How To Unlock Your Deadlift Potential & AVOID Common Mistakes | Mind Pump Deadlift Masterclass 2122

How To Unlock Your Deadlift Potential & AVOID Common Mistakes | Mind Pump Deadlift Masterclass 2122

Mind Pump Show

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@IssVontre - 23.11.2023 17:55

Deadlift was never an argument for my
High school football team in south LA. Gym workouts included deadlifts, benching, squatting, 1 leg hops to different dots on the ground (if you know you know😊😢) those were torture, lunges from one end of the field to the next , high knees , 5 min push ups for 20 minutes 😢😢😢 and still only won 2 games 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 I didn’t play😮

@MrAcky89 - 21.11.2023 17:48

Where am I supposed to "feel" it? I feel it in the lower back, but not in a painful way.

Context, I'm a total newbie so starting really light to make sure I get my form true.

@jeepz669 - 19.11.2023 20:28

Dead lift? My back said no

@JAbdulQahhar - 12.11.2023 00:00

This was just what I needed, thank you!

@melaniewoolley4189 - 31.10.2023 11:00

Awesome video, thank you! Deadlifts are by far my favourite exercise. Love the technicalities of it and there’s just nothing like that feeling when you get a great lift!

@Rocket4ce - 29.10.2023 21:01

Deadlifts will transform your body. No other exercise will do that. Luv luv Deadlifts.

@rudyspective1870 - 22.10.2023 21:53

I'm really glad I came across this channel! I'm learning so much, listening to you guys. Thank you!

@prideneverdies1001 - 22.10.2023 01:28

these guys are cringe

@asseatinggoblin9061 - 21.10.2023 01:55

27, been Deadlifting and Squatting for 2 years and just hit my PR for 500 dead’s & 475 squat

@stvinney - 21.10.2023 00:23

Thanks for this!
If you'd have told me a few years back id spend the better part of an hour watching something that exclusively covers the deadlift, Id of said you were nuts
But this is useful

@tpap6827 - 12.10.2023 03:54

Another great video.

I always avoided straps when I lifted at a gym that allowed chalk and had deep knurling on the bar. Then I was at a commercial gym and figured You can work your grip and still use straps to continue to lift heavy. If you can deadlift 700 on some shitty health club bar with straps then use the double over which I do until 405 (straps for 495,585 and 675) and get straps for the higher weight,(the only difference I notice is with chalk I set my feet then drop my hands to the bar quickly which primes me. With straps I am down by the bar for 30 seconds unless I am in my home gym with chalk. I do this rarely all singles. I hit 605 for 6 with leather straps and a belt (that workout plus 3 follow up sessions literally put slabs of muscle on what is already a body part that is dominant. The best deadlift assistance for me are glute ham raised, 45 degree back raise with a loaded bar off floor or far less weight across the back. Zercher squats and hanging leg raises with ankle weights are my favorite trunk stability assistance exercises.

@tpap6827 - 12.10.2023 03:08

I think all elite bodybuilders got big doing them but the Romanian is more beneficial for advanced bodybuilders who can't afford the blow to recovery although the biggest do conventional but do reps which will take a lot out of you. If you incorporate conventional deadlifts it should probably be for a training cycle in the off-season and probably performed 2-4 times a month if using 5 or more plates for multiple sets of 6 plus reps. Another way to incorporate them without enduring the level of fatigue is block pulls 3-8 inches of the floor which are better than pin pulls as the bar travels the same way without the most taxing but the most dangerous part of the lift where it is mostly quads and low back when breaking the floor with the hams and glutes and back more involved as the load is.3-4; inches below the knee when the hinge and thrust come into play. The beginning is like a dead stop short range squat and begins with heels driving into floor while the knee has not been primed

@whoflungdung - 02.10.2023 07:58

I don't know why, but I've always done touch and go and thought that was normal. Now I've learned that I get a 3 second rest pause at the bottom! Awesome!

@frostwolf-bi3yl - 29.09.2023 19:03

I just started deadlifts today with serious intent and I've only been going to the gym for 4 months I'm deadlifting 350 pounds

@the1kidcouple210 - 27.09.2023 06:15

Agree on how different the movements are. They complement each other IMO. My programming switched from conventional to sumo during de-load weeks. And same with squat - back squats mostly and front squats during de-load.

@Hossak - 25.09.2023 02:27

Deadlifting is about perfecting the bracing of your stomach - not banging away at your back like an idiot. So many young guys have fallen for that are will pay the price for decades until they retain properly.

@DrawinGreen - 19.09.2023 06:42

On my deadlift days, i always make sure to come back to this episode. I listen to it while i prepare and have my breakfast in the morning. Valuable information. 🤲🏻🥰

@HolySpiritPhild - 04.09.2023 16:26

Bros, why do you ask me to do high reps (8+) deadlifts in different phases of MAPS Anabolic? Whenever I lift in the 1-6 rep range I am fine. But when I lower the weight and lift in the higher rep ranges my lower back always gets painfully sore. I haven't been able to get any suggestions from anyone because every person that I have asked about this has given me the same response "Why would you perform high reps for deadlifts? They should always be performed in a lower rep range, never more than 6 reps per set." I wish you guess would make a video going over why you program hgher rep ranges for deadlifts in your program.

@steve00alt70 - 29.08.2023 22:19

I got lightheaded after deadlifting my trainer said its normal. But I didnt eat any sugary snack before mybe thats why????

@Resident1157 - 27.08.2023 03:06

I deadlifted last weekend ,,, strippers are heavier than they look 😮

@williamjstites - 22.08.2023 21:42

Can’t wait to share this with all my anti deadlifting friends.

@mikedok1 - 19.08.2023 19:58

I first heard about the pvc pipe on the Elliot hulse Strength camp channel.

@WileyHyena - 13.08.2023 07:24

Justin drives me crazy. Wrong! No, your chin should not be "tucked" when doing a deadlift. C'mon man!

@rpreyer2 - 12.08.2023 20:29

Is there a difference between a barbell and a trap bar deadlift?

@teddyogoye4077 - 05.08.2023 12:18

So much knowledge 👌🏾❤️

@mikew6135 - 03.08.2023 21:42

I always found deadlifts warmed my knees for squats. They didn't hurt my squat weight either. I could still go up to 700+ lbs on squats(not smith machine)

@alfiemarie - 02.08.2023 07:02

i love how adam explains things sm, he's very visual and as a visual learner myself, i appreciate it sm. it really helps me understand things a lot better. like the whole opening a window thing when doing overhead press, picking something up on the floor, shoulder being shrugged forward, the core/spine thing etc.

@kmann627 - 31.07.2023 07:08

Will dead, lifting help with a rotator cuff strain recovery?

@dustinotte - 30.07.2023 19:18

I always use hook grip sucked for the first few months but eventually you get use to it and don’t even notice it anymore

@KingTutVIPER - 28.07.2023 15:24

Great detail!!! Very good episode.

@jeremyhorne6244 - 26.07.2023 20:18

I train my forearms, I find that helps with my ability to increase my dead lift.

@jeremyhorne6244 - 26.07.2023 20:05

Thanks Mind Dudes!

@stormrhode2330 - 26.07.2023 10:13

I started deadlifting pretty late (within the last few years) and don't do it nearly often enough. I've got the wrong build for it, too! Still, I'm hoping to hit 2.5x bodyweight in the not-too-distant future!

@tommyjohn_45 - 24.07.2023 16:54

I used to always shy away from deadlifts in my 20s because my lower back would KILL for 2-3 days afterward. In my 30s, I've focused a lot more on mobility and recently jumped on the Anabolic program and deadlifts have felt incredible.

@rafaelsuarez3382 - 23.07.2023 20:55

Just started deadlifts and you have to be careful. I felt a slight twinge on my right lower back. I had good form and did not rush. However, I added 25 lbs on each side, maybe that was too much to start with. Do you have any exercise that will strengthen the lower back. Thank You

@Jaymaul009 - 23.07.2023 19:44

Leg strength is better for longevity though.

@Cass-gi4kk - 23.07.2023 17:19

holy crap I have never alternated my reverse grip ever in my life, I had no idea.

@laurensimpson174 - 23.07.2023 07:01

THANK YOU FOR SHARING. I just completed a 16 week program and throughout it I was doing RDL's 2-3x weekly. I am talking 4 sets of 10-12. I would attempt to do my max lifts at these. I am a straight up lifting fiend and this program had me so sore and my energy extremely low. Needless to say, I was 100% overtraining. This content, and all of your content, has been so helpful to me. I have been lifting about 2.5 years and so I am an absolute learner and will remain one (in all aspects of life). This is why lol.

@eduenas1999 - 23.07.2023 01:23

I’ve been waiting for a deadlift master class!! Thank you for another great episode!!

@wrightwoodwork - 22.07.2023 21:00

Little question is hex bar the same as a standard bar dead lift. The dead lift cycling actually even trabsfers to cycling and providing a stable platform. When on the seat roll the pelvis forward so you have nice posture the bars represent the bar . The dead or the squat for myself is really about building resistance to fatigue. They dont nessarilly give me a higher peak power but if able to keep pushing at higher sustined power then its working

@1123SA - 22.07.2023 15:39

I’m just a beginner, one year down from lifting weights. I always love deadlift over squats. But my grip can’t keep up with the weight that I’m lifting. I think of using straps but as you said, it’s better not to use it. How can I strengthen my grip more?

@alexferreira6100 - 22.07.2023 03:26

Off season I always pull conventional, and then switch to sumo for a competition prep.

@solo-dofi - 22.07.2023 00:01

Deadlifts have ALWAYS been my favorite exercise ! Hope I can hit that 6 HUNNID LB deadlift like Sal on day after watching this !

@kfrank11 - 21.07.2023 17:15

I'm just finishing Aesthetic and am wondering if I should do Performance or Powerlift next?

@erickhoustonian - 21.07.2023 16:49

all great points, i do trap bar deadlift to protect my back, the issue is with trap bar deadlift is that you are much lower so you cannot keep your arms straight, can you suggest if this is ok?

@hamzmunir9351 - 21.07.2023 15:07

neck masterclass please

@marcelloprola - 21.07.2023 15:05

@mindpumpshow I really appreciate the masterclass, but after years following you I need to share this:

Unpopular opinion: RDL<DL , but (Squat+RDL)>(Squat+DL)
If you do squats, RDL are a "better" choice (in most cases and for most goals).
Why? Here is the Hinge/Squat Continuum:


The more on the left (Hinge), the more knees remains extended (quads can't work).
The more on the right (Squat), the more knees flexion (quads can express their power).

RDL should have priority over DL if you do also squats, because with DL you are not hinging has much as with RDL.
In DL, quads steals still a lot of works from Hams and glutes.
Of course you lift more with DL, BECAUSE YOU ARE ALSO USING THE QUADS, but you are actually training the posterior chain LESS.
Of course DL is a functional/performance movement. Is the most effective way to lift thing, WHEN YOU CAN'T FULLY FLEX THE KNEES (because you have the bar as an obstacle). Actually, a more Squatted position would be more effective, because would enables the quads to help more! (That's why most people can lift more with Trap Bar DL or SumoDL!, they are "squatting" more!)

Most people lift more with DL (compared to Squat) only because in DL you start in a much higher position!
To be fair, you should compare DL with Half squats!
If you had to DL something BELOW the ground, without bar constrains, you would default in a hybrid position in the continuum, depending on your levers/byomechanics, so you could express max power with a combination of quads, hams and glutes.

So, if I had to pick only 1 exercise, probably would be something in the middle: (SumoDL)
If I had to pick only 2 exercises: RDL and Squats, to cover all the continuum.

1) This is purely on a Lower body development perspective. With DL, since you lift more, you will get more gains on the back.
2) Behavioural component: If you have a performance mentality, DL are more suited for you, so that their effectiveness will outweight in practice the theory.
3) RDL are less confusing to perform, since you don't have the knee and hip extension coordination (knee angle is ideally constant). Less functional, but also good for learning how to hinge.
4) RDL also have the eccentric phase, which is a pro in most cases.

@sureshkarda7095 - 21.07.2023 12:47

Getting back into weight lifting and enjoying deadlifts. This episode has been helpful. Shout out from the UK!
