Understanding Sending and Return Tracks in Ableton Live 11 (2021)

Understanding Sending and Return Tracks in Ableton Live 11 (2021)

Collective Intelligence

3 года назад

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@cekirdekci32 - 15.11.2023 03:09

lol beginners channel

@rapparoo - 14.06.2023 13:54

Phew ! Thanks, understand them now !

@tyronegrordon4566 - 11.06.2023 18:49

Best explanation so far>> Thank you

@jakeabraham3469 - 28.11.2022 15:45

Farout every other Ableton tutorial is dogshit apart from this guy

@animesh891 - 17.11.2022 10:37

thanks bro

@tanitoxeolee5767 - 13.10.2022 09:49

sir, your the best lecturer.

@athinagorask - 16.09.2022 22:30

Hello! Thanks for the video! I have one question:
You are about to record some vocals and you have some vocal tracks (lead vocals and vocal layers) that require the same default plugins to get started. For example, you might have a standardized plugin chain like EQ, DeEsser, Compressor, Saturator, Reverb and Delay with default settings for every vocal track you produce.
To save CPU, instead of inserting this plugin chain in each vocal track, people usually suggest using a Return track and inserting the plugin chain there. Then, it's advised to increase the Send level of the vocal tracks to let the audio pass through the Return track and then to the Master.
However, unless the output of the vocal tracks changes from Master to Send Only, you will have double audio going through the master (the audio from the vocal tracks and the return track).
You could also group the vocals and send them to the return track, which leads to the same issue but with less flexibility in the individual tracks.
My question is what is the best practice in the above example, considering the need for further effects per track down the road, as well as gain staging and mixing overall?
Thank you!

@littlegoose9860 - 24.07.2022 22:13

Interesting topic. Is it still better to use many sends/returns as in your example (assuming they are needed) vs. per channel insert effects? Also, is it possible to use a hardware effect (i.e., a delay pedal) as a return, maybe via external audio instrument - but have it available as a return effect?

@ddebayan1990 - 02.06.2022 21:26

Thanks a lot man for this, was too much helpful.

@T_Zubaro - 13.05.2022 15:51

What I wonder is, does it even make sense to use it? Couldn't you just turn the WET / DRY knob to where you want it of the reverb in the normal midi?

@muzdawajofficial1838 - 23.04.2022 05:28

you can just copy - paste the effect from track to tack, it gives you more freedom in mixing, right

@TheWEAWrestling - 21.02.2022 23:31

That "When the Levee Breaks" pattern <.<

@bidhanry9740 - 21.12.2021 10:49

I just want to learn how to get reverb while u record your own vocal through headphones, but not in recorded track, the recorded track should be raw. Please help, or if its possible. make a tutorial

@djsarumawashi - 15.11.2021 23:57


@019bc3 - 11.09.2021 16:55

Thank you man. Exactly what I was looking for.

@eziosuncle3018 - 08.06.2021 02:41

Brilliant explanation - as usual! Thanks!

@crushdesign - 03.05.2021 23:48

thanks for the videos - slow and clear explanations as usual. Do you only ever make trance (nothing against trance btw) ?

@FrostysTunes - 07.04.2021 15:43

very helpful video!

@cordlesswire - 07.04.2021 15:04

is there a way to get just the wet sound, without any of the dry sound? for instance, if you applied a massive delay with a lot of bouncing around, but you dont want to hear any of the dry sound rather just the wet sound, is that possible? i get that the dry/wet knob would do that, but then its too much of the effect.

@bestkoreanjesus - 07.04.2021 12:43

Fresh! Thank you!

@brennanaman1beats27 - 07.04.2021 12:09

Bro, I didn't know those -inf were related to the returns and that you could add more to the track.. I feel a bit stupid but also really hyped that I now know what should really be lesson 1 information . Thanks Andrew

@WatuJWNO - 07.04.2021 11:46

What a strike of tutorials
