbarian

Brad McCain
Brad McCain - 21.02.2022 01:14

I'm making Tundra from Raid Shadow Legends ⚡

Solus - 20.02.2022 15:33

@fextralife where do you get the very heavy greataxe from? You said blighted village but nothing on the internet about it.

disky - 20.02.2022 10:44

Yeeah, they're really going to need adjustable body types. Skinny barb just ain't doing it for me.

Tentacles - 20.02.2022 01:27

Man, just tried the class, it's a LOT more interesting than I exoected. But Mayrina bugged in my game, new bug to me,.she simply won't talk to me after the fight.

snowman gaming
snowman gaming - 19.02.2022 20:49

You dont need super heavy AC for barb also two hander is the best choice

Not Your Average Nothing
Not Your Average Nothing - 19.02.2022 20:25

Does Reckless Attack work differently here than on paper? I don’t see it specifying attacks using Strength.

Edit: Doesn’t work with ranged attacks? :(

UncleTerri - 19.02.2022 12:37

One thing of note is that barbarians cannot concentrate on spells while raging. Being able to concentrate on shield of faith is a bug that will be fixed soon.

MadAboutVideoGames - 19.02.2022 09:03

Great they are trying to bring in the barrel mancer.

John LeFave
John LeFave - 19.02.2022 06:48

So Berserker = DPS, Bear Totem = Unkillable Tank, Wolf Totem = Support/Team Player (No lone wolf - awww)
- They found a way to add pet pal back in; but as the wolf totem you can't choose between team buffer and lone wolf o. O

* I'm not sure if it transfered to 5e, but it used to be that Barbarians already got extra movement speed. Could just be I'm too used to playing Pathfinder/Neverwinter Nights though... Still feels weird that they might not get that class features. It was one of the few good reasons other than RP to actually play a Barbarian. (Me, I just like hulk smash!)

Dean G
Dean G - 19.02.2022 02:56

Are we not gonna talk about Great Weapon Master?

XoRandomGuyoX - 19.02.2022 01:48

Diving Strike on Eagle Heart looks fun due to how it bypasses falling damage. I can see framing an entire playthrough around setting up crazy dives into combat.

Vladimir Tchuiev
Vladimir Tchuiev - 19.02.2022 01:16

Is Dex barb viable? For solo play it seems Dex Fighter and Dex Ranger are superior to the Str versions.

Baked Potato
Baked Potato - 18.02.2022 23:01

They need to add some body/weight customization so u can be a half elf barb without looking skinny af for a barb

Buraun - 18.02.2022 20:06

How viable is Dual Wield on Barbarian?
