A Conversation with Siddhartha Mukherjee (Episode #214)

A Conversation with Siddhartha Mukherjee (Episode #214)

Sam Harris

3 года назад

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@makemoneynow5061 - 13.11.2020 13:57

Awesome stuff! New subscriber here!

@blair.johnson - 10.10.2020 01:55

It is untrue that the major medical record companies aren't allowing for interoperability. It has been a development priority for Epic for years.

@alexc7910 - 08.09.2020 14:19

I don't think Drs Birx and Fauci had a hard time because of Trump. They had a hard time because of nonstop gotcha questions from the journalists.

@kiranmaddu8006 - 07.09.2020 14:12

The Gene is one of my favorite books! Thanks for sharing the pod cast here!

@Zenhumanist - 02.09.2020 14:37

Why are people flying in droves to the U.S from Europe? I wasn’t aware of this.

@dupersdelite - 02.09.2020 02:58

Sam Harris, there is a globalist elitist pack of freaks running nations. Any logical person can see this.

@skrawnyone - 30.08.2020 07:00

Interview Jared Taylor! Come on Sam. It's not only your huwhite fans that would like you to do this. I am a minority (the one in which liberals don't give two shits about) and I believe a conversation with the two of you will be an amazing one. You're my favorite intellectual on the left and Taylor is my favorite intellectual on the right. I look forward to this day. Let's do this!

@susanwoodward7485 - 29.08.2020 22:02

The "failure to perform" was scripted into the "p(l)andemic) and personified in Fauci, CDC, etc., as holders of hundreds of patents on coronavirus research, testing, treating. This conversation is sooo disappointing for what it did not discuss.

@Paczification - 29.08.2020 08:48

Sam is peak TDS right now

@petermartin7811 - 28.08.2020 07:18

I see a lot of finger pointing in the comments. Trump said don't wear a mask. Pelosi said travel band are wrong. Let's face it. They all got it wrong

@anovosedlik - 28.08.2020 05:47

I don't really understand how China's COVID numbers are so low considering their population density. CCP?

@andreavanda4722 - 28.08.2020 02:54

If you're just going to along with the main stream media regarding the Covid, then why even bother.

@ZambeziKid - 23.08.2020 21:38

Case Mortality Rate is no use as evidence. Most cases are not even reported. You need to look at Excess Deaths.

@lordroba - 21.08.2020 22:19

Snail mail? There's still couriers like FedEx that do overnight shipping

@riblets1968 - 21.08.2020 05:32

In short; all we need is, at the very least, a total dictatorship at home to ensure compliance. We can extrapolate from this that a world dictatorship would have been ideal. Because that would be safe.

@martinlutherkingjr.5582 - 20.08.2020 15:22

The CDC is a bad joke.

@wendywright5486 - 20.08.2020 11:51

The maker of the PCR test said it's not accurate for these types of infections so thanks for spreading fear and keeping everybody in the family away from each other because we all are supposedly asymptomatic what a joke

@wendywright5486 - 20.08.2020 11:49

Hey Sam must not have access to the Rckfler fndtn lockstep 2012 53 page document that's up on their website right now I'm an antique dealer and I read it clearly. Used to have a lot of respect for him now I'm starting to wonder after these last few podcast he doesn't need a brush-up course in following the money.

@sarahmckay3948 - 20.08.2020 10:22

lol for some reason i was sure his name was feminine.

@te5605 - 19.08.2020 17:45

Well its failed because the people themselves dont give a damn, look in the streets. no one cares.

@alexbald12 - 19.08.2020 06:39

there were tests.. they were faulty! false positives.. use them anyway? This guy is a great Monday morning quarterback

@ArtScienceWonder - 19.08.2020 03:02

omg thank you so much for this (I'll edit this comment once I've listened) but I know about his book The Emperor of all Maladies and have been meaning to read it and will likely get it tonight!

@cdavidlake2 - 18.08.2020 06:35

So tell me again how the Trump Administration didn't grossly mishandle this.

@harkema8090 - 18.08.2020 02:17

Certainly making sense!

@ManelFerreiraMusic - 17.08.2020 21:12

It’s a shame Sam is yet to have a conversation with any expert who goes even slightly against the mainstream narrative of pushing for lockdowns. He mentions that some public figures with no expertise like Elon Musk have been critical of the governments measures and the overreaction to the virus, but he doesn’t mention that a lot of the top experts have claimed the same position. I'm not talking about conspiracy theories or covid denialism. People like John Ioannidis from Stanford, Sunetra Gupta from Oxford or Johan Giesecke and Anders Tegnell from Sweden have all been against the lockdowns of this scale. Instead of having real experts like them, his guest here is not even an epidemiologist or virologist, he’s a cancer researcher…

I had hope Sam would be one of the few public figures to have courage to have an open conversation with some of these people and really explore the trade off from having lockdowns and the tragic consequences they bring- economic disaster, mental health breakdown, lack of treatment for patients in real need, and the fear it’s creating which is making people scared of going to a hospital or getting treatment for something they really need. It seems like saving lives from Covid has become more important than anything else right now, and we’re completely neglecting all the side effects that come with lockdowns. We need to look at years of life lost just as much as total lives lost. More than 70% of deaths in most countries have come to people age 75+. The trade off is the topic no one is talking about.

Also, Mukherjee’s argument for the death statistics not being influenced by accounting all patients with Covid positive as a Covid death even if they died from something else was not a good one. He says the death rate is basically the same in every country, but it clearly is not. Even if it was, it doesn’t mean much, since it could be compensating for other discrepancies that would occur from country to country (demographics for example).

@sirriffsalot4158 - 17.08.2020 18:23

Guys, whether you're scientists or not, it doesn't help that your speculations seem very close to rock-solid for you personally. We're still facing the biggest obstacle towards learning the truth about where this damn virus really came from. Right now it's looking to be an accidental spill from a lab, and it's so embarrassing that that's why they're in for all the secrecy. Next week the speculations might turn out to consider reptilian/human hybrids interfering with planet Earth, lol. Let's just keep it cool and not make things worse than they already are by saying things for certain of which we can't be certain yet. It's still early days for a global pandemic.

@ballsdeepinurmouth - 17.08.2020 13:39

Took 42 minutes before the inevitable TDS kicked in...I had almost given up hope, but there it spilled out like a projectile vomit...the leading question, more like an op-ed, was almost NBC worthy...I have followed you from the beginning of your podcasting and it has been like watching Sméagol turn into Gollum ...Trump is your One Ring to rule them all.

@davidowen74 - 17.08.2020 05:59

Sam packing C19 panic porn and TDS down our throats while ignoring international data on herd immunity..and continuing to ignore the adverse effects of infinite lockdown - which may dwarf the deaths caused by C19. This is getting stale. Please bring on a guest Scientist who challenges bias instead of reinforcing it.

@Revival321 - 17.08.2020 05:43

Sam you should video record your discussions... Audio lectures are not very engaging... Your video discussions will get far more views than audio ones...

@Nick23at63 - 17.08.2020 04:22

This is nothing more than the talking point the MSM has been spewing at us from day 1. Why doesn't the doctor talk about the comorbidities of the people getting ill and dying? Last I saw, 90% of the people having bad effects of this virus are either, obese, diabetic, have cardiovascular disease, are cancer survivors, or elderly. The vast majority of people who get this virus don't even know it. Over 99% survive the virus.

It sure would be nice if the bozos in the world's healthcare industry actually cared enough for the patient to get them healthy instead of blaming others once the shit hits the fan. How bout preventive care? How bout Keto diets, or other low carb diets, with plenty of vegetables? Instead, the powers that be push processed food that leads to bad outcomes, and these doctors don't mind at all, since they'd go out of business if everyone was healthy.

One last thing, this doctor raves about Fauci. Well, does he realize that Fauci as director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases donated over 7 millions dollars to the Wuhan Lab to study "Gain of Function" and bat coronaviruses? There are countless experts now saying this was a man-made virus, and it is possible it started at the lab Fauci funded. Fauci has something to hide.

@Nick23at63 - 17.08.2020 04:08

My god, Sam, you don't think it matters where the virus came from? What if it did escape from a lab, don't you think someone should be accountable? Pretty effin ignorant observation on your part there.

@rodneycraft1005 - 16.08.2020 23:22

Until we get people who understand and accept evolution as fact, we can expect more and more calamity. I propose we're well past the event horizon. The nation is heading into a Trump Black Hole that will shred everything. We can't escape. Its baked in. Please someone tell me why I'm wrong. Give me a plausible way forward that is realistic. This ignorant death cult isn't going anywhere. Sometimes empires collapse. Enjoy the historic view.

@notbob8252 - 16.08.2020 22:26

United States the situation reminds me of the foundation series the third or fourth War like the one against The Intergalactic society that had you know Shields and ships they just couldn't produce you know things like home appliances

@mytruckownsit - 16.08.2020 17:54

Really sad you don't care about the rest of the world to not mention the WHO once... Quit making it political Sam.

I remember you calling Trump a xenophobe for blocking travel from Europe but especially china... I thought you were smarter than to Monday morning quarterback. Still love you!

@kedy9469 - 16.08.2020 13:41

Also listen to Sage of Quay radio and Corbett report !

@marcevan1141 - 16.08.2020 09:46

Sam Harris has admirably taken this pandemic seriously from the start. What I don't get is how can he not be disgusted and enraged by other members of the so-called "IDW" who have behaved so despicably during this crisis. I'm specifically referring to Candace Owens, Dave Rubin, and Ben Shapiro.

@Jmp153 - 16.08.2020 08:06

When we getting some more Paul bloom episodes come on lol

@cinemar - 16.08.2020 04:22

No mention whatsoever about how the protests would have significantly been a colossal spanner in the works as far as the spread of Covid goes. I would have loved to hear Siddartha's response to being questioned about the virtue signalling doctors and nurses cheering on the thousands of moronic protesters.These protesters that are currently ignoring social distancing regulations that pre Floyd were declared rule of law for anyone who dare defy them. But apparently chanting against the myth of Police brutality exclusively targeting black people doesn't spread the disease. That would've been nice to hear. This was a softball interview and yet another reason for Sam to express his TDS.

@julian_b - 15.08.2020 16:49

I think this discussion doesn’t concentrate enough on the wider affects on public health when so much attention and effort is given to only one thing.

In the UK, preventative care has practically ground to a halt. So the amount of people with undiagnosed serious conditions, such as cancer, probably far outweighs COVID-19, and will have a far greater impact on people’s long term health and life expectancy. Also things like the affects on long term health that an economic crash brings. A reasonable argument can be made on why the government reactions have been disproportionate and short sighted. But the narrative has been pushed so hard that only one side is ever heard, and straw man arguments are immediately made to people who raise these concerns. I dare Sam to have a discussion about this.

@martymattina4978 - 15.08.2020 15:43

The most disturbing new insight I got from this was Sam getting his NEWS from CNN.

@matthewkilbride1669 - 15.08.2020 12:42

Do these Trump supporters listen to Sam just to hear his TDS? If you think he’s good on other topics, you just may want to consider whether he’s right about Trump too

@donkeyrhomper - 15.08.2020 06:16

"It still appears to be rare that asymptomatic individuals actually transmit onward.'' WHO

@compellingpoint7802 - 15.08.2020 06:15

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. ― Marie Curie

@mattinoleggero2707 - 15.08.2020 04:45

Just make it free and advertise.

@TeachingLiberty - 14.08.2020 22:02

He seems a bit bias and personally involved in some of this. He gets it right with the masks the nursing homes and the ability of the CDC and FDA, but it's a bit scary to think that he thinks we should have had a lock down more the style of Europe with police in our streets questioning us if we leave - No thank you! Plus, I have not seen any evidence to suggest that those places had markedly different outcomes than us (NZ is not very comparable bc of its a small island and got a different strand; they are an outlier if anything). We need rapid testing that can be done cheap, quick and easy from your home. They were talking about this on Med Cram recently. Best of luck to everyone and especially to those with students - this school year is going to be very interesting...and revealing...

@ctpierce181 - 14.08.2020 21:27

Siddhartha Mukherjee is a brilliant guy but not an Epidemiologist. Still worth a listen
He is a physician, biologist, oncologist, and author. He is best known for his 2010 book, The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer that won notable literary prizes
