The biology of gender, from DNA to the brain | Karissa Sanbonmatsu

The biology of gender, from DNA to the brain | Karissa Sanbonmatsu


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@dberch100 - 06.12.2023 23:00

This person says what does it mean to be a woman. Obviously this person says they're a transgender, so it was a man. So now we know it's a man that became a woman. He wanted to look like a woman dressed like a woman. Yet he's saying how do you know you're a woman? Or what is a woman? If that's the case you should have stayed in your original state. Transgender men become women are still men. They have lungs like men. Their hearts are the same size as men which are bigger than women. And a bone structure is different than women. Even there
Twitch muscles in their legs they have more than as men. Which is an unfair advantage when a transgender male races in a woman's track. If someone wants to be transgender I think that's awesome it's their choice. But I do not think a transgender. Male to become female should be involved in any sports.
Against other women.

Doctor lise elliott. Among some other people agree that.
There are minor differences.
Between between men and women and their brain. But there's no such thing as male brain, part of a male brain or a female brain, part of a female brain. As this person on Ted talk is describing using the term female part of the brain.
There's no such thing as female part of the brain in a male there are similarities in both brains from a medical standpoint. As for the x x y chromosthere is a slimb percentage of people that get that In men. Usually they're very tall, have no facial or body hair hardly small. Testhat's the pulse, very small penis weak bones with muscle. X x y is considered a syndrome. But they are still considered a male. If someone becomes a transgender.
Because they're uncomfortable having a small penis or not. Feeling like a man due to some personal emotional.
Feelings about their body. So they don't feel like a man because they feel they don't look like a man should. That's called gender Gender dysphoria in which they need to seek help from someone. To say that gender's based off of brain. And say that person is a man but has a female Part of the brain that makes him feel more feminine. And that's why he's feels like a woman. Well no that's just grasping its straws. There are different types of men you're hypermasculine men, masculine men, sensitive masculine men or better yet added with that men with artistic sensitive to fashion. Even a very masculine man can have a fashion sense.. Women can be very feminine to tomboyish, I've dated both. And if this speaker says

@tekkena9159 - 03.12.2023 15:37

Only "Female neuroscientist"?

She desperately looking for acceptance from her audience. She's been through much so not holding against her. 🎉

@Chumazik777 - 27.11.2023 05:37

A dude with peculiar kink for cosplaying women gives a scientifically superfluous talk in attempt to convince himself and others that he is actually a woman

@darkacadpresenceinblood - 12.11.2023 11:36

this was kind of a mediocre TED talk... the lady seems cool and i'm sure she's a good scientist but omg does she not know how to structure a presentation. she tried to speak about general cellular function, epigenetics, her experience being trans, and a general mental health awareness message... all in a little more than 10 minutes. if she picked literally any of these and talked about them all the way through it would've been good. but this way i just learnt nothing... no hate to her, i understand how these are all connected and why she wanted to include them all but it just doesn't work :/

@blugreen99 - 11.10.2023 03:25

BULLSHIT ,ANOMALIES in CHROMASOMES account for only 1 in 5000 cases and cause terrible health and development issues.

@Joey-xr3hn - 08.10.2023 18:23

No your not a woman!! It is what it is

@radubradu - 08.10.2023 00:33

Man in a dress lying about how "science" supports his mental illness.

@Christy-myplace - 06.10.2023 22:26

I love this so much! It’s extremely helpful and will hopefully become common knowledge for those of us who have never struggled with what it feels like to go through this

@hamstring6792 - 02.10.2023 01:54

As soon as I saw him, I knew this was a guy. It's the old "lipstick on a pig" or "silk purse, sow's ear" syndrome. No one is fooled.

@anneautisms5136 - 30.09.2023 01:30

This is my second favorite ted talk of ALL time. And I binge watched like all of them during 2020😅

@mlgtulegit - 17.09.2023 00:52

Isn't gender a sociological construct? Not sure what that has to do with biology. But interesting talk!

@guitarizard - 15.09.2023 21:25

Opens with a non sequitur. Is not the size of the brain it's the number of neurons that makes a difference.

@nbagoats4819 - 25.08.2023 21:49

You're happiest when you're in harmony with your DNA.

@drrd4127 - 20.08.2023 06:41

Is that a man!!! Looks and sounds like a man in a dress!

@fallenonej - 13.08.2023 23:00

"what makes us women is in our brains" 😂
The belief that you're a women is only in your head, not in your genes and genitals, and that's what makes us what we are
Crazy people believe that they can fly, or that there's shadows following them... and that's only in their minds
Genre Dysphoria is a genetic thing and psychiatry named that
Is a decease not a right

@purikim8560 - 25.07.2023 23:28

So gender is social construct, right? And brain development of females and males is different, so what the brain structure has to do with social construct?

I'm actually looking for the answer, if you know it then please respond

@timnewman1172 - 26.05.2023 15:15

Absolutely fascinating! Bringing the science into the debate only strengthens the need to be supportive of trans & non-binary youth and reinforces the true ignorance of "anti-trans" laws that are sweeping across the Nation!

@olivegoddess1 - 28.04.2023 05:41

Incredibly smart, accomplished, beautiful, and feminine. Thank you for teaching me new things. 🥰

@LoveOneSV - 22.04.2023 06:30

The concept of gender affirming healthcare has gained significant attention in recent years. We must keep in mind that this extends beyond just medical interventions and the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of transgender individuals is also just as important if not more important. Data from numerous studies supports that gender-affirming care improves the health outcomes and overall quality of life for transgender individuals. For example, there is proof that transgender youth who receives gender-affirming care report lower rates of depression and suicidal ideation and have improved self-esteem and social support. The ethics of gender-affirming care touches on the pillars of autonomy and beneficence. Following this, it is hard to deny that gender affirming is simply a basic human right. Transgender individuals already face significant barriers to accessing healthcare, including discrimination and stigma not only from the public but also from the providers. Given this issue, competent physicians are not always readily available or accessible to transgender individuals even if they would be allowing to receive the care they need without stigma. This includes the misuse of inclusive language, or lack of respect for individuals' chosen names and pronouns, and lack of policies to protect against discrimination and harassment. Ethical gender-affirming care is a critical component of providing quality healthcare to transgender individuals. It is our responsibility, as healthcare providers, to ensure that transgender individuals have access to the care they need and deserve.

@RoxanneM- - 08.03.2023 00:59

, in fact it was your Conservative party, the GOP who suppressed the science of gender in the 80’s when the Reagan agenda of trickle down stupidity came along. We had decades of research on gender which explained the biology of gender and those books were taken out of publication. It seems banning books is an tradition among Republicans. The research on gender was defunded.

@RoxanneM- - 08.03.2023 00:50

Something strange is happening in our text books. Since when “stress” is only about our internal nervous system alone? Environmental Pollution IS also a form of stress. Why would newer text books leave this out now? I can only think of the editing of our books by the Fossil Fuel industry just like they also “edit” our news.
And as to Genetics. Why is our medical science concentrated on genetics? We KNOW genes do not really create or cause disease. Genes are just a map, so to speak. In order for a disease to happen the genes need to be expressed. One can have genes for a type of cancer and never develop that cancer. Where are we getting all this wrong? Is this where profits enter the equation of science where an expanding knowledge of science stops?
The endocrine system has a lot to do with gender during gestation. But which are those stressors that are making an organism to develop divergent genders within itself?

@stevenc4701 - 22.02.2023 17:23

There are so many, many people who are transgender deeply regret having the surgery. What would this man, who is disguised as a woman, comment on that ?

@FallofDarkness55-Resurrected - 21.02.2023 22:32

You might "feel" like a woman or a man but how you feel has no bearing on your genetics. Gender is one of the inherent attributes of a person's DNA. Individuals with two X chromosomes are female whereas individuals with an X chromosome and a Y chromosome are male. Unfortunately, that's the way it works. Also, if you have the lack of equipment which obviously includes the womb, you're not a woman. I'm sorry that science destroys your feelings and emotional biases.

@FallofDarkness55-Resurrected - 21.02.2023 22:15

Just to reiterate a point I already made in one of my replies, I think the genius kid in the movie "Kindergarten Cop" pretty much nailed what it means to be a girl and a boy. LOL.

@spidgeb3292 - 17.02.2023 09:53

What does "three times smaller" mean? What does that algabraic formula look like?

@markdrummond8589 - 03.02.2023 03:02

This is not a women this is a man who believes it is a woman. Cutting your johnson off dosnt affirm you being a women. If I believe this is ACTUALLY a women I'm the fool not her/it. No offense

@dexgrease5820 - 29.01.2023 22:57

It’s hard to take this serious when it’s coming from a person with an Adam’s Apple

@rustyk4645 - 14.01.2023 20:15

"Asking what it means to be a Woman, isn't really the right Question"

That is literally the question I was hoping you could Prove.

So, science does not show there are Man Brains and Lady Brains then?

@MrMartman777 - 11.01.2023 02:06

The DNA biology is the same as those transitioning to Napoleon Bonaparte. Go figure

@yasdnilknarf1885 - 15.12.2022 15:49

To be a woman you need to be female. Very few woman have mixed chromosomes. The 'woman' is lying and TED talks mean nothing anymore. Anti male and should be banned

@elizabethmok1590 - 06.12.2022 11:34

No matter what they did to their bodies…. They are still trapped in the original creation of what they are born with - very sorry for them - so trapped and confused

@elizabethmok1590 - 06.12.2022 11:32

I sympathize with this man - confused and confusing other… so sorry to hear his pain

@bohancai2006 - 02.12.2022 22:53

Any progress in finding the things talked about in this talk?

@PavelBarkar - 01.12.2022 10:52

What is a woman? Merry one and you'll find out. Jordan Peterson.

@andreirodin2061 - 24.11.2022 02:12

Fascinating: not the info, the fact the the Astro-Physics PhD talks about Neuropsychology.
Also fascinating: how captivated the audience is with this psychobabble.

@johnevans6629 - 18.11.2022 20:23

What is a woman? Lol

@nospagetti3766 - 13.11.2022 17:34

love her- she is a transgender that question her own disability- and found truer and specific answers🤙

@dragonslayer101 - 06.11.2022 19:28

Hey Matt Walsh you don't have to worry anymore, we have the answers for you right here what a woman is!

@samuellundblad5766 - 02.11.2022 15:48

This man is so confused.

@kanmuru1234 - 27.10.2022 15:13

This was 12 minutes live skipping the question with the obvious answer, that gender is by a large amount biological xD

@anneautisms5136 - 28.09.2022 15:22

This is so interesting I love it! I would love to hear how gender fluid people brain develop.

@icysnow57cold64 - 27.09.2022 05:18

I have a question. How do males and females bond with each other? I don't see how men and women can bond (especially romantically) with each other.

Women can build incredible friendships and become very close to each other in a way men can't bond, and science shows that women can bond very well with each other. Generally, women are even more social than men are. After something bad happens, a woman quickly rushes to talk to all of her female friends to get support, whereas a man can isolate himself and grief alone.

Women tend to be more emotional, more caring, more empathic, more compassionate, more affectionate, more loyal, more nurturing, more understanding, more sympathetic, more sensitive, more kind hearted, more peaceful, more calmer, more gentle, more expressive, more intuitive, and more outward than men are, and thus bond more with other women in a special way that they can’t with men. Men, on the other hand, are not that emotional, and thus can’t bond with other men in a special way.

Women are more comfortable being around with other women than they are with men. They have a type of bond that usually men with women won’t really have, or with men and men. Men are usually much lonelier than women are. Men don't often talk about their personal problems with their male friends like how women do with their female friends. Females produce a lot more oxytocin than males do. And that's a reason why women tend to hug a lot more and be a lot more physically affectionate than men do.

@robmoore8393 - 16.09.2022 06:52

If it's true as one transgender writer stated that :
"gender assignment is based on an (false) assumption
that someone’s genitals
match their gender.
However, gender isn’t about someone’s anatomy,
it is about who they know them self to be. "

Then how can someone "transition" to a gender they already are?
Unless, transitioning means changing the appearance of anatomy and intermittently overriding biochemistry with injections.
In that case, why would someone change their anatomy when

"gender isn't about someone's anatomy,
(genitals matching gender in the binary view)
it is about whom they know
themself to be metaphysically."

Changing the appearance of anatomy is
giving in / conforming,
to the binary viewpoint, (since "anatomy does not correlate to gender")

Changing / injecting hormones is giving in / conforming to the binary viewpoint as well.

Depression often occurs when the individual looks back and realizes that they went to all that effort and surgical pain to accomplish nothing but conforming to the non-trans viewpoint that anatomy does (need to) correlate to gender. They are now marching to the beat of the enemies' bigoted and transphobic erroneous viewpoint.

@Wendib711 - 05.09.2022 23:48

She is a beautiful woman and a wonderful presenter. I thoroughly enjoyed her, she seems like a genuine and very intelligent person.

@Ravenzpeak - 31.08.2022 09:05

You make the brain look so pretty! Great talk!

@blazeww4275 - 26.08.2022 23:14

So explain why trans people without extra help get sick or worse when not given things that aren't part of themselves because of their DNA?

Let a trans person do that thing that can change DNA in living people and let's see how it goes. Can they actually change biologically like some frogs do without medical help unlike humans that get sick or worse without help....

There's your ultimate test...

Last time they changed DNA to do something tho the gene that they changed was supposed to make them more peaceful but made the mice super aggressive instead.

And why are they like oh environmental and behavior factors. Behavior damages cells that are meant to work a certain way and fight to stay the way they are. And environmental is no choice and not even who we are either.

@boognewsnetwork7620 - 25.08.2022 17:36

Excellent Ted Talk!
