Drag Me To Hell Movie Ending Scene

Drag Me To Hell Movie Ending Scene

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@derrviel - 30.12.2023 17:24

This movie is full of cheap jump scares and the main character is always doing nonsensical stuff. The graphics are horrible too, but that's understandable since the 2000s didn't have good graphics in general. They could have done away those cheap jump scares with cheap graphics and made use of a good creepy setting instead. I don't understand why people are raving this film

@Matthew0606X1999 - 27.12.2023 16:43

This is a truly unforgettable horror ending. Making the scene and our fear for Christine even more effective, is that her last words as she was getting fatally dragged to hell and her skin melting off, exploits that fear in full measure. It’s much like some of the deaths in Final Destination like Nora, we really didn’t want to see her die, and the last moments of the character as their death happens hits harder when it does happen.

@TedHarris7 - 27.12.2023 14:47


@11baggio11111 - 26.12.2023 01:48

Friend, don’t end up in Hell for eternity! Turn to Jesus today, He came to save us from our sins and give us life. Turn before it is too late! Repent of your sins and trust in Jesus, it is the only hope we have. John 3v16

@ZoidiusPlasmaReaper - 24.12.2023 23:15

I think seeing her skull mixed with that horrified expression as she is pulled down is what really sells the complete horror of watching someone being literally dragged into Hell. You can only imagine how much worse it must be once she is down there.

@Gamaliel39023 - 24.12.2023 21:42


@chocolatemami3956 - 22.12.2023 22:15

I’m sorry but all she had to do was giv someone the Button…

@NegatingSilence - 22.12.2023 03:51

The thing that really bothers me about this is that people who borrow money and don't pay it back are the ones who should be going to hell.

@shocktriple - 19.12.2023 17:07

Justin Long should hand over that button to Doom guy.

@JulioLopez-lj3ch - 19.12.2023 03:37

People who says that she was innocent, are clearly no hearing her lines in this scene.

"Yeah, i conciously, intentionally and by my own will decided to not help the old struggling lady with the loan just to make my coworkers think i am cool"

@dreamsofabutterfly7603 - 16.12.2023 17:53

when i was a kid like 12-13 this movie terrified me for years , the effect was long long long long after i firstwatched it, I couldnt be alone anywhere for too long i thought boogeylady was gonna come , a cornerstone to our lives fr.

@scribble9431 - 15.12.2023 09:29

Seriously speaking. This is what will happen to all of us, even worse, if we don't believe in Jesus Christ. Because He is the only way, the truth and the life.

@simonmaverick9201 - 14.12.2023 13:58

That film is brilliant BUT - I will never watch it again. It is so visceral it tears at your soul - it is beyond terrifying.

@csrv1 - 13.12.2023 10:23

If you really analyze the movie she committed all 7 deadly sins.. ganush’s discernment picked up on her bs and in this ending she admitted she committed the sin knowing she could have helped her which makes her sin an iniquity, which is the worse of all.

@IvelisseFigueroa - 12.12.2023 00:28


@IvelisseFigueroa - 12.12.2023 00:28

That made me cry 😭 I thought it was gonna be a good ending she didn’t deserve that, damn.

@deathsinger1192 - 10.12.2023 23:11

That clip of her disappearing into the ground I had seen before, but it was merely a shadow in my mind, hard to imagine it was actually something, because it seemed like way too unimaginable. Like, this is the kind of way to be "pulled into hell" that's so literally, you think it can't be portrayed seriously.

@nickolodeon5959 - 07.12.2023 23:23

Useless boyfriend.

@VoiceOfTheEmperor - 07.12.2023 18:34

You forgot the Epilogue where the BF starts killing the gypsy family that cursed her in increasingly sadistic ways to try and get her back.

@robertalba7482 - 07.12.2023 03:41


@fogz - 05.12.2023 22:38

I remember having nightmares because of this ending 😂

@sed7121 - 04.12.2023 15:12

best ending ever.

@wolfsbanealphas617 - 03.12.2023 04:48

Theirs a fanfic we’re just as she’s dragged Jesus Christ saves her telling all she had to do was come to
Him in the first place and the demon would not touch her but she went to all those occult practices and opened up
Her body to them learn from this and accept the lord she gets to live her life and the lord walks through hell in triumph

@Lochnivar - 02.12.2023 20:17

Moral of the story = Don't be a c**t.

@crystalpeaches7825 - 02.12.2023 18:14

im just so glad justin long survived this film

@hansnoor9637 - 02.12.2023 17:13

Raimi really hates those banker dwellers

@Dislike-kq9uq - 02.12.2023 15:15

Me when Button

@mineimusprime7004 - 02.12.2023 12:41

Relationships can be hard

@incidertrading3798 - 30.11.2023 13:03

Drag Me To Hell isn't a "great" film in my opinion. It's good. But it sure as hell didn't deserve only $90mln at the box office. It tripled it's budget but come on.

@agoogleuser6892 - 30.11.2023 12:12

If only Milos did his job right

@mr.n7237 - 29.11.2023 15:27

All this because a woman couldn't just pay her bills with social security. You sometimes forget why people hate Romanians... because of this stereotype.

@jayhawk9014 - 25.11.2023 21:50

The title is the ending..

@shaunscowcroft9 - 24.11.2023 14:26

Look on the bright side, at least they didn't have to scrape her up.

@korosuke1788 - 24.11.2023 06:33

With no context, she goes to hell because she suicided. Nobody pushed her there and she could be acting, in an attempt to fool god.

But do not worry. Gods do not exist. The current ones have always been iteration of older deities. There is no hell.

@theslicefactor4590 - 23.11.2023 00:25

Allison Lohman must've had fun filming this scene.

@MrClapTrap - 22.11.2023 17:52

This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen 😂

@cracknoir8397 - 22.11.2023 07:06

So the idiot boyfriend after all trat picked up the coin any way

@21minute - 21.11.2023 06:19

Some scenes in the film were over the top, but the intro and ending scenes were so impactful.

@himynameisfin - 20.11.2023 17:32

This movie was great but it's absolutely crazy that people try to justify the ending, including Raimi before he backtracked.

Humiliating her or declining her loan is not deserving of having her soul tortured for all eternity and it's crazy that it's even debated.

I hear a sequels in the works and I personally hope Justin Long returns to save her soul by making a bargain of some kind, and perhaps reunite with her in the afterlife.

@jeh-gp9rm - 19.11.2023 10:00

Poor Ziggy Jennifer Alex John David Todd Ted Bob Beverly and INVOLVED, LOL.
Monarch Hotel Unit's
San Francisco CA

@giancarlorodriguez8623 - 18.11.2023 15:24

She realized what she did was wrong way too late. She didn't give the loan extension out of greed to get that position in her job. I honestly would not have the heart to do that.

@mahnoornadeem9706 - 18.11.2023 09:14

What was button means. Why was so scared, did she grabbed the wrong one ?

@ratuadilFF - 18.11.2023 06:24


Mbah iblis fokus pada koruptor dan lgbtq seluruh dunia

Anda mau menolong palestina?
G abung dulu jadi tim red flag

1. Jangan minta mati,
2. Jaga keluarga, sayangi keluarga
3. Jangan lgbtq
4. Jangan narkotik,

Lalu kirimkan aku al fatihah, kalo ga tau tanya ulama,

audzubillahiminasy syaiton nirozim


Pembantaian genocida israel, DAJJAL DAJJAL DAJJAL osiris , YASMIN ATLANTIS, ZEUS, ARES , PAGAN BAHASA, TULISAN, mekanisme store setan jin perdag, KEBATINAN, SEMEDI, AURA, OSCAR, TRANSGENDER BANDUNG QUARY, TWO TOWER, GREEK GOD, EGYPT GOD, CLOUD, BUFFALO BILL, OLIMPIC GOD, SATURNUS, THE ROOT, FBI, hutang piutang, cicilan manusia, ancaman makhluk planet kang rampok, ufo et, green man, marina, ratu samudra lesbi, MOSAD, DAN SEMUA KAPITALIS MEREKA mekanisme quantum udik, pixel, binari, matrix udik, Excel, cgi, pool lever saturnus, UK CHARLES TIM INDIA , HINDU , BLACK ROCK mekanisme thermal, optikal, math, sains, akselerasi, fractal, james, gold, mercury, semen , israel, uranus, pluto, keppler add, venus, kartu2 APOCALYPSE, ufo olimpik trade, octa trade, ie, 888 zombie, WISNU, BR, TRONIC dragula, studio alpen pelacur trans seluruh dunia dan roma, vatikan, produk2nya,edi botak , caravan rio wagon, roy eli novi lia ufo, green man, hobit, pembantaian tentara AMERIKA NATO yg menyerang. CANADA , keluarga islamku, kanibal, bad wolf kashmir, khan, hin, tranduil , enterprise, waktu ,ambon preman pendulum, gate, portal, mirror, merlin, tranduil, sauron, arthur, uk, tim, mafia kecil ngerasa gangster kelas atas, perjudian , perjudian haka, triad, yakuza, hantu2 asia zionis israel, zionis vatican, uk pilip dukun bule, saqahayang, gus, germo pelacur, narkotika, banci transgender, tailan banci, singapur, sebagian amerika, sebagian australia erwin, irwan hin, novi , dep forest, dajjal tim dajjal , koruptor, mekanisme chi, effort, efek , doa2 kpd dewai2 basi tentara dajjal, lgbtq, kartel mafia , kelompok dendi, dukun , 88 parapuan , sony dago bandung banci polisi narkotika, lampung kriminil, jalur narkotika , bala , jamal, voodoo primitif, Voodoo Tronic robo,keluarga iblis , balak dan yg mau balak mati, Bima Krisna Sifa Al hin Irwan India, Novi Eli, Rama Sifa ular, PEMBANTAIAN KELUARGA AMEL SUAMI DENDI, DAN WIKA LAKNATULLAH, BUZZER ISRAEL DAN SELURUH STALKER KUE KEPARAT, DENDI DAN KARO BATAK MEDAN KEPARAT, SEMUA PEREMPUAN YG STALK AKU DAN KELOMPOK BLACK PARADE SARI, SANTI , YUNANI, JEPANG HANTU TUHAN HANTU ARMY HANTU MENUJU KEMASA DEPAN, INSHA ALLAH menjaga timku AMELIA MEDAN, AMEL BINI DENDI DAN KELUARGA SINGAPURNYA, PT 2, KONTRAKTOR, WIKA, TAILAN, GANESA, WISNU, BIMA, BAAL, TRANSFORMER, NOVI ELI, NUNIK, DUKUN GARUT KUNINGAN, GIPSI, bright champs, mekanisme usia ,mekanisme nama, mekanisme warna, mekanisme suara, james, jimi jay, will, jesi, vlog, blog car , shark , Marina, fish primitif , dukun Kalimantan, dukun Taiwan, dukun apa aja , om

Power code Allah Hakim DOA KIAMAT

@Ang3L69__ - 16.11.2023 00:55

Whenever I see something this shocking, I tend to get h4rd. IM NOT A PERVERT ALR?? It js gets me irritated and disgusted.

@mingodingo - 15.11.2023 03:26

This movie just seemed unnecessarily mean-spirited. Hard to feel like Christine deserved any of that since the old lady died like the next day anyway, what does it matter that she didn't get a loan extension on the house?

@LouiseJereh - 11.11.2023 17:49

This movie traumatized me as a child
