When a woman challenges a man she immediately regrets it

When a woman challenges a man she immediately regrets it

Ultimate Martial

1 год назад

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Brad West
Brad West - 23.11.2023 03:40

Annoying video

rOnDpOgi - 21.11.2023 16:10

some women can defeat men especially if rules are involved. but in a streetfight, i don't know.

Musigmus - 21.11.2023 03:38

I do appriciate the clips of some genuinly friendly and good sparring here :) That is good training, no matter if its with/against a man/woman/child/senior or junior student. Good stuff.

JRG - 21.11.2023 00:20

Red and blue belts are not bjj fighters they are combat sambo fighters

Hans Dampf
Hans Dampf - 20.11.2023 01:12

camouflage jokes in urban areas makes no sense at all...
guess these jokes are part of being a smart ass all the time!?

shamus jubenal
shamus jubenal - 19.11.2023 23:42

Oh god stop with the dad jokes. This video blows

Pink Soldier2009
Pink Soldier2009 - 19.11.2023 08:46

I’m pretty sure most of these men feel uncomfortable grabbing a woman like that. Otherwise they’d likely win every time.

J.F Norfleet
J.F Norfleet - 19.11.2023 04:06

A woman like 🌹 is a diamond in the rough.

Taqi al-Faris
Taqi al-Faris - 18.11.2023 11:50

What I don't usually like about sparing women is that they go way too hard, even on each other. They get used to the fact that guys can take it and that they are usually holding back.

me anon
me anon - 18.11.2023 01:04

If she isn't on gear and shaves her beard daily she isn't beating me. Don't care how big or skilled she is. No natural woman is beating me

C H - 17.11.2023 23:13

Just stick to making sandwiches ladies...

SakuraGamingCo - 17.11.2023 20:55

The belt colors in the jiu jitsu matches are just signify the different sides, it’s typically the same with all martial arts tournaments. One side is blue one side is red to make scoring easier.

Xan Solskjær
Xan Solskjær - 17.11.2023 09:12


Caligula - 17.11.2023 08:31

Man what is the narrator describing?? All the shit he is saying has nothing to do with the fucking clips being shown

ImOnIt4272 - 17.11.2023 05:59

Most f3male competitors compete like they have something to prove (because they, through every fault of their own, do). It’s a thinking (and performance) akin at best to adolescent boys.
If the men didn’t take it easy on them, they’d be in the hospital…often the morgue.

susuyay - 16.11.2023 22:21

first dude has a biological, muscular and heigt advance. His height gives him mre speed and she has more openings for him to strike.

Dave - 16.11.2023 03:00

My friends and I used to have a ton of fun sparring in the front yard with gloves until some idiots ruined it. We understood the assignment, but then the lines started to blur a bit. We had a great thing going but my friends started talking about our gentlemens spar sessions and suddenly a few people from our high school wanted to join in. The more the merrier as long as they're good sports and understand the assignment.

It got to a point where people felt like it was a safe place to squash their beefs and after getting caught in the middle one too many times I took those people aside and said "Look, you're welcome here but you hit me and I can tell you aren't sparring. Don't make this into something bigger than it needs to be."

I'd offer to show them how to spar but they didn't like light contact and some people just want to punch a hole into whatever is in front of them. Once I realized who the problematic people were, I'd offer to spar with them (after making sure the other fighter was okay) and the second they'd try to throw a haymaker, I'd let out a little flurry to see how they react. 7/10 they'd get embarassed, then angry and then they'd start swinging for the fences.

That's when you have to break their ego, they never have any footwork or breathing skills so I'd gas em out and then ragdoll them once or twice, pick them back up and ask if they want to keep going. Only once did it get kinda serious when one of them took their gloves off and came after me. I'm 6'5" and 235 and for the life of me I can't understand why smaller dudes tend to have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to getting checked but you do what you have to do to humble those types of people.

After every fight, we all shook hands... sometimes after the shake people would be told to never step foot on my block again unless it's with an apology but that was where it ended. It's all about respect and athleticism when it comes to contact sports, don't show up with a bad attitude or a mindset that you're gonna hurt somebody and you can have a lot of fun.

FROSTblizzurd - 16.11.2023 00:41

One striped white belt😂

Unknown User
Unknown User - 15.11.2023 19:07

I dont understand why dudes are so happy to beat up girls? What era do we live in? The f4gg0t era? So proud to prove you can take a girl? Loser mentality. Go try what you're saying on a grown man that train in combat.

I'murpapi - 12.11.2023 09:51

Thug rose

Badwolf - 12.11.2023 00:04

He could have ended that fight but chose not to, the large girl knew he was letting up.

e ygs
e ygs - 10.11.2023 11:24

nice troll

Tim Rollins
Tim Rollins - 10.11.2023 02:47

Dont take it easy on a woman. Put yourself in a man's place then get a man's punishment

Daniel Arellano
Daniel Arellano - 09.11.2023 23:48

Rose Namajunas will beat any man who is not trained in MMA. I mean just regular joes out there.

chaosgyro - 09.11.2023 19:53

Did martials arts for several years, TKD and Muay Thai, and it's common etiquette to return fire as hard as you're receiving. A lot of people don't realize how hard they're going during sparring until they get a few pops back. (Been on tbe receiving end of that myself more than once 😅) It was a good learning experience for most of these ladies.

Black Jew
Black Jew - 09.11.2023 13:35

you simp

Jiekobu Jikan
Jiekobu Jikan - 07.11.2023 10:10

huh? women? women able to beat men in combat? wake up! theres a reason why most domestic violence where women get beaten by men is becos they are weak "physically" no matter how strong independent mentality they think of themselves they cannot change the physical difference

Kolij boss
Kolij boss - 06.11.2023 17:14

God bless and keep safe, guys. Jesus be praised for life, Amen.

mike smith
mike smith - 05.11.2023 16:13

Yeah, but Hollywood distorts and fabricates every physical interaction between men and women. Of course, the women dominate the fight in a Hollywood movie buffing the attitude of most American women. They truly believe everything they see in the movies or TV. Problem is when they go out in real life and unfortunately for them, reality will set in real quick.

B G - 05.11.2023 07:49

Yeah the two in the thumbnail are just moving around, barely qualifies as sparring.

Emmaaaaa - 04.11.2023 18:30

What most of you guys don’t know, especially with bjj, guys and girls get paired all the time during sparring, it’s not a uncommon thing at all. You all making it about gender and who’s stronger then who. At the end of the day it’s about technique(BJJ). for the Muslim girl saying “she had it coming” “she’s training too hard” there is no such thing as “training too hard”. Some people like to be lay back while training but others like it train like they are competing, as it helps so much with stamina. The tall girl in the beginning you were literally just shitting on her for what reason? Moral of the story, you guys don’t actually care about the fighting, you just care about the fact that the guys in this video are winning against girls. Because I know for a fact if you had these same fights but the girl was a guy you all wouldn’t be saying shit.

Franc Coeur Guy
Franc Coeur Guy - 04.11.2023 08:26

why do you accept to fight a woman.. this is my question.... they are stupid or what... lol

Lucyinthesky - 03.11.2023 23:27

It is very very hard when you know you are already psychical defeated just by being a women. That’s no fun life. And truly feels demeaning for everything you feel on your inside.
I’m luckily a tall ferm female. That’s something that gives me mental power. And just because of that luck I’m probably more confident and less vulnerable.
I’ve dodged a bullet many many times simply by living my life in the way that I want to. That meant walking home past midnight all alone (and being followed and harassed) Or having my beverage spiked. Or even just smiling friendly to a stranger passing by.
Fact is females don’t experience the world the same sadly..

Being confident with that luck of being tall and angry is probably what saved me many times for eerie situations instead of my actual strength.

That said I always despised living by the giving notions I was brought up with. That being a women means you had adjust your behaviour to the mad predators in the world.

I carry a lot of anger inside because of that restriction society lays on us.
And still to this day feel that death would be a better option than to surrender to such beast..

Stu Marston
Stu Marston - 03.11.2023 22:50

I once arm wrestled a woman and it was so easy. After I won I jumped up and was yelling BOO YAH. I was pumped. I don't think my Grandma is ever gonna wanna arm wrestle me again.

james fiaco
james fiaco - 03.11.2023 21:42

(8oo) Today's mixed martial artist should be able to entertain educate in a manner that makes fans and spectators want to introduce this kind of discipline into their everyday life as a way to improve upon one's overall health and functionality Victoria Lee was well on her way to proving this theory without going out of her way. I believe I have 3 to 5 years to prove it to myself Even though she is not in the physical to witness it. She can still get full spiritual recognition for martial arts being the fastest and most efficient way for one to learn their own body's capabilities and limitations thus becoming physically fit mentally sound spiritually balanced being able to express physical freedom which is one of the primary keys in a person being able to constantly consistently live up to the pleasure potential responsibility of femininity and masculinity. If you would like to try and help keep her dream alive you can wish or prey combination of both? For her much-needed spiritually sought after soul and spirit To transcend through and within time similar to if she had got to live out all her life's dreams to the fullest extent. And then live in accordance to validate such a confession of love. For anything less is just the same old predetermined systematic response to life-and-death which is God bless rest in peace mercy forgiveness forgive and forget. Without knowing the situation in its entirety without personalizing justice and progress will never be for the mass majority. V8

TheOriginalBee - 03.11.2023 18:20

I can’t believe we have reached a point in society where we have to defend the FACT that men are vastly stronger than women.

David Fink
David Fink - 03.11.2023 15:32

That's cute. These women in the vids can surely hold there own against another girl. But when a girl tries to be a man, she loses every time against a man. But when a man tries to be a woman, he breaks all their records. Girls suck at being men, and aren't as good as men when men are trying to be women. Go figure

Michelle Brooks
Michelle Brooks - 03.11.2023 00:18

I like how the married guy let his wife go at it and smiled. good guy.

Jawsh - 02.11.2023 10:33

Good god your horrible jokes probably hurt me more than any of these punches would

James Brown
James Brown - 01.11.2023 15:55

The fact that Miesha Tate was ragdolled by a 14 year old boy who weighed 35 pounds less than her just three weeks before she became UFC champion just goes to show the difference in physicality between men and women 🧐

MUTED - 01.11.2023 06:27

If u women don't want to sit on your phones all day, then practice fighting

namnug69 - 01.11.2023 03:31

Thug Rose 🤘

Len En
Len En - 30.10.2023 11:37

Woke women:
Men and women should be equal

Also woke women:
