Cinema 4D Tutorial - Improve Your Renders (Octane)

Cinema 4D Tutorial - Improve Your Renders (Octane)

New Plastic

4 года назад

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@Tyler-zb6ec - 02.02.2021 16:02

Great tutorial! Could you make another on how to export volumes with render passes?

@kesslau - 02.02.2021 20:16

Honestly never thought about compositing beforehand, this is a great way to get started, really appreciate it.

@ericstringari - 02.02.2021 20:29

Such an awesome tutorial! Been doing some research on render passes with Octane these last couple of days and this is awesome :) Any chance you could do a Part 2 including the ZDepth pass? I've been doing some simulations lately, and that one seemed like an essential pass I should work with. Thank you!

@thefilthyhuman - 02.02.2021 21:01

your tutorials are amazing man! You are teaching me a lot!
Thank you!

@mexihkano - 02.02.2021 21:50

THANK YOU! You answered all the questions I had in one go!

@erickim2796 - 03.02.2021 09:35

I am always looking to improve my renders and this tutorial really helped me take my projects to the next level.

@dmitrypetrov7902 - 05.02.2021 14:20

That is a great tutorial! I would LOVE to see something similar for Apple Motion :(

@krysc4d - 05.02.2021 14:30

No thumbs down! You are definitely deserve this results. Good job!

@JeffWebb3 - 05.02.2021 23:47

Great stuff!

@nairow220 - 06.02.2021 17:42

Hey dude, just wanted to say : really cool tutorial keep going !

@gabkalderon - 07.02.2021 00:35

Too fast ☹️😖 definitely not for noobs (like me)

@generativen - 07.02.2021 00:49

wow this is another level. thank you!

@tropo100 - 10.02.2021 08:09


@unityinfusionmedia9102 - 10.02.2021 22:43

I needed this. Thank you amazing tut do you know how to bake textures with octane as theres no real tut out there that explains the process the way you drove this tutorial home.

@benvesse - 12.02.2021 19:51

Hello. Very great tutorial ! I have a question though. I use a lot "highlight compression" in my camera imager tab. I noticed that in linear tonemape type and color profil, this highlight compression isn't saved in the final image. The image is too contrasted and does not keep all the subtle nuances. I saw you using this highlight compression in other video. Do you have any tips?

@yasirjaved6677 - 14.02.2021 13:42

Great Job! Thanks a lot :)

@azrin - 15.02.2021 12:30

Glad I stumbled upon this in my recommendations! Just subbed, looking forward to more man!

@rewwhiskas4234 - 24.02.2021 15:20

Awesome. Thank you dude! I've been wanting to know about proper compositing like this for so long.. really useful! thx

@WhatIveSeenThere - 26.02.2021 02:39

Wowow this is really handy!! thanks a lot

@3DBONFIRE - 27.02.2021 01:18

Im a big fan of your tutorials already!

@ReeDyEdits - 05.03.2021 18:28

Very cool tutorials my guy! Helps me out with learning all this stuff and starting out with 3D in my edits <3

@geoha6409 - 15.03.2021 06:42

You are awesome

@hisroyalillness - 28.03.2021 17:29

Great Tutorial. One tip: When importing the exrfiles into AE you should set the checkmark at "create composition". That way AE extracts automtically all exr passes for you inside one comp.

@ashishstanley - 12.04.2021 09:52

Hey! i have a SSS object that gives out these caustic, colored shadows on a plane. I'm gonna composite this onto live footage, but i cant find an option to make the shadow catcher pass out a colored shadow. it just gives me a black shadow due to the fake shadows turned on.

@StudioBleenk - 14.04.2021 10:26

Thank you for doing this! I've been so confused on how to properly composite passes

@miph00 - 11.05.2021 13:26

Mind blowing. Thanks

@bloem05 - 11.05.2021 20:37

Is it possible to do this in a video?

@Stefan_Vid - 24.05.2021 15:25

Great looking tutorial,
Just one question, would it be possible to make a pass for the "luie vuitton" logos?
I was struggling to find it, starting to think its impossible :)

Thanks a lot :)

@arthurvalverdepiedra5291 - 01.07.2021 02:35

Super cool video! Thanks for sharing!
Btw AE 2021 handles importing exr sequences pretty well. Barely and inconvenience :). It can even make a contact sheet from all the passes.

@phill.19 - 03.07.2021 00:02

Are you my mummy?

@Willopo100 - 15.08.2021 06:22

Kinda just skips over some important things. Cryptomattes are key. I would do another vid on all this tbh

@avaantgarbdesign8396 - 25.08.2021 00:23

In octane should you leave the camera on rgb or linear? Also do you adjust the gamma in octane or leave it at 2.2?

@yutattsang4802 - 27.09.2021 10:58

thank you very much

@catherinearellano9521 - 02.10.2021 18:07

Thank you!🙏

@varun7477 - 25.10.2021 12:40

Hey man, Thanks for the tutorial. Can you recommend an After Effects Course to learn Compositing in particular.

@grk5800 - 17.02.2022 09:46

Good tutorials!! Now I use the newest version 2021.01.2 there is AOV Manager
And when I check the enable Aov Manager, the render takes 32bit images (renderview was 16bit) ,,

@emilyl2419 - 27.04.2022 23:49

I've only just installed octane and my render settings look a little different from yours. The option for material pass isn't on my screen. Anyway I can fix that? Thank you

@cicciobo961 - 04.05.2022 18:08

Amazing more of this content pls!

@BhabaTheTerrible - 13.05.2022 13:45

hey! great video
But I can't export all in PNG separated :( in the save menu (I'm using octane for cinema4d s24) I can't uncheck "multi-layer file" idk why

@hihihing7302 - 10.06.2022 07:43

Thank you for sharing !!! It's great.

@bloodforfeathers - 02.07.2022 19:59

My multilayer passes are completely black in both the picture viewer and in after effects, I'm using a later version of octane that uses AOV groups, do you have any idea why they are completely black black on the multi-pass layer view in the picture viewer?

@THEIANDO - 10.07.2022 06:45

how would this work with ACES?

@charisbci7445 - 02.12.2022 09:54


@juliensow5597 - 19.02.2023 10:33

Best compositing tutorial so far thanks man! Using the" Object Color Layer" pass on object hidden or covered by other objects (even covered by a glass object) doesn't seem to work, do you have know a work around? It seems to be similar with Crypto...

@lightning4201 - 30.07.2023 18:36

Thanks. Do you have a video on how to ensure the ACES Color Space syncs between AE and C4D?

@이윤성-k5i - 09.11.2023 20:25

really great tutorial

@sidlake5954 - 24.11.2023 20:45

Bro, is there any chance you will make a similar video of your comp process updated to 2023/24 AE, which better supports ACES workflow, etc.? 🐐🤍

@berry3656 - 11.02.2024 11:05

Hello whats the difference between the Ambient Occlusion Pass and Shadow Pass?
