Reggie Wright: Keefe D Files To Dismiss Case, Snitches On All LA D-Boys In The Process!

Reggie Wright: Keefe D Files To Dismiss Case, Snitches On All LA D-Boys In The Process!


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@Rtboy954xx - 14.01.2025 04:09

Reggie trained snoop how to play the fence cuz snoop was reggs lil boy on the inside inside somebody asked if reg was a cop lol what a simp

@jamiemcdaniel4561 - 14.01.2025 04:23

TJ Kirkland was living with von zip at that time said it on Vlad TV He seen the check for a million THAT COME OUT TJ'S MOUTH 💯

@ClaudeBaisden-ov6bb - 14.01.2025 04:28

Reggie man cmon bruh we like the scoop and all the relevant news but bruh ur delivery is AWFUL man take a few speech classes at ur local community college

@williamward3492 - 14.01.2025 04:36

Looking good regg hope all is well brotha

@davidportillo7068 - 14.01.2025 04:56

Why are you saying all this about keefe D ? It’s pretty obvious 😂😂😂 you’re so guilty Reggie 😭

@ras6016 - 14.01.2025 05:08

Shut up Reg you live in Corona hahahahaha.

@jerelcdberepchambliss2655 - 14.01.2025 05:41

Reggie you a federal informent i saw the paperwork & new Tupac documentary on Tubi

@trainru8117 - 14.01.2025 06:15

Ru.I.P. To the BiG Homies BiG Homie A.C. Moses aka 👑King Bobalouie. (STARTING LINE-UP, both sides)

@shankrock2299 - 14.01.2025 06:19

As always Reggie brings the heat

@pep2st8p64 - 14.01.2025 06:29

This cat been milking this topic for so long..smh..Cali was burnin and this cat still talkin bout Pac...

@8grove - 14.01.2025 06:36

Reggie Wright is a double agent

@andreoates8405 - 14.01.2025 06:38

For the past four years Keefe want to be famous he wrote a book about it every time he turn around he was running his mouth boasting and flossing what he had done taking out Tupac, too late now Keefe you are on your way. You ain’t never getting out, now you’re really famous👽

@djkevanati5494 - 14.01.2025 07:19

Bring back the Bomb 1st forum

@ZappTwist6223 - 14.01.2025 07:59

So you say cop's don't like snitchn, but you snitchn on Keefe D,oh it's content so its not snitchn 😊

@ronwarner7314 - 14.01.2025 08:41

Im tired of people calling it snitching,its called content these days,shout out Big Reg.. prayers for California.

@cesarguerra8102 - 14.01.2025 09:57

Dear John...

You DON'T need to film yourself to sell an ad on this channel.

Please STOP it 🛑!

@Choppin_game_209 - 14.01.2025 10:10

Stockton California in the building

@jermainejames3741 - 14.01.2025 10:25

Where is MOB James bring him back

@melvincarltonscooterjohnsoniii - 14.01.2025 11:38

where's tha paperwork 4 that title...

@DeniseJacks267 - 14.01.2025 11:54

Reggie so OG PIRU PASSED AWAY YOU SAYING ?? Ayatollah Marv??

@RobertHayes-s7x - 14.01.2025 12:54

Comeon wit the commercial talk bro

@hypatos671 - 14.01.2025 14:36

Wat yall think of the fires. Do u think gangs there will never be as strong?

@Ms.Ashley-Matthews415 - 14.01.2025 15:43

Keefe d is a known liar and can't be trusted. I'm not surprised, he told on others. I just wish, Keefe d would admit to being the one with the firearm who unalived Pac. There is no way you can have that many details from the passenger seat. Either you were the driver or the one using the firearm or maybe the one who sat directly behind the driver. But either, way I believe Keefe D is the one who unalived pac. Let's remember Brennan and Ladd had early Intel it was Keefe d at 1st, before they fingered Orlando.

@anthonyvaldez3094 - 14.01.2025 18:15

I believe this dude

@nbafanhehe709 - 14.01.2025 18:37

It’s ironic you calling someone a snitch when there is paperwork of you snitching multiple times online for everyone to read. I’ve read it myself lol. Watch this comment get deleted though because it’s the truth.

@YoungHaveNot - 14.01.2025 19:37

Yo Reggie, leave Keefe alone😂
The man has cancer, just got beat up by the COs and probably gonna spend the rest of his life in prison labeled as a snitch... I feel bad for him

@johnsondoeboy2772 - 14.01.2025 21:42

Reg thanks for breaking down the difference between the Pasadena fires with the Palisades etc. As someone on the East Coast aloy of us just assumed it was all rich areas. U was the first I heard break it down.

@stacksdawg5710 - 14.01.2025 22:13

Wack don't kare, if he can make money off a🐀 he gone fk wit'em...

@dannycamp6791 - 15.01.2025 00:35

Luce cannon say he looking for Reggie 🤣🤣

@Aka_Luthy - 15.01.2025 01:18

I ain’t buying it ,something been off since the start keefe d the fall guy and it seem like the actual people involved in pacs murda are sitting behind the wall praying this man go down for it

@jyde2938 - 15.01.2025 03:46

Dang! It's getting heated. It seems Keefe wants to swing the pendulum to his advantage. 2025 is on 🔥 with the assassination of Tupac. This is going to be epic. Exposé 2025 is seemingly loading.

@jyde2938 - 15.01.2025 03:52

😂😂😂😂😂😅😂😂😂😅😂😅😂... That iconic Reggie forward lean. Bet y'all.know what's up that happens. Reggie will tap on Keefe till fade. Lol

@tonygoins9037 - 15.01.2025 08:22

That boy Keefe been singing like a canary for years i just read that paperwork sheeeeeesh

@luckynutts5237 - 15.01.2025 09:05

Where the link at?

@CashDaGod - 15.01.2025 09:41

Free Keefe D

@justinbrennan9819 - 15.01.2025 09:53

South Side Snitches😂😂😂

@bigjohncasey2641 - 15.01.2025 12:57

Plain and simple, you can't believe a word coming from Keefe D 's mouth. He straight up lies to get himself out of trouble. He admits to him and his nephew killing pac, but lies to begin with, but rats when facing time. He also has to be the dumbest drug dealer of all time naming names. The one thing you never do is give up names of anyone no matter what. You take your bid, do your time. People he named, some are still around. He better hope they keep him inside and in PC cause in his words, Dyammmm. Besides the agreement, he should have known to keep quiet, but he couldn't do that. He kept running his mouth outside the agreement. It's simple, Keefe . All you had to do was shut up and go away, and you would have gotten away with it. Time to pay the pipper.

@bustownbc2787 - 15.01.2025 12:57

Reggie you should try 2 reach out 2 the 2pac estate and see if you can make a video of Pacs euthanasia makaveli chain front and back, and also his makaveli bracelet with red stones...that would be a huge video!!! 2 see his jewelry after all these years...I know u could make it happen...💯💯💯

@bustownbc2787 - 15.01.2025 13:10


@superstarjay2371 - 15.01.2025 17:17

Reggie Wright ain't no different then Rick Ross (RAPPER) !!!!!!!!

@eboneyrice6794 - 16.01.2025 00:06

Where are the papers?

@Jamed900 - 16.01.2025 16:50

Im from the u.k and I'll put my hip hop /2pac/ deathrow and compton knowledge up against anyway one. I've been researching since I was 14 in school back in 2004. I was using Bay 2 LA , streethopnews and knew about all the mop piru goons before anyone had a podcast. Never underestimate your viewers reg. Ain't no one outside of America know who Orlando or Keefe was back in 2004.

@matthewbush2371 - 16.01.2025 17:08

I hope the judge won't let the rat Keefe D dimiss his case 😯😯😯😡😡😡😡

@Scd30079 - 16.01.2025 21:29


@tcfutures - 17.01.2025 02:37

Someone said the thumbnail always looks like Reggie when he notices the waiter coming out with his food 😂😂😂😂

@Ambiguous1981 - 20.01.2025 06:05

I think he was a informit from jump. I think he been taking deals with the fed.

@NYScott-mj6uo - 22.01.2025 07:01

A shot caller is a leader Reg y’all just don’t use that tittle , the Cops know who he is in every section they just don’t last long most of the time

@ElDecinueve - 28.01.2025 16:05

FREE REGGIE! LMAO!!!😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂

@TkMk_cuzz - 03.02.2025 09:34

kefee D is a as. that was long time ago . once a always 😂😂
